blob: 31666cf40550465d041606393dad6117d8cd24ea [file] [log] [blame]
function assert(condition, reason) {
if (!condition)
throw new Error(reason);
// -----------------
// CheapHeapSnapshot
// Contains two large lists of all node data and all edge data.
// Lazily creates node and edge objects off of indexes into these lists.
// [<0:id>, <1:size>, <2:classNameTableIndex>, <3:flags>, <4:firstEdgeIndex>];
const nodeFieldCount = 5;
const nodeIdOffset = 0;
const nodeSizeOffset = 1;
const nodeClassNameOffset = 2;
const nodeFlagsOffset = 3;
const nodeFirstEdgeOffset = 4;
const nodeNoEdgeValue = 0xffffffff; // UINT_MAX
// Node Flags.
const internalFlagMask = (1 << 0);
const objectTypeMask = (1 << 1);
// [<0:fromId>, <1:toId>, <2:typeTableIndex>, <3:edgeDataIndexOrEdgeNameIndex>]
const edgeFieldCount = 4;
const edgeFromIdOffset = 0;
const edgeToIdOffset = 1;
const edgeTypeOffset = 2;
const edgeDataOffset = 3;
CheapHeapSnapshotNode = class CheapHeapSnapshotNode
constructor(snapshot, nodeIndex)
assert((nodeIndex % nodeFieldCount) === 0, "Bad Node Index: " + nodeIndex);
let nodes = snapshot.nodes; = nodes[nodeIndex + nodeIdOffset];
this.size = nodes[nodeIndex + nodeSizeOffset];
this.className = snapshot.classNameFromTableIndex(nodes[nodeIndex + nodeClassNameOffset]);
let flags = nodes[nodeIndex + nodeFlagsOffset];
this.internal = flags & internalFlagMask ? true : false;
this.isObjectType = flags & objectTypeMask ? true : false;
this.outgoingEdges = [];
let firstEdgeIndex = nodes[nodeIndex + nodeFirstEdgeOffset];
if (firstEdgeIndex !== nodeNoEdgeValue) {
for (let i = firstEdgeIndex; i < snapshot.edges.length; i += edgeFieldCount) {
if (snapshot.edges[i + edgeFromIdOffset] !==
this.outgoingEdges.push(new CheapHeapSnapshotEdge(snapshot, i));
CheapHeapSnapshotEdge = class CheapHeapSnapshotEdge
constructor(snapshot, edgeIndex)
assert((edgeIndex % edgeFieldCount) === 0, "Bad Edge Index: " + edgeIndex);
this.snapshot = snapshot;
let edges = snapshot.edges;
this.fromId = edges[edgeIndex + edgeFromIdOffset];
this.toId = edges[edgeIndex + edgeToIdOffset];
this.type = snapshot.edgeTypeFromTableIndex(edges[edgeIndex + edgeTypeOffset]);
if (this.type === "Property" || this.type === "Variable") = snapshot.edgeNameFromTableIndex(edges[edgeIndex + edgeDataOffset]);
else = edges[edgeIndex + edgeDataOffset];
get from() { return this.snapshot.nodeWithIdentifier(this.fromId); }
get to() { return this.snapshot.nodeWithIdentifier(this.toId); }
CheapHeapSnapshot = class CheapHeapSnapshot
let {nodes, nodeClassNames, edges, edgeTypes, edgeNames} = json;
this._nodes = new Uint32Array(nodes.length * nodeFieldCount);
this._edges = new Uint32Array(edges.length * edgeFieldCount);
this._nodeIdentifierToIndex = new Map; // <id> => index in _nodes
this._edgeTypesTable = edgeTypes;
this._edgeNamesTable = edgeNames;
this._nodeClassNamesTable = nodeClassNames;
let n = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length;) {
this._nodeIdentifierToIndex.set(nodes[i], n);
this._nodes[n++] = nodes[i++]; // id
this._nodes[n++] = nodes[i++]; // size
this._nodes[n++] = nodes[i++]; // classNameTableIndex
this._nodes[n++] = nodes[i++]; // flags
this._nodes[n++] = nodeNoEdgeValue;
let e = 0;
let lastNodeIdentifier = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < edges.length;) {
let fromIdentifier = edges[i++]; // fromIdentifier
let toIdentifier = edges[i++]; // toIdentifier
assert(lastNodeIdentifier <= fromIdentifier, "Edge list should be ordered by from node identifier");
if (fromIdentifier !== lastNodeIdentifier) {
let nodeIndex = this._nodeIdentifierToIndex.get(fromIdentifier);
assert(this._nodes[nodeIndex + nodeIdOffset] === fromIdentifier, "Node lookup failed");
this._nodes[nodeIndex + nodeFirstEdgeOffset] = e;
lastNodeIdentifier = fromIdentifier;
this._edges[e++] = fromIdentifier;
this._edges[e++] = toIdentifier;
this._edges[e++] = edges[i++]; // edgeTypeTableIndex
this._edges[e++] = edges[i++]; // data
get nodes() { return this._nodes; }
get edges() { return this._edges; }
