blob: e4935b1b31ea6fa0c2e4c11c6351e5d0ff19b651 [file] [log] [blame]
FAIL Setting window.opener to undefined assert_equals: expected (string) "x" but got (undefined) undefined
FAIL Setting window.opener to 42 assert_equals: expected (string) "x" but got (number) 42
FAIL Setting window.opener to function () { return "hi" } assert_equals: expected (string) "x" but got (function) function "function () { return "hi" }"
FAIL Setting window.opener to hi assert_equals: expected "x" but got "hi"
FAIL Setting window.opener to [object Object] assert_equals: expected (string) "x" but got (object) object "[object Object]"
FAIL Setting window.opener to assert_equals: expected (string) "x" but got (object) []
FAIL Setting window.opener to Symbol() assert_equals: expected (string) "x" but got (symbol) symbol "Symbol()"