blob: c4a0e12c248ed31aa7aab09961480786b575b2ae [file] [log] [blame]
PASS ImageData(w, h), width cannot be 0
PASS ImageData(w, h), height cannot be 0
PASS ImageData(w, h), exposed attributes check
PASS ImageData(buffer, w), the buffer size must be a multiple of 4
PASS ImageData(buffer, w), buffer size must be a multiple of the image width
PASS ImageData(buffer, w, h), buffer.length == 4 * w * h must be true
FAIL ImageData(buffer, w, opt h), Uint8ClampedArray argument type check assert_throws: function "function () {
new ImageData(new Int8Array(1), 1);
}" threw object "IndexSizeError: The index is not in the allowed range." ("IndexSizeError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError")
PASS ImageData(buffer, w, opt h), exposed attributes check