blob: 5cf3a2b2098a597bcc126b8daba5dedd640fef6a [file] [log] [blame]
TestPage.registerInitializer(() => {
const querySelectorTest = `function() {
let domNodes = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("%s"));
return {
level: domNodes.length ? "fail" : "pass",
let suite = null;
function logArray(name, array) {
if (!array.length)
InspectorTest.assert(array.every((item) => typeof item === "string"), name + " should only contain strings.");
InspectorTest.log(" " + name + ":");
for (let item of array)
InspectorTest.log(" - " + item);
InspectorTest.Audit = {};
InspectorTest.Audit.createSuite = function(name) {
suite = InspectorTest.createAsyncSuite(name);
return suite;
InspectorTest.Audit.setupAudit = async function() {
InspectorTest.log("Audit setup...");
await AuditAgent.setup();
InspectorTest.Audit.teardownAudit = async function() {
InspectorTest.log("Audit teardown...");
await AuditAgent.teardown();
InspectorTest.Audit.addTest = function(name, test, level, logs = {}) {
test(resolve, reject) {
let audit = new WI.AuditTestCase(name, test);
WI.auditManager.awaitEvent(WI.AuditManager.Event.TestCompleted).then((event) => {
let results = WI.auditManager.results.lastValue;
InspectorTest.assert(results.length === 1, "There should be 1 result.");
let result = results[0];
InspectorTest.assert(result instanceof WI.AuditTestCaseResult, "Result should be a WI.AuditTestCaseResult.");
if (!result)
InspectorTest.expectEqual(result.level, level, `Result should be "${level}".`);
let data =;
if (data.domNodes) {
if (result.resolvedDOMNodes) {
InspectorTest.assert(result.resolvedDOMNodes.every((domNode) => domNode instanceof WI.DOMNode), "domNodes should only contain WI.DOMNode.");
logArray("domNodes", => domNode.displayName));
for (let i = 0; i < result.resolvedDOMNodes.length; ++i)
InspectorTest.assert(WI.cssPath(result.resolvedDOMNodes[i], {full: true}) === data.domNodes[i], "The resolved DOM node should match the saved CSS path.");
} else
logArray("domNodes", data.domNodes);
if (data.domAttributes)
logArray("domAttributes", data.domAttributes);
if (data.errors)
logArray("errors", data.errors);
InspectorTest.log("Testing" + (logs.beforeStart || "") + "...");
.then(resolve, reject);
InspectorTest.Audit.addFunctionlessTest = function(name, test, level, options = {}) {
InspectorTest.Audit.addTest(name, (options.async ? "async " : "") + `function() { return ${test} }`, level, {
beforeStart: ` value \`${test}\``,
InspectorTest.Audit.addStringTest = function(name, test, level, options = {}) {
InspectorTest.Audit.addFunctionlessTest(name, `"${test}"`, level, options);
InspectorTest.Audit.addObjectTest = function(name, test, level, options = {}) {
InspectorTest.Audit.addFunctionlessTest(name, JSON.stringify(test), level, options);
InspectorTest.Audit.addPromiseTest = function(name, test, level, options = {}) {
InspectorTest.Audit.addFunctionlessTest(name, `new Promise((resolve, reject) => ${test})`, level, options);
InspectorTest.Audit.addDOMSelectorTest = function(name, test, level) {
InspectorTest.Audit.addTest(name, querySelectorTest.format(test), level, {
beforeStart: ` selector \`${test}\``,