| Test RTCPeerConnection's legacy MediaStream-based API |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| Stream sets should be empty initially |
| PASS pc.getLocalStreams().length is 0 |
| PASS pc.getRemoteStreams().length is 0 |
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| Test with single track MediaStream |
| audioTrack = stream.getAudioTracks()[0] |
| PASS pc.addStream(stream) did not throw exception. |
| PASS pc.getLocalStreams().length is 1 |
| PASS pc.getLocalStreams()[0] is stream |
| PASS pc.getStreamById(stream.id) is stream |
| PASS pc.getSenders().length is 1 |
| PASS pc.getSenders()[0].track is audioTrack |
| Adding the same stream again should be a no-op |
| PASS pc.addStream(stream) did not throw exception. |
| PASS pc.getLocalStreams().length is 1 |
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| Test with audio and video MediaStream |
| audioTrack = stream.getAudioTracks()[0] |
| videoTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0] |
| PASS pc.addStream(stream) did not throw exception. |
| PASS pc.getLocalStreams().length is 2 |
| PASS pc.getLocalStreams().includes(stream) is true |
| PASS pc.getStreamById(stream.id) is stream |
| PASS pc.getSenders().length is 3 |
| PASS audioTrackFoundAmongSenders is true |
| PASS videoTrackFoundAmongSenders is true |
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| Test removeStream |
| Remove a non-existent stream |
| otherStream = stream.clone() |
| PASS pc.removeStream(otherStream) did not throw exception. |
| Both streams should still be present |
| PASS pc.getLocalStreams().length is 2 |
| PASS pc.removeStream(stream) did not throw exception. |
| PASS pc.getLocalStreams().length is 1 |
| PASS pc.getStreamById(stream.id) is null |
| All senders should still be present |
| PASS pc.getSenders().length is 3 |
| Removing the same stream again should be a no-op |
| PASS pc.removeStream(stream) did not throw exception. |
| PASS pc.getLocalStreams().length is 1 |
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| Test applying a remote description offering a stream with two tracks |
| Create remote offer |
| Got remote offer, set it |
| PASS Got 'addstream' event (before setRemoteDescription promise fulfilled) |
| PASS remoteStream.getTracks().length is 2 |
| PASS pc.getRemoteStreams().length is 1 |
| PASS pc.getRemoteStreams()[0] is remoteStream |
| PASS pc.getStreamById(remoteStream.id) is remoteStream |
| Remote offer set |
| PASS End of test promise chain |
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| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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