blob: 926e2d3acc37ccdb76312fcf5bcc3a61a5750abf [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Same-origin (for now): the prototype is accessible
PASS Became cross-origin via document.domain: the prototype is now null
PASS Became cross-origin via document.domain: setting the prototype to an empty object via Object.setPrototypeOf should throw a TypeError
PASS Became cross-origin via document.domain: setting the prototype to an empty object via __proto__ should throw a "SecurityError" DOMException
PASS Became cross-origin via document.domain: setting the prototype to an empty object via Reflect.setPrototypeOf should return false
PASS Became cross-origin via document.domain: the prototype must still be null
PASS Became cross-origin via document.domain: setting the prototype to null via Object.setPrototypeOf should not throw
PASS Became cross-origin via document.domain: setting the prototype to null via __proto__ should throw a "SecurityError" since it ends up in CrossOriginGetOwnProperty
PASS Became cross-origin via document.domain: setting the prototype to null via Reflect.setPrototypeOf should return true
PASS Became cross-origin via document.domain: setting the prototype to the original value from before going cross-origin via Object.setPrototypeOf should throw a TypeError
PASS Became cross-origin via document.domain: setting the prototype to the original value from before going cross-origin via __proto__ should throw a "SecurityError" DOMException
PASS Became cross-origin via document.domain: setting the prototype to the original value from before going cross-origin via Reflect.setPrototypeOf should return false