blob: 698d1601cee436e196f55e54f674767d7a8a4e1a [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the html renderer for KDE.
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "RenderFlow.h"
#include "Document.h"
#include "GraphicsContext.h"
#include "HTMLNames.h"
#include "InlineTextBox.h"
#include "RenderArena.h"
#include "RenderInline.h"
#include "RenderView.h"
using namespace std;
namespace WebCore {
using namespace HTMLNames;
RenderFlow* RenderFlow::createAnonymousFlow(Document* doc, RenderStyle* style)
RenderFlow* result;
if (style->display() == INLINE)
result = new (doc->renderArena()) RenderInline(doc);
result = new (doc->renderArena()) RenderBlock(doc);
return result;
RenderFlow* RenderFlow::continuationBefore(RenderObject* beforeChild)
if (beforeChild && beforeChild->parent() == this)
return this;
RenderFlow* curr = continuation();
RenderFlow* nextToLast = this;
RenderFlow* last = this;
while (curr) {
if (beforeChild && beforeChild->parent() == curr) {
if (curr->firstChild() == beforeChild)
return last;
return curr;
nextToLast = last;
last = curr;
curr = curr->continuation();
if (!beforeChild && !last->firstChild())
return nextToLast;
return last;
void RenderFlow::addChildWithContinuation(RenderObject* newChild, RenderObject* beforeChild)
RenderFlow* flow = continuationBefore(beforeChild);
ASSERT(!beforeChild || beforeChild->parent()->isRenderBlock() ||
RenderFlow* beforeChildParent = beforeChild ? static_cast<RenderFlow*>(beforeChild->parent()) :
(flow->continuation() ? flow->continuation() : flow);
if (newChild->isFloatingOrPositioned())
return beforeChildParent->addChildToFlow(newChild, beforeChild);
// A continuation always consists of two potential candidates: an inline or an anonymous
// block box holding block children.
bool childInline = newChild->isInline();
bool bcpInline = beforeChildParent->isInline();
bool flowInline = flow->isInline();
if (flow == beforeChildParent)
return flow->addChildToFlow(newChild, beforeChild);
else {
// The goal here is to match up if we can, so that we can coalesce and create the
// minimal # of continuations needed for the inline.
if (childInline == bcpInline)
return beforeChildParent->addChildToFlow(newChild, beforeChild);
else if (flowInline == childInline)
return flow->addChildToFlow(newChild, 0); // Just treat like an append.
return beforeChildParent->addChildToFlow(newChild, beforeChild);
void RenderFlow::addChild(RenderObject* newChild, RenderObject* beforeChild)
if (continuation())
return addChildWithContinuation(newChild, beforeChild);
return addChildToFlow(newChild, beforeChild);
void RenderFlow::extractLineBox(InlineFlowBox* box)
m_lastLineBox = box->prevFlowBox();
if (box == m_firstLineBox)
m_firstLineBox = 0;
if (box->prevLineBox())
for (InlineRunBox* curr = box; curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox())
void RenderFlow::attachLineBox(InlineFlowBox* box)
if (m_lastLineBox) {
} else
m_firstLineBox = box;
InlineFlowBox* last = box;
for (InlineFlowBox* curr = box; curr; curr = curr->nextFlowBox()) {
last = curr;
m_lastLineBox = last;
void RenderFlow::removeLineBox(InlineFlowBox* box)
if (box == m_firstLineBox)
m_firstLineBox = box->nextFlowBox();
if (box == m_lastLineBox)
m_lastLineBox = box->prevFlowBox();
if (box->nextLineBox())
if (box->prevLineBox())
void RenderFlow::deleteLineBoxes()
if (m_firstLineBox) {
RenderArena* arena = renderArena();
InlineRunBox *curr=m_firstLineBox, *next=0;
while (curr) {
next = curr->nextLineBox();
curr = next;
m_firstLineBox = 0;
m_lastLineBox = 0;
void RenderFlow::destroy()
// Detach our continuation first.
if (m_continuation)
m_continuation = 0;
// Make sure to destroy anonymous children first while they are still connected to the rest of the tree, so that they will
// properly dirty line boxes that they are removed from. Effects that do :before/:after only on hover could crash otherwise.
if (!documentBeingDestroyed()) {
if (m_firstLineBox) {
// We can't wait for RenderContainer::destroy to clear the selection,
// because by then we will have nuked the line boxes.
