blob: 4e4937038b89c4465748d411480b56f98e20ca7f [file] [log] [blame]
This test runs the WebGL Test listed below in an iframe and reports PASS or FAIL.
Test: ../../../resources/webgl_test_files/deqp/functional/gles3/negativeshaderapi.html
[ 1: PASS ] negative_shader_api.create_shader: Passed
[ 2: PASS ] negative_shader_api.attach_shader: Passed
[ 3: PASS ] negative_shader_api.detach_shader: Passed
[ 4: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.link_program: Expected gl.INVALID_OPERATION, but got gl.NO_ERROR.
[ 5: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.use_program: Expected gl.INVALID_OPERATION, but got gl.NO_ERROR.
[ 6: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.bind_sampler: Expected gl.INVALID_VALUE, but got gl.NO_ERROR.
[ 7: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.get_sampler_parameteriv: Argument 1 ('sampler') to WebGL2RenderingContext.getSamplerParameter must be an instance of WebGLSampler
[ 8: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.get_sampler_parameterfv: Argument 1 ('sampler') to WebGL2RenderingContext.getSamplerParameter must be an instance of WebGLSampler
[ 9: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.sampler_parameteri: Argument 1 ('sampler') to WebGL2RenderingContext.samplerParameteri must be an instance of WebGLSampler
[ 10: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.sampler_parameteriv: Argument 1 ('sampler') to WebGL2RenderingContext.samplerParameteri must be an instance of WebGLSampler
[ 11: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.sampler_parameterf: Argument 1 ('sampler') to WebGL2RenderingContext.samplerParameterf must be an instance of WebGLSampler
[ 12: PASS ] negative_shader_api.get_attrib_location: Passed
[ 13: PASS ] negative_shader_api.get_uniform_location: Passed
[ 14: PASS ] negative_shader_api.bind_attrib_location: Passed
[ 15: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.uniform_block_binding: Expected gl.NO_ERROR, but got gl.INVALID_ENUM.
[ 16: PASS ] negative_shader_api.uniformf_incompatible_type: Passed
[ 17: PASS ] negative_shader_api.uniformfv_incompatible_type: Passed
[ 18: PASS ] negative_shader_api.uniformfv_invalid_count: Passed
[ 19: PASS ] negative_shader_api.uniformi_incompatible_type: Passed
[ 20: PASS ] negative_shader_api.uniformiv_incompatible_type: Passed
[ 21: PASS ] negative_shader_api.uniformiv_invalid_count: Passed
[ 22: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.uniformui_incompatible_type: Expected gl.INVALID_OPERATION, but got gl.NO_ERROR.
[ 23: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.uniformuiv_incompatible_type: Expected gl.INVALID_OPERATION, but got gl.NO_ERROR.
[ 24: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.uniformuiv_invalid_count: Expected gl.INVALID_OPERATION, but got gl.NO_ERROR.
[ 25: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.uniform_matrixfv_incompatible_type: Expected gl.INVALID_OPERATION, but got gl.NO_ERROR.
[ 26: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.uniform_matrixfv_invalid_count: Expected gl.INVALID_OPERATION, but got gl.NO_ERROR.
[ 27: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.bind_transform_feedback: Expected gl.INVALID_ENUM, but got gl.NO_ERROR.
[ 28: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.begin_transform_feedback: Expected gl.INVALID_ENUM, but got gl.NO_ERROR.
[ 29: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.pause_transform_feedback: Expected gl.INVALID_OPERATION, but got gl.NO_ERROR.
[ 30: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.resume_transform_feedback: Expected gl.INVALID_OPERATION, but got gl.NO_ERROR.
[ 31: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.end_transform_feedback: Expected gl.INVALID_OPERATION, but got gl.NO_ERROR.
[ 32: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.get_transform_feedback_varying: Expected gl.INVALID_VALUE, but got gl.INVALID_ENUM.
[ 33: FAIL ] negative_shader_api.transform_feedback_varyings: Expected gl.INVALID_VALUE, but got gl.NO_ERROR.
[ 34: PASS ] successfullyParsed is true
[ FAIL ] 21 failures reported