| <title>required and valueMissing on new input types</title> |
| <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> |
| document.getElementById("console").innerHTML += "<li>"+message+"</li>"; |
| v = document.getElementsByName("victim"); |
| for (i = 0; i < v.length; i++) |
| log(v[i].validity.valueMissing ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE"); |
| <p>There's a list of form control elements below, required attribute applies to them but they're empty: |
| validity.valueMissing should be true.</p> |
| <input name="victim" type="text" required /> |
| <input name="victim" type="search" required /> |
| <input name="victim" type="url" required /> |
| <input name="victim" type="telephone" required /> |
| <input name="victim" type="email" required /> |
| <input name="victim" type="password" required /> |
| <input name="victim" type="number" required /> |