// FIXME: The SelectionController should be responsible for this when it
// is notified of DOM mutations.
if (isSelectionBorder())
// If line boxes are contained inside a root, that means we're an inline.
// In that case, we need to remove all the line boxes so that the parent
// lines aren't pointing to deleted children. If the first line box does
// not have a parent that means they are either already disconnected or
// root lines that can just be destroyed without disconnecting.
if (m_firstLineBox->parent()) {
for (InlineRunBox* box = m_firstLineBox; box; box = box->nextLineBox())
// If we are an anonymous block, then our line boxes might have children
// that will outlast this block. In the non-anonymous block case those
// children will be destroyed by the time we return from this function.
if (isAnonymousBlock()) {
for (InlineFlowBox* box = m_firstLineBox; box; box = box->nextFlowBox()) {
while (InlineBox* childBox = box->firstChild()) {
} else if (isInline() && parent())
void RenderFlow::dirtyLinesFromChangedChild(RenderObject* child)
if (!parent() || (selfNeedsLayout() && !isInlineFlow()) || isTable())
// For an empty inline, go ahead and propagate the check up to our parent.
if (isInline() && !firstLineBox())
return parent()->dirtyLinesFromChangedChild(this);
// Try to figure out which line box we belong in. First try to find a previous
// line box by examining our siblings. If we didn't find a line box, then use our
// parent's first line box.
RootInlineBox* box = 0;
RenderObject* curr = 0;
for (curr = child->previousSibling(); curr; curr = curr->previousSibling()) {
if (curr->isFloatingOrPositioned())
if (curr->isReplaced()) {
InlineBox* wrapper = curr->inlineBoxWrapper();
if (wrapper)
box = wrapper->root();
} else if (curr->isText()) {
InlineTextBox* textBox = static_cast<RenderText*>(curr)->lastTextBox();
if (textBox)
box = textBox->root();
} else if (curr->isInlineFlow()) {
InlineRunBox* runBox = static_cast<RenderFlow*>(curr)->lastLineBox();
if (runBox)
box = runBox->root();
if (box)
if (!box && firstLineBox())
box = firstLineBox()->root();
// If we found a line box, then dirty it.
if (box) {
RootInlineBox* adjacentBox;
// dirty the adjacent lines that might be affected
// NOTE: we dirty the previous line because RootInlineBox objects cache
// the address of the first object on the next line after a BR, which we may be
// invalidating here. For more info, see how RenderBlock::layoutInlineChildren
// calls setLineBreakInfo with the result of findNextLineBreak. findNextLineBreak,
// despite the name, actually returns the first RenderObject after the BR.
// <rdar://problem/3849947> "Typing after pasting line does not appear until after window resize."
adjacentBox = box->prevRootBox();
if (adjacentBox)
if (child->isBR() || (curr && curr->isBR())) {
adjacentBox = box->nextRootBox();
if (adjacentBox)
short RenderFlow::lineHeight(bool firstLine, bool isRootLineBox) const
if (firstLine) {
RenderStyle* s = style(firstLine);
Length lh = s->lineHeight();
if (lh.value() < 0) {
if (s == style()) {
if (m_lineHeight == -1)
m_lineHeight = RenderObject::lineHeight(false);
return m_lineHeight;
return s->font().lineSpacing();
if (lh.isPercent())
return lh.calcMinValue(s->fontSize());
return lh.value();
if (m_lineHeight == -1)
m_lineHeight = RenderObject::lineHeight(false);
return m_lineHeight;
void RenderFlow::dirtyLineBoxes(bool fullLayout, bool isRootLineBox)
if (!isRootLineBox && isReplaced())
return RenderContainer::dirtyLineBoxes(fullLayout, isRootLineBox);
if (fullLayout)
else {
for (InlineRunBox* curr = firstLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox())
InlineBox* RenderFlow::createInlineBox(bool makePlaceHolderBox, bool isRootLineBox, bool isOnlyRun)
if (!isRootLineBox &&
(isReplaced() || makePlaceHolderBox)) // Inline tables and inline blocks
return RenderContainer::createInlineBox(false, isRootLineBox); // (or positioned element placeholders).
