blob: 49f00777fc19761941d02b425b4bcbc28f995d25 [file] [log] [blame]
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
package Bugzilla::Sender::Transport::Sendmail;
use 5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent qw(Email::Sender::Transport::Sendmail);
use Email::Sender::Failure;
sub send_email {
my ($self, $email, $envelope) = @_;
my $pipe = $self->_sendmail_pipe($envelope);
my $string = $email->as_string;
$string =~ s/\x0D\x0A/\x0A/g unless $^O eq 'MSWin32';
print $pipe $string
or Email::Sender::Failure->throw("couldn't send message to sendmail: $!");
unless (close $pipe) {
Email::Sender::Failure->throw("error when closing pipe to sendmail: $!") if $!;
my ($error_message, $is_transient) = _map_exitcode($? >> 8);
if (Bugzilla->params->{'use_mailer_queue'}) {
# Return success for errors which are fatal so Bugzilla knows to
# remove them from the queue.
if ($is_transient) {
Email::Sender::Failure->throw("error when closing pipe to sendmail: $error_message");
} else {
warn "error when closing pipe to sendmail: $error_message\n";
return $self->success;
} else {
Email::Sender::Failure->throw("error when closing pipe to sendmail: $error_message");
return $self->success;
sub _map_exitcode {
# Returns (error message, is_transient)
# from the sendmail source (sendmail/sysexits.h)
my $code = shift;
if ($code == 64) {
return ("Command line usage error (EX_USAGE)", 1);
} elsif ($code == 65) {
return ("Data format error (EX_DATAERR)", 1);
} elsif ($code == 66) {
return ("Cannot open input (EX_NOINPUT)", 1);
} elsif ($code == 67) {
return ("Addressee unknown (EX_NOUSER)", 0);
} elsif ($code == 68) {
return ("Host name unknown (EX_NOHOST)", 0);
} elsif ($code == 69) {
return ("Service unavailable (EX_UNAVAILABLE)", 1);
} elsif ($code == 70) {
return ("Internal software error (EX_SOFTWARE)", 1);
} elsif ($code == 71) {
return ("System error (EX_OSERR)", 1);
} elsif ($code == 72) {
return ("Critical OS file missing (EX_OSFILE)", 1);
} elsif ($code == 73) {
return ("Can't create output file (EX_CANTCREAT)", 1);
} elsif ($code == 74) {
return ("Input/output error (EX_IOERR)", 1);
} elsif ($code == 75) {
return ("Temp failure (EX_TEMPFAIL)", 1);
} elsif ($code == 76) {
return ("Remote error in protocol (EX_PROTOCOL)", 1);
} elsif ($code == 77) {
return ("Permission denied (EX_NOPERM)", 1);
} elsif ($code == 78) {
return ("Configuration error (EX_CONFIG)", 1);
} else {
return ("Unknown Error ($code)", 1);
=head1 B<Methods in need of POD>
=item send_email