blob: 472168f54baa770afef141ecfbca42899bd22ed5 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS test if selection text is correct for input
PASS test if selection text is correct for textarea
PASS test if non-ascii selection text is correct for input
PASS test if non-ascii selection text is correct for textarea
PASS test SelectionStart offset for input that is appended
PASS test SelectionStart offset for input that is not appended
FAIL test SelectionStart offset for textarea that is appended assert_equals: SelectionStart offset without selection in textarea-appended expected 10 but got 0
FAIL test SelectionStart offset for textarea that is not appended assert_equals: SelectionStart offset without selection in textarea-not-appended expected 10 but got 0
PASS test SelectionEnd offset for input that is appended
PASS test SelectionEnd offset for input that is not appended
FAIL test SelectionEnd offset for textarea that is appended assert_equals: SelectionEnd offset without selection in textarea-appended expected 10 but got 0
FAIL test SelectionEnd offset for textarea that is not appended assert_equals: SelectionEnd offset without selection in textarea-not-appended expected 10 but got 0
PASS test SelectionDirection for input
PASS test SelectionDirection for textarea