blob: da3838dd0cee2bec028beba0378d51946c3653ac [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Original length
PASS Setting length to original value has no effect
PASS Setting length to shorter value
PASS Setting length to longer value
PASS Insert <p><option>6</option></p> into <select>
PASS Insert <select><option>6</option></select> into <select>
PASS Insert <optgroup><option>6</option></optgroup> into <select>
PASS Insert <optgroup><optgroup><option>6</option></optgroup></optgroup> into <select>
PASS namedItem id attribute
PASS namedItem name attribute
PASS namedItem doesn't match anything
PASS namedItem multiple IDs
PASS namedItem multiple names
PASS namedItem multiple name and ID
PASS namedItem multiple name and ID with multiple attributes
PASS namedItem id attribute multiple attributes one element
PASS namedItem name attribute multiple attributes one element
PASS HTMLOptionsCollection [index] method return the item with index
PASS HTMLOptionsCollection [name] method return the item with name
PASS HTMLOptionsCollection.item(index) method return the item with index
PASS HTMLOptionsCollection.item(name) method return the item with index 0
PASS HTMLOptionsCollection.add method insert HTMLOptionElement Option element
PASS HTMLOptionsCollection.remove method remove Option element by index
PASS Add non-option to collection