| <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Strict//EN">
| height: 100%; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; position: relative;
| cursor: url("resources/apple.jpg"), /* bigger than 128px x 128px */
| url("resources/helpCursor.tiff") -10 10, /* negative x in hotspot */
| url("resources/helpCursor.tiff") 10 -10, /* negative y in hotspot */
| url("resources/helpCursor.tiff") -10 -10, /* negative x and y in hotspot */
| url("resources/helpCursor.tiff") 20 10, /* x hotspot outside image (image is 16px x 16px) */
| url("resources/helpCursor.tiff") 10 20, /* y hotspot outside image (image is 16px x 16px) */
| url("resources/helpCursor.tiff") 20 20, /* both x and y hotspot outside image (image is 16px x 16px) */
| If there is a custom cursor, the test has failed. This tests that images larger than 128x128 cannot be used
| as cursors and that hotspots cannot be outside of the cursors bounds box.