| This tests the behavior of non-numeric values in contexts where the DOM has a numeric parameter. |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createTextNode("a").substringData(x, 0)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createTextNode("a").substringData(0, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createTextNode("a").insertData(x, "b")') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createTextNode("a").deleteData(x, 0)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createTextNode("a").deleteData(0, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createTextNode("a").replaceData(x, 0, "b")') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createTextNode("a").replaceData(0, x, "b")') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('createCSSMediaRule().insertRule(ruleText, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('createCSSMediaRule().deleteRule(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('createCSSRuleList().item(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('createCSSStyleDeclaration().item(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('createCSSStyleSheet().insertRule(ruleText, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('createCSSStyleSheet().deleteRule(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('createCSSStyleSheet().addRule(selector, styleText, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('createCSSStyleSheet().removeRule(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('createCSSValueList().item(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.elementFromPoint(x, 0)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.elementFromPoint(0, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.body.scrollByLines(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.body.scrollByPages(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.body.scrollLeft = x') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.body.scrollTop = x') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.images.item(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createElement("input").setSelectionRange(x, 0)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createElement("input").setSelectionRange(0, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('createHTMLOptionsCollection().add(document.createElement("option"), x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('createHTMLOptionsCollection().remove(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('createHTMLSelectElement().remove(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('createHTMLSelectElement().item(x)') is 'any type allowed (but not omitted)' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('createHTMLTableElement().insertRow(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('createHTMLTableElement().deleteRow(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('createHTMLTableRowElement().insertCell(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('createHTMLTableRowElement().deleteCell(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('createHTMLTableSectionElement().insertRow(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('createHTMLTableSectionElement().deleteRow(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createElement("textarea").setSelectionRange(x, 0)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createElement("textarea").setSelectionRange(0, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createEvent("KeyboardEvent").initKeyboardEvent("a", false, false, null, "b", x, false, false, false, false, false)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('createMediaList().item(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createEvent("MouseEvent").initMouseEvent("a", false, false, null, x, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createEvent("MouseEvent").initMouseEvent("a", false, false, null, 0, x, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createEvent("MouseEvent").initMouseEvent("a", false, false, null, 0, 0, x, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createEvent("MouseEvent").initMouseEvent("a", false, false, null, 0, 0, 0, x, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createEvent("MouseEvent").initMouseEvent("a", false, false, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, x, false, false, false, false, 0, null)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createEvent("MouseEvent").initMouseEvent("a", false, false, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, x, null)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.body.attributes.item(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createNodeIterator(document, x, null, false)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.getElementsByTagName("div").item(x)') is 'any type allowed (but not omitted)' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createRange().setStart(document, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createRange().setEnd(document, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createRange().comparePoint(document, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createRange().isPointInRange(document, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('getSelection().collapse(document, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('getSelection().setBaseAndExtent(document, x, document, 0)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('getSelection().setBaseAndExtent(document, 0, document, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('getSelection().setPosition(document, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('getSelection().extend(document, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('getSelection().getRangeAt(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.styleSheets.item(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createTextNode("a").splitText(x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createTreeWalker(document, x, null, false)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('document.createEvent("UIEvent").initUIEvent("a", false, false, null, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('window.scrollBy(x, 0)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('window.scrollBy(0, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('window.scrollTo(x, 0)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('window.scrollTo(0, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('window.scroll(x, 0)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('window.scroll(0, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('window.moveBy(x, 0)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('window.moveBy(0, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('window.moveTo(x, 0)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('window.moveTo(0, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('window.resizeBy(x, 0)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('window.resizeBy(0, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('window.resizeTo(x, 0)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS nonNumericPolicy('window.resizeTo(0, x)') is 'any type allowed' |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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