| <html manifest="quota-origin-continued-download-multiple-manifests-2.manifest"> |
| <script> |
| // This is expected to fail with "spaceNeeded" large enough for both manifest 1 and 2. |
| applicationCache.oncached = function() { parent.postMessage("PASS - cached iframe", "*"); }; |
| applicationCache.onerror = function() { parent.postMessage("FAIL - error caching iframe, expected this to succeed by fitting in the quota", "*"); }; |
| applicationCache.onupdateready = function() { parent.postMessage("FAIL - update ready, all caches should have been deleted before this test", "*"); }; |
| applicationCache.onnoupdate = function() { parent.postMessage("FAIL - no update iframe, all caches should have been deleted before this test", "*"); }; |
| </script> |
| </html> |