blob: 32b1ea75eff9484f32bcb8e77989c639552feefe [file] [log] [blame]
FAIL input out of document: selection must not change when setting the same value assert_equals: selectionStart must not change expected 1 but got 5
PASS input out of document: selection must change when setting a different value
FAIL input out of document: selection must not change when setting a value that becomes the same after the value sanitization algorithm assert_equals: selectionStart must not change expected 1 but got 5
FAIL input in document: selection must not change when setting the same value assert_equals: selectionStart must not change expected 1 but got 5
PASS input in document: selection must change when setting a different value
FAIL input in document: selection must not change when setting a value that becomes the same after the value sanitization algorithm assert_equals: selectionStart must not change expected 1 but got 5
FAIL input in document, with focus: selection must not change when setting the same value assert_equals: selectionStart must not change expected 1 but got 5
PASS input in document, with focus: selection must change when setting a different value
FAIL input in document, with focus: selection must not change when setting a value that becomes the same after the value sanitization algorithm assert_equals: selectionStart must not change expected 1 but got 5
PASS textarea out of document: selection must not change when setting the same value
FAIL textarea out of document: selection must change when setting a different value assert_equals: selectionStart must be reset to the end expected 6 but got 1
PASS textarea out of document: selection must not change when setting the same normalized value
PASS textarea in document: selection must not change when setting the same value
PASS textarea in document: selection must change when setting a different value
PASS textarea in document: selection must not change when setting the same normalized value
PASS textarea in document, with focus: selection must not change when setting the same value
PASS textarea in document, with focus: selection must change when setting a different value
PASS textarea in document, with focus: selection must not change when setting the same normalized value