return new CheapHeapSnapshotNode(this, this._nodeIdentifierToIndex.get(id));
let result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this._nodes.length; i += nodeFieldCount) {
let classNameTableIndex = this._nodes[i + nodeClassNameOffset];
if (this.classNameFromTableIndex(classNameTableIndex) === className)
result.push(new CheapHeapSnapshotNode(this, i));
return result;
return this._nodeClassNamesTable[tableIndex];
return this._edgeTypesTable[tableIndex];
return this._edgeNamesTable[tableIndex];
function createCheapHeapSnapshot() {
let json = generateHeapSnapshot();
let {version, nodes, nodeClassNames, edges, edgeTypes} = json;
assert(version === 2, "Heap Snapshot payload should be version 2");
assert(nodes.length, "Heap Snapshot should have nodes");
assert(nodeClassNames.length, "Heap Snapshot should have nodeClassNames");
assert(edges.length, "Heap Snapshot should have edges");
assert(edgeTypes.length, "Heap Snapshot should have edgeTypes");
return new CheapHeapSnapshot(json);
// ------------
// HeapSnapshot
// This creates a lot of objects that make it easy to walk the entire node graph
// (incoming and outgoing edges). However when a test creates multiple snapshots
// with snapshots in scope this can quickly explode into a snapshot with a massive
// number of nodes/edges. For such cases create CheapHeapSnapshots, which create
// a very small number of objects per Heap Snapshot.
HeapSnapshotNode = class HeapSnapshotNode
constructor(id, className, size, internal)
{ = id;
this.className = className;
this.size = size;
this.internal = internal;
this.incomingEdges = [];
this.outgoingEdges = [];
HeapSnapshotEdge = class HeapSnapshotEdge
constructor(from, to, type, data)
this.from = from; = to;
this.type = type; = data;
HeapSnapshot = class HeapSnapshot
let {version, nodes, nodeClassNames, edges, edgeTypes, edgeNames} = json;
this.nodeMap = new Map;
this.nodes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length;) {
let id = nodes[i++];
let size = nodes[i++];
let classNameIndex = nodes[i++];
let flags = nodes[i++];
let internal = flags & internalFlagMask ? true : false;
let node = new HeapSnapshotNode(id, nodeClassNames[classNameIndex], size, internal);
this.nodeMap.set(id, node);
for (let i = 0; i < edges.length;) {
let fromIdentifier = edges[i++];
let toIdentifier = edges[i++];
let edgeTypeIndex = edges[i++];
let data = edges[i++];
let from = this.nodeMap.get(fromIdentifier);
let to = this.nodeMap.get(toIdentifier);
assert(from, "Missing node for `from` part of edge");
assert(to, "Missing node for `to` part of edge");
let type = edgeTypes[edgeTypeIndex];
if (type === "Property" || type === "Variable")
data = edgeNames[data];
let edge = new HeapSnapshotEdge(from, to, edgeTypes[edgeTypeIndex], data);
this.rootNode = this.nodeMap.get(0);
assert(this.rootNode, "Missing <root> node with identifier 0");
assert(this.rootNode.outgoingEdges.length > 0, "<root> should have children");
assert(this.rootNode.incomingEdges.length === 0, "<root> should not have back references");
let result = [];
for (let node of this.nodes) {
if (node.className === className)
return result;
function createHeapSnapshot() {
let json = generateHeapSnapshot();
let {version, nodes, nodeClassNames, edges, edgeTypes} = json;
assert(version === 2, "Heap Snapshot payload should be version 2");
assert(nodes.length, "Heap Snapshot should have nodes");
assert(nodeClassNames.length, "Heap Snapshot should have nodeClassNames");
assert(edges.length, "Heap Snapshot should have edges");
assert(edgeTypes.length, "Heap Snapshot should have edgeTypes");
return new HeapSnapshot(json);
function followPath(node, path) {
let current = node;
for (let component of path) {
let edges = null;
if (component.edge)
edges = current.outgoingEdges.filter((e) => === component.edge);
else if (component.node)
edges = current.outgoingEdges.filter((e) => === component.node);
assert(edges.length === 1, "Ambiguous or bad path component: " + JSON.stringify(component));
current = edges[0].to;
return current;