blob: ff1470d4ae72b2156b91d89092632cdf65540555 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS An action URL should be resolved relative to the document's base URL (not the document's URL)
FAIL An empty-string action content attribute should cause the IDL attribute to return the document's URL (not the document's base URL) assert_equals: expected "http://localhost:8800/html/semantics/forms/the-form-element/form-action-reflection-with-base-url.html" but got "http://localhost:8800/common/blank.html"
FAIL A missing action content attribute should cause the IDL attribute to return the document's URL (not the document's base URL) assert_equals: expected "http://localhost:8800/html/semantics/forms/the-form-element/form-action-reflection-with-base-url.html" but got ""