InlineFlowBox* flowBox = 0;
if (isInlineFlow())
flowBox = new (renderArena()) InlineFlowBox(this);
flowBox = new (renderArena()) RootInlineBox(this);
if (!m_firstLineBox)
m_firstLineBox = m_lastLineBox = flowBox;
else {
m_lastLineBox = flowBox;
return flowBox;
void RenderFlow::paintLines(PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty)
// Only paint during the foreground/selection phases.
if (paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseForeground && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelection && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseOutline
&& paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelfOutline && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseChildOutlines)
bool inlineFlow = isInlineFlow();
if (inlineFlow)
ASSERT(m_layer); // The only way a compact/run-in/inline could paint like this is if it has a layer.
// If we have no lines then we have no work to do.
if (!firstLineBox())
// We can check the first box and last box and avoid painting if we don't
// intersect. This is a quick short-circuit that we can take to avoid walking any lines.
// FIXME: This check is flawed in the following extremely obscure way:
// if some line in the middle has a huge overflow, it might actually extend below the last line.
int yPos = firstLineBox()->root()->topOverflow() - maximalOutlineSize(paintInfo.phase);
int h = maximalOutlineSize(paintInfo.phase) + lastLineBox()->root()->bottomOverflow() - yPos;
yPos += ty;
if (yPos >= paintInfo.rect.bottom() || yPos + h <= paintInfo.rect.y())
PaintInfo info(paintInfo);
RenderFlowSequencedSet outlineObjects;
info.outlineObjects = &outlineObjects;
// See if our root lines intersect with the dirty rect. If so, then we paint
// them. Note that boxes can easily overlap, so we can't make any assumptions
// based off positions of our first line box or our last line box.
bool isPrinting = document()->printing();
for (InlineFlowBox* curr = firstLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextFlowBox()) {
if (isPrinting) {
// FIXME: This is a feeble effort to avoid splitting a line across two pages.
// It is utterly inadequate, and this should not be done at paint time at all.
// The whole way objects break across pages needs to be redone.
RenderView* c = view();
// Try to avoid splitting a line vertically, but only if it's less than the height
// of the entire page.
if (curr->root()->bottomOverflow() - curr->root()->topOverflow() <= c->printRect().height()) {
if (ty + curr->root()->bottomOverflow() > c->printRect().bottom()) {
if (ty + curr->root()->topOverflow() < c->truncatedAt())
c->setBestTruncatedAt(ty + curr->root()->topOverflow(), this);
// If we were able to truncate, don't paint.
if (ty + curr->root()->topOverflow() >= c->truncatedAt())
int top = min(curr->root()->topOverflow(), curr->root()->selectionTop()) - maximalOutlineSize(info.phase);
int bottom = curr->root()->bottomOverflow() + maximalOutlineSize(info.phase);
h = bottom - top;
yPos = ty + top;
if (yPos < info.rect.bottom() && yPos + h > info.rect.y())
curr->paint(info, tx, ty);
if (info.phase == PaintPhaseOutline || info.phase == PaintPhaseSelfOutline || info.phase == PaintPhaseChildOutlines) {
RenderFlowSequencedSet::iterator end = info.outlineObjects->end();
for (RenderFlowSequencedSet::iterator it = info.outlineObjects->begin(); it != end; ++it) {
RenderFlow* flow = *it;
flow->paintOutline(info.context, tx, ty);
bool RenderFlow::hitTestLines(const HitTestRequest& request, HitTestResult& result, int x, int y, int tx, int ty, HitTestAction hitTestAction)
if (hitTestAction != HitTestForeground)
return false;
bool inlineFlow = isInlineFlow();
if (inlineFlow)
ASSERT(m_layer); // The only way a compact/run-in/inline could paint like this is if it has a layer.
