blob: e9da3e74d2f89f905ac4be3ee18d8026b317e7fb [file] [log] [blame]
PASS title.text and space normalization (markup)
PASS title.text and space normalization: "one space"
PASS title.text and space normalization: "two spaces"
PASS title.text and space normalization: "one\ttab"
PASS title.text and space normalization: "two\t\ttabs"
PASS title.text and space normalization: "one\nnewline"
PASS title.text and space normalization: "two\n\nnewlines"
PASS title.text and space normalization: "one\fform feed"
PASS title.text and space normalization: "two\f\fform feeds"
PASS title.text and space normalization: "one\rcarriage return"
PASS title.text and space normalization: "two\r\rcarriage returns"