blob: 0fc62e3282425dcb00dfab245fa23a59b45c02e8 [file] [log] [blame]
Click me Click me Click me Click me Click me Click me Click me Click me
FAIL Anchor element with base target=_blank with rel=noopener Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL Anchor element with base target=_blank with rel=opener Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL Anchor element with base target=_blank with implicit rel=noopener Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL Anchor element with base target=_blank with rel=opener+noopener Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL Anchor element with base target=_blank with rel=noopener+opener Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL Anchor element with base target=_blank with rel=noreferrer Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL Anchor element with base target=_blank with rel=opener+noreferrer Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL Anchor element with base target=_blank with rel=noopener+opener+noreferrer Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL Area element with base target=_blank with rel=noopener Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL Area element with base target=_blank with rel=opener Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL Area element with base target=_blank with implicit rel=noopener Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL Area element with base target=_blank with rel=opener+noopener Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL Area element with base target=_blank with rel=noopener+opener Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel