blob: 2c5b330aef07f31b95616837fcf9e828666c565b [file] [log] [blame]
PASS The length attribute must return the number of elements in the form
PASS HTMLFormControlsCollection.item(index) must return the indexed item
PASS HTMLFormControlsCollection[index] must return the indexed item
PASS HTMLFormControlsCollection is not callable
PASS HTMLFormControlsCollection[name] must return the named item
PASS HTMLFormControlsCollection.namedItem(name) must return the named item
PASS The namedItem(name) must return an Element
PASS The namedItem(name) must return RadioNodeList
PASS The namedItem(name) must return null if the name is empty
PASS The namedItem(name) must return null if there is no matched element
PASS Controls can be indexed by id or name attribute
PASS Keygen controls do not show up at all
PASS The namedItem(name) must return the items with id or name attribute
PASS The HTMLFormControlsCollection interface is used for collections of listed elements in form element
PASS The HTMLFormControlsCollection interface is used for collections of listed elements in fieldset element
PASS The controls in the form element must be sorted in tree order