| <!DOCTYPE html> |
| <html> |
| <body> |
| <script src="../../../resources/js-test-pre.js"></script> |
| <div id="touchtarget" style="width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: blue"></div> |
| <p id="description"></p> |
| <div id="console"></div> |
| <script> |
| var div = document.getElementById("touchtarget"); |
| var lastEvent = null; |
| var touchEventsReceived = 0; |
| |
| function touchEventCallback() { |
| if (window.eventSender) { |
| lastEvent = event; |
| verifyTouch(touchEventsReceived++); |
| } else |
| debug(event.type); |
| |
| if (window.testRunner && touchEventsReceived == EXPECTED_TOUCH_EVENTS_TOTAL) { |
| window.internals.settings.setTouchEventEmulationEnabled(false); |
| finishJSTest(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function mouseMoveCallback(e) { |
| if (!lastEvent) |
| debug("Unexpected mousemove event received before touchstart"); |
| } |
| |
| div.addEventListener("touchstart", touchEventCallback, false); |
| div.addEventListener("touchmove", touchEventCallback, false); |
| div.addEventListener("touchend", touchEventCallback, false); |
| div.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseMoveCallback, false); |
| |
| function verifyTouchEvent(type, totalTouchCount, changedTouchCount, targetTouchCount) |
| { |
| shouldBeEqualToString("lastEvent.type", type); |
| shouldBe("lastEvent.touches.length", totalTouchCount.toString()); |
| shouldBe("lastEvent.changedTouches.length", changedTouchCount.toString()); |
| shouldBe("lastEvent.targetTouches.length", targetTouchCount.toString()); |
| shouldBe("lastEvent.pageX", "0"); |
| shouldBe("lastEvent.pageY", "0"); |
| } |
| |
| function verifyTouchPoint(list, point, x, y, id) |
| { |
| shouldBe("lastEvent." + list + "[" + point + "].pageX", x.toString()); |
| shouldBe("lastEvent." + list + "[" + point + "].pageY", y.toString()); |
| shouldBe("lastEvent." + list + "[" + point + "].clientX", x.toString()); |
| shouldBe("lastEvent." + list + "[" + point + "].clientY", y.toString()); |
| shouldBe("lastEvent." + list + "[" + point + "].identifier", id.toString()); |
| } |
| |
| function verifyTouch(which) { |
| switch (which) { |
| case 0: |
| verifyTouchEvent("touchstart", 1, 1, 1); |
| shouldBe("lastEvent.shiftKey", "true"); |
| shouldBe("lastEvent.altKey", "true"); |
| shouldBe("lastEvent.ctrlKey", "false"); |
| shouldBe("lastEvent.metaKey", "false"); |
| shouldBeEqualToString("lastEvent.touches[0].target.id", "touchtarget"); |
| verifyTouchPoint("touches", 0, 10, 10, 0); |
| verifyTouchPoint("changedTouches", 0, 10, 10, 0); |
| verifyTouchPoint("targetTouches", 0, 10, 10, 0); |
| break; |
| case 1: |
| verifyTouchEvent("touchmove", 1, 1, 1); |
| verifyTouchPoint("touches", 0, 20, 30, 0); |
| break; |
| case 2: |
| verifyTouchEvent("touchend", 0, 1, 0); |
| verifyTouchPoint("changedTouches", 0, 20, 30, 0); |
| shouldBe("lastEvent.shiftKey", "false"); |
| shouldBe("lastEvent.altKey", "true"); |
| shouldBe("lastEvent.ctrlKey", "true"); |
| shouldBe("lastEvent.metaKey", "false"); |
| break; |
| default: |
| testFailed("Wrong number of touch events! (" + which + ")"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function mouseEventSequence() |
| { |
| eventSender.mouseMoveTo(10, 10); |
| eventSender.mouseDown(0, ["shiftKey", "altKey"]); |
| eventSender.mouseMoveTo(20, 30); |
| eventSender.mouseUp(0, ["altKey", "ctrlKey"]); |
| } |
| |
| if (window.eventSender && window.internals && window.internals.settings) { |
| description("This tests single touch event emulation using mouse events."); |
| |
| window.eventSender.dragMode = false; |
| window.jsTestIsAsync = true; |
| window.internals.settings.setTouchEventEmulationEnabled(true); |
| |
| shouldBe("'ontouchstart' in window", "true"); |
| shouldBe("'ontouchend' in document", "true"); |
| |
| mouseEventSequence(); |
| } else |
| debug("This test requires DumpRenderTree. Tap on the blue rect to log."); |
| </script> |
| <script src="../../../resources/js-test-post.js"></script> |
| </body> |
| </html> |