blob: 1c770529f2f28a250a541c533c0fbe8d75942377 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Input element programmatic selection support
PASS input type text should support the select() method
PASS input type search should support the select() method
PASS input type url should support the select() method
PASS input type tel should support the select() method
PASS input type email should support the select() method
PASS input type password should support the select() method
FAIL input type date should support the select() method assert_equals: the given input type is not supported expected "date" but got "text"
FAIL input type month should support the select() method assert_equals: the given input type is not supported expected "month" but got "text"
FAIL input type week should support the select() method assert_equals: the given input type is not supported expected "week" but got "text"
FAIL input type time should support the select() method assert_equals: the given input type is not supported expected "time" but got "text"
FAIL input type datetime-local should support the select() method assert_equals: the given input type is not supported expected "datetime-local" but got "text"
PASS input type number should support the select() method
FAIL input type color should support the select() method assert_equals: the given input type is not supported expected "color" but got "text"
PASS input type file should support the select() method
FAIL input type hidden should do nothing when the select() method is called (but, not throw) Type error
FAIL input type range should do nothing when the select() method is called (but, not throw) Type error
FAIL input type checkbox should do nothing when the select() method is called (but, not throw) Type error
FAIL input type radio should do nothing when the select() method is called (but, not throw) Type error
FAIL input type submit should do nothing when the select() method is called (but, not throw) Type error
FAIL input type image should do nothing when the select() method is called (but, not throw) Type error
FAIL input type reset should do nothing when the select() method is called (but, not throw) Type error
FAIL input type button should do nothing when the select() method is called (but, not throw) Type error
PASS Input element programmatic selection support 1
PASS input type text should support all selection attributes and methods
PASS input type search should support all selection attributes and methods
PASS input type url should support all selection attributes and methods
PASS input type tel should support all selection attributes and methods
PASS input type password should support all selection attributes and methods
FAIL input type hidden should not support variable-length selections Type error
FAIL input type email should not support variable-length selections assert_equals: getting input.selectionStart expected (object) null but got (number) 0
FAIL input type date should not support variable-length selections assert_equals: the given input type is not supported expected "date" but got "text"
FAIL input type month should not support variable-length selections assert_equals: the given input type is not supported expected "month" but got "text"
FAIL input type week should not support variable-length selections assert_equals: the given input type is not supported expected "week" but got "text"
FAIL input type time should not support variable-length selections assert_equals: the given input type is not supported expected "time" but got "text"
FAIL input type datetime-local should not support variable-length selections assert_equals: the given input type is not supported expected "datetime-local" but got "text"
FAIL input type number should not support variable-length selections assert_equals: getting input.selectionStart expected (object) null but got (number) 0
FAIL input type range should not support variable-length selections Type error
FAIL input type color should not support variable-length selections assert_equals: the given input type is not supported expected "color" but got "text"
FAIL input type checkbox should not support variable-length selections Type error
FAIL input type radio should not support variable-length selections Type error
FAIL input type file should not support variable-length selections Type error
FAIL input type submit should not support variable-length selections Type error
FAIL input type image should not support variable-length selections Type error
FAIL input type reset should not support variable-length selections Type error
FAIL input type button should not support variable-length selections Type error