blob: 0404bea468c20d9e97f3ff00d05adb0b9186d39d [file] [log] [blame]
close button reset submit
PASS FormData constructor always produces UTF-8 _charset_ value.
PASS _charset_ control sets the expected encoding name.
PASS The button cannot be setted if it is not a submitter.
FAIL "formdata" event bubbles, and is not cancelable. assert_true: expected true got false
FAIL "formdata" event bubbles in an orphan tree. assert_true: expected true got false
FAIL "formData" IDL attribute should have entries for form-associated elements in the first event handler, and the second handler can read entries set by the first handler. assert_true: expected true got false
FAIL Entries added to "formData" IDL attribute should be submitted. assert_true: expected true got false