blob: fd5fb4cc9a4aa6453c13adc487ec6666aebcad06 [file] [log] [blame]
Input Time
PASS time element of default time value
PASS step attribute on default value check
PASS max attribute on default value check
PASS min attribute on default value check
FAIL type attribute support on input element assert_equals: expected "time" but got "text"
PASS max attribute support on input element
PASS min attribute support on input element
PASS step attribute support on input element
PASS stepUp function support on input Element
PASS stepDown function support on input Element
FAIL stepUp step value empty on default step value The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL stepDown step value empty default step value The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL stepUp on step value minus The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL stepDown on step value minus The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL stepUp on step value zero The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL stepDown on step value zero The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL stepUp on step value 24 hour The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL stepDown on step value 24 hour The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL stepUp on step value hour The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL stepDown on step value hour The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL stepUp on step value second The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL stepDown on step value second The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL stepUp on step value with fractional seconds The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL stepDown on step value with fractional seconds The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL stepUp argument 2 times The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL stepDown argument 2 times The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL stepUp stop because it exceeds the maximum value The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL stepDown stop so lower than the minimum value The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL stop at border on stepUp The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL stop at border on stepDown The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL empty value of stepUp The object is in an invalid state.
FAIL set value on not time format value assert_equals: expected "" but got "hh:mi:ss.sss"