// If we have no lines then we have no work to do.
if (!firstLineBox())
return false;
// We can check the first box and last box and avoid hit testing if we don't
// contain the point. This is a quick short-circuit that we can take to avoid walking any lines.
// FIXME: This check is flawed in the following extremely obscure way:
// if some line in the middle has a huge overflow, it might actually extend below the last line.
if ((y >= ty + lastLineBox()->root()->bottomOverflow()) || (y < ty + firstLineBox()->root()->topOverflow()))
return false;
// See if our root lines contain the point. If so, then we hit test
// them further. Note that boxes can easily overlap, so we can't make any assumptions
// based off positions of our first line box or our last line box.
for (InlineFlowBox* curr = lastLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->prevFlowBox()) {
if (y >= ty + curr->root()->topOverflow() && y < ty + curr->root()->bottomOverflow()) {
bool inside = curr->nodeAtPoint(request, result, x, y, tx, ty);
if (inside) {
return true;
return false;
IntRect RenderFlow::getAbsoluteRepaintRect()
if (isInlineFlow()) {
// Find our leftmost position.
int left = 0;
int top = firstLineBox() ? firstLineBox()->yPos() : 0;
for (InlineRunBox* curr = firstLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox()) {
if (curr == firstLineBox() || curr->xPos() < left)
left = curr->xPos();
// Now invalidate a rectangle.
int ow = style() ? style()->outlineSize() : 0;
if (isCompact())
left -= m_x;
// We need to add in the relative position offsets of any inlines (including us) up to our
// containing block.
RenderBlock* cb = containingBlock();
for (RenderObject* inlineFlow = this; inlineFlow && inlineFlow->isInlineFlow() && inlineFlow != cb;
inlineFlow = inlineFlow->parent()) {
if (inlineFlow->style()->position() == RelativePosition && inlineFlow->layer())
inlineFlow->layer()->relativePositionOffset(left, top);
IntRect r(-ow + left, -ow + top, width() + ow * 2, height() + ow * 2);
if (cb->hasOverflowClip()) {
// cb->height() is inaccurate if we're in the middle of a layout of |cb|, so use the
// layer's size instead. Even if the layer's size is wrong, the layer itself will repaint
// anyway if its size does change.
int x = r.x();
int y = r.y();
IntRect boxRect(0, 0, cb->layer()->width(), cb->layer()->height());
cb->layer()->subtractScrollOffset(x, y); // For overflow:auto/scroll/hidden.
IntRect repaintRect(x, y, r.width(), r.height());
r = intersection(repaintRect, boxRect);
if (ow) {
for (RenderObject* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) {
if (!curr->isText()) {
IntRect childRect = curr->getAbsoluteRepaintRectWithOutline(ow);
if (continuation() && !continuation()->isInline()) {
IntRect contRect = continuation()->getAbsoluteRepaintRectWithOutline(ow);
return r;
return RenderContainer::getAbsoluteRepaintRect();
int RenderFlow::lowestPosition(bool includeOverflowInterior, bool includeSelf) const
int bottom = includeSelf && m_width > 0 ? m_height : 0;
if (!includeOverflowInterior && hasOverflowClip())
return bottom;
// FIXME: Come up with a way to use the layer tree to avoid visiting all the kids.
// For now, we have to descend into all the children, since we may have a huge abs div inside
// a tiny rel div buried somewhere deep in our child tree. In this case we have to get to
// the abs div.
for (RenderObject* c = firstChild(); c; c = c->nextSibling()) {
if (!c->isFloatingOrPositioned() && !c->isText() && !c->isInlineFlow())
bottom = max(bottom, c->yPos() + c->lowestPosition(false));
if (isRelPositioned())
bottom += relativePositionOffsetY();
return bottom;
int RenderFlow::rightmostPosition(bool includeOverflowInterior, bool includeSelf) const
int right = includeSelf && m_height > 0 ? m_width : 0;
if (!includeOverflowInterior && hasOverflowClip())
return right;
// FIXME: Come up with a way to use the layer tree to avoid visiting all the kids.
