blob: a4dd25bf543ccfbc34068e1a52b06f16ff057c8d [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: TypeError: 'text/plain' is not a valid JavaScript MIME type.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: TypeError: 'text/plain' is not a valid JavaScript MIME type.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: SyntaxError: No identifiers allowed directly after numeric literal
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: SyntaxError: No identifiers allowed directly after numeric literal
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: SyntaxError: No identifiers allowed directly after numeric literal
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 1: SyntaxError: No identifiers allowed directly after numeric literal
FAIL IFrame test: 'iframe_parseError_Root' assert_equals: Unexpected _errorReported value expected "error" but got ""
PASS IFrame test: 'iframe_parseError_Dependent'
PASS IFrame test: 'iframe_parseError_DependentMultiple'
PASS External root module with non-script mimetype
PASS Module with imported non-script mimetype