blob: 19f8b59ffa11b3b87eda46efd5979cc7682270a2 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _customization-faq:
Customization FAQ
How do I...
...add a new field on a bug?
Use :ref:`custom-fields` or, if you just want new form fields on bug entry
but don't need Bugzilla to track the field seperately thereafter, you can
use a :ref:`custom bug entry form <custom-bug-entry>`.
...change the name of a built-in bug field?
:ref:`Edit <templates>` the relevant value in the template
...use a word other than 'bug' to describe bugs?
:ref:`Edit or override <templates>` the appropriate values in the template
:file:`template/en/default/global/variables.none.tmpl`. the system something other than 'Bugzilla'?
:ref:`Edit or override <templates>` the appropriate value in the template
...alter who can change what field when?
See :ref:`who-can-change-what`.