// For now, we have to descend into all the children, since we may have a huge abs div inside
// a tiny rel div buried somewhere deep in our child tree. In this case we have to get to
// the abs div.
for (RenderObject* c = firstChild(); c; c = c->nextSibling()) {
if (!c->isFloatingOrPositioned() && !c->isText() && !c->isInlineFlow())
right = max(right, c->xPos() + c->rightmostPosition(false));
if (isRelPositioned())
right += relativePositionOffsetX();
return right;
int RenderFlow::leftmostPosition(bool includeOverflowInterior, bool includeSelf) const
int left = includeSelf && m_height > 0 ? 0 : m_width;
if (!includeOverflowInterior && hasOverflowClip())
return left;
// FIXME: Come up with a way to use the layer tree to avoid visiting all the kids.
// For now, we have to descend into all the children, since we may have a huge abs div inside
// a tiny rel div buried somewhere deep in our child tree. In this case we have to get to
// the abs div.
for (RenderObject* c = firstChild(); c; c = c->nextSibling()) {
if (!c->isFloatingOrPositioned() && !c->isText() && !c->isInlineFlow())
left = min(left, c->xPos() + c->leftmostPosition(false));
if (isRelPositioned())
left += relativePositionOffsetX();
return left;
IntRect RenderFlow::caretRect(int offset, EAffinity affinity, int* extraWidthToEndOfLine)
// Do the normal calculation in most cases.
if (firstChild() || style()->display() == INLINE)
return RenderContainer::caretRect(offset, affinity, extraWidthToEndOfLine);
// This is a special case:
// The element is not an inline element, and it's empty. So we have to
// calculate a fake position to indicate where objects are to be inserted.
// FIXME: This does not take into account either :first-line or :first-letter
// However, as soon as some content is entered, the line boxes will be
// constructed and this kludge is not called any more. So only the caret size
// of an empty :first-line'd block is wrong. I think we can live with that.
RenderStyle* currentStyle = firstLineStyle();
int height = lineHeight(true);
const int caretWidth = 1;
enum CaretAlignment { alignLeft, alignRight, alignCenter };
CaretAlignment alignment = alignLeft;
switch (currentStyle->textAlign()) {
case TAAUTO:
if (currentStyle->direction() == RTL)
alignment = alignRight;
case LEFT:
case CENTER:
alignment = alignCenter;
case RIGHT:
alignment = alignRight;
int x = borderLeft() + paddingLeft();
int w = width();
switch (alignment) {
case alignLeft:
case alignCenter:
x = (x + w - (borderRight() + paddingRight())) / 2;
case alignRight:
x = w - (borderRight() + paddingRight());
if (extraWidthToEndOfLine) {
if (isRenderBlock()) {
*extraWidthToEndOfLine = w - (x + caretWidth);
} else {
// FIXME: This code looks wrong.
// myRight and containerRight are set up, but then clobbered.
// So *extraWidthToEndOfLine will always be 0 here.
int myRight = x + caretWidth;
int ignore;
absolutePositionForContent(myRight, ignore);
int containerRight = containingBlock()->xPos() + containingBlockWidth();
absolutePositionForContent(containerRight, ignore);
*extraWidthToEndOfLine = containerRight - myRight;
int absx, absy;
absolutePositionForContent(absx, absy);
x += absx;
int y = absy + paddingTop() + borderTop();
return IntRect(x, y, caretWidth, height);
void RenderFlow::addFocusRingRects(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, int tx, int ty)
if (isRenderBlock())
graphicsContext->addFocusRingRect(IntRect(tx, ty, width(), height()));
if (!hasOverflowClip()) {
for (InlineRunBox* curr = firstLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox())
graphicsContext->addFocusRingRect(IntRect(tx + curr->xPos(), ty + curr->yPos(), curr->width(), curr->height()));
for (RenderObject* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling())
if (!curr->isText() && !curr->isListMarker())
curr->addFocusRingRects(graphicsContext, tx + curr->xPos(), ty + curr->yPos());
if (continuation())
tx - containingBlock()->xPos() + continuation()->xPos(),
ty - containingBlock()->yPos() + continuation()->yPos());
void RenderFlow::paintOutline(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, int tx, int ty)
if (!hasOutline())
if (style()->outlineStyleIsAuto() || hasOutlineAnnotation()) {
int ow = style()->outlineWidth();
Color oc = style()->outlineColor();
if (!oc.isValid())
oc = style()->color();
graphicsContext->initFocusRing(ow, style()->outlineOffset());
addFocusRingRects(graphicsContext, tx, ty);
if (style()->outlineStyleIsAuto())
addPDFURLRect(graphicsContext, graphicsContext->focusRingBoundingRect());
if (style()->outlineStyleIsAuto() || style()->outlineStyle() <= BHIDDEN)
Vector<IntRect*> rects;
rects.append(new IntRect);
for (InlineRunBox* curr = firstLineBox(); curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox())
rects.append(new IntRect(curr->xPos(), curr->yPos(), curr->width(), curr->height()));
rects.append(new IntRect);
for (unsigned i = 1; i < rects.size() - 1; i++)
paintOutlineForLine(graphicsContext, tx, ty, * - 1), *, * + 1));
void RenderFlow::paintOutlineForLine(GraphicsContext* graphicsContext, int tx, int ty,
const IntRect& lastline, const IntRect& thisline, const IntRect& nextline)
int ow = style()->outlineWidth();
EBorderStyle os = style()->outlineStyle();
Color oc = style()->outlineColor();
if (!oc.isValid())
oc = style()->color();
int offset = style()->outlineOffset();
int t = ty + thisline.y() - offset;
int l = tx + thisline.x() - offset;
int b = ty + thisline.bottom() + offset;
int r = tx + thisline.right() + offset;
// left edge
l - ow,
t - (lastline.isEmpty() || thisline.x() < lastline.x() || (lastline.right() - 1) <= thisline.x() ? ow : 0),
b + (nextline.isEmpty() || thisline.x() <= nextline.x() || (nextline.right() - 1) <= thisline.x() ? ow : 0),
oc, style()->color(), os,
(lastline.isEmpty() || thisline.x() < lastline.x() || (lastline.right() - 1) <= thisline.x() ? ow : -ow),
(nextline.isEmpty() || thisline.x() <= nextline.x() || (nextline.right() - 1) <= thisline.x() ? ow : -ow));
// right edge
t - (lastline.isEmpty() || lastline.right() < thisline.right() || (thisline.right() - 1) <= lastline.x() ? ow : 0),
r + ow,
b + (nextline.isEmpty() || nextline.right() <= thisline.right() || (thisline.right() - 1) <= nextline.x() ? ow : 0),
oc, style()->color(), os,
(lastline.isEmpty() || lastline.right() < thisline.right() || (thisline.right() - 1) <= lastline.x() ? ow : -ow),
(nextline.isEmpty() || nextline.right() <= thisline.right() || (thisline.right() - 1) <= nextline.x() ? ow : -ow));
// upper edge
if (thisline.x() < lastline.x())
l - ow,
t - ow,
min(r+ow, (lastline.isEmpty() ? 1000000 : tx + lastline.x())),
t ,
BSTop, oc, style()->color(), os,
(!lastline.isEmpty() && tx + lastline.x() + 1 < r + ow) ? -ow : ow);
if (lastline.right() < thisline.right())
max(lastline.isEmpty() ? -1000000 : tx + lastline.right(), l - ow),
t - ow,
r + ow,
t ,
BSTop, oc, style()->color(), os,
(!lastline.isEmpty() && l - ow < tx + lastline.right()) ? -ow : ow,
// lower edge
if (thisline.x() < nextline.x())
l - ow,
min(r + ow, !nextline.isEmpty() ? tx + nextline.x() + 1 : 1000000),
b + ow,
BSBottom, oc, style()->color(), os,
(!nextline.isEmpty() && tx + nextline.x() + 1 < r + ow) ? -ow : ow);
if (nextline.right() < thisline.right())
max(!nextline.isEmpty() ? tx + nextline.right() : -1000000, l - ow),
r + ow,
b + ow,
BSBottom, oc, style()->color(), os,
(!nextline.isEmpty() && l - ow < tx + nextline.right()) ? -ow : ow,
} // namespace WebCore