blob: b20e3e7108e9d876a416c8eb2bbf1126b5244f1a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 The Karbon Developers
* Copyright (C) 2006 Alexander Kellett <>
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Rob Buis <>
* Copyright (C) 2007-2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "SVGParserUtilities.h"
#include "Document.h"
#include "FloatRect.h"
#include <limits>
#include <wtf/ASCIICType.h>
#include <wtf/text/StringParsingBuffer.h>
#include <wtf/text/StringView.h>
namespace WebCore {
template <typename FloatType> static inline bool isValidRange(const FloatType& x)
static const FloatType max = std::numeric_limits<FloatType>::max();
return x >= -max && x <= max;
// We use this generic parseNumber function to allow the Path parsing code to work
// at a higher precision internally, without any unnecessary runtime cost or code
// complexity.
// FIXME: Can this be shared/replaced with number parsing in WTF?
template <typename CharacterType, typename FloatType = float> static Optional<FloatType> genericParseNumber(StringParsingBuffer<CharacterType>& buffer, SuffixSkippingPolicy skip = SuffixSkippingPolicy::Skip)
FloatType number = 0;
FloatType integer = 0;
FloatType decimal = 0;
FloatType frac = 1;
FloatType exponent = 0;
int sign = 1;
int expsign = 1;
auto start = buffer.position();
// read the sign
if (buffer.hasCharactersRemaining() && *buffer == '+')
else if (buffer.hasCharactersRemaining() && *buffer == '-') {
sign = -1;
if (buffer.atEnd() || (!isASCIIDigit(*buffer) && *buffer != '.'))
return WTF::nullopt;
// read the integer part, build right-to-left
auto ptrStartIntPart = buffer.position();
// Advance to first non-digit.
if (buffer.position() != ptrStartIntPart) {
auto ptrScanIntPart = buffer.position() - 1;
FloatType multiplier = 1;
while (ptrScanIntPart >= ptrStartIntPart) {
integer += multiplier * static_cast<FloatType>(*(ptrScanIntPart--) - '0');
multiplier *= 10;
// Bail out early if this overflows.
if (!isValidRange(integer))
return WTF::nullopt;
// read the decimals
if (buffer.hasCharactersRemaining() && *buffer == '.') {
// There must be a least one digit following the .
if (buffer.atEnd() || !isASCIIDigit(*buffer))
return WTF::nullopt;
while (buffer.hasCharactersRemaining() && isASCIIDigit(*buffer))
decimal += (*(buffer++) - '0') * (frac *= static_cast<FloatType>(0.1));
// read the exponent part
if (buffer.position() != start && buffer.position() + 1 < buffer.end() && (*buffer == 'e' || *buffer == 'E')
&& (buffer[1] != 'x' && buffer[1] != 'm')) {
// read the sign of the exponent
if (*buffer == '+')
else if (*buffer == '-') {
expsign = -1;
// There must be an exponent
if (buffer.atEnd() || !isASCIIDigit(*buffer))
return WTF::nullopt;
while (buffer.hasCharactersRemaining() && isASCIIDigit(*buffer)) {
exponent *= static_cast<FloatType>(10);
exponent += *buffer++ - '0';
// Make sure exponent is valid.
if (!isValidRange(exponent) || exponent > std::numeric_limits<FloatType>::max_exponent)
return WTF::nullopt;
number = integer + decimal;
number *= sign;
if (exponent)
number *= static_cast<FloatType>(pow(10.0, expsign * static_cast<int>(exponent)));
// Don't return Infinity() or NaN().
if (!isValidRange(number))
return WTF::nullopt;
if (start == buffer.position())
return WTF::nullopt;
if (skip == SuffixSkippingPolicy::Skip)
return number;
Optional<float> parseNumber(StringParsingBuffer<LChar>& buffer, SuffixSkippingPolicy skip)
return genericParseNumber(buffer, skip);
Optional<float> parseNumber(StringParsingBuffer<UChar>& buffer, SuffixSkippingPolicy skip)
return genericParseNumber(buffer, skip);
Optional<float> parseNumber(const StringView& string, SuffixSkippingPolicy skip)
return readCharactersForParsing(string, [skip](auto buffer) -> Optional<float> {
auto result = genericParseNumber(buffer, skip);
if (!buffer.atEnd())
return WTF::nullopt;
return result;
// only used to parse largeArcFlag and sweepFlag which must be a "0" or "1"
// and might not have any whitespace/comma after it
template <typename CharacterType> Optional<bool> genericParseArcFlag(StringParsingBuffer<CharacterType>& buffer)
if (buffer.atEnd())
return WTF::nullopt;
const CharacterType flagChar = *buffer;
bool flag;
if (flagChar == '0')
flag = false;
else if (flagChar == '1')
flag = true;
return WTF::nullopt;
return flag;
Optional<bool> parseArcFlag(StringParsingBuffer<LChar>& buffer)
return genericParseArcFlag(buffer);
Optional<bool> parseArcFlag(StringParsingBuffer<UChar>& buffer)
return genericParseArcFlag(buffer);
Optional<std::pair<float, float>> parseNumberOptionalNumber(const StringView& string)
if (string.isEmpty())
return WTF::nullopt;
return readCharactersForParsing(string, [](auto buffer) -> Optional<std::pair<float, float>> {
auto x = parseNumber(buffer);
if (!x)
return WTF::nullopt;
if (buffer.atEnd())
return std::make_pair(*x, *x);
auto y = parseNumber(buffer, SuffixSkippingPolicy::DontSkip);
if (!y)
return WTF::nullopt;
if (!buffer.atEnd())
return WTF::nullopt;
return std::make_pair(*x, *y);
Optional<FloatPoint> parsePoint(const StringView& string)
if (string.isEmpty())
return WTF::nullopt;
return readCharactersForParsing(string, [](auto buffer) -> Optional<FloatPoint> {
if (!skipOptionalSVGSpaces(buffer))
return WTF::nullopt;
auto point = parseFloatPoint(buffer);
if (!point)
return WTF::nullopt;
// Disallow anything except spaces at the end.
return point;
Optional<FloatRect> parseRect(const StringView& string)
return readCharactersForParsing(string, [](auto buffer) -> Optional<FloatRect> {
auto x = parseNumber(buffer);
if (!x)
return WTF::nullopt;
auto y = parseNumber(buffer);
if (!y)
return WTF::nullopt;
auto width = parseNumber(buffer);
if (!width)
return WTF::nullopt;
auto height = parseNumber(buffer, SuffixSkippingPolicy::DontSkip);
if (!height)
return WTF::nullopt;
return FloatRect { *x, *y, *width, *height };
Optional<HashSet<String>> parseGlyphName(const StringView& string)
// FIXME: Parsing error detection is missing.
return readCharactersForParsing(string, [](auto buffer) -> HashSet<String> {
HashSet<String> values;
while (buffer.hasCharactersRemaining()) {
// Leading and trailing white space, and white space before and after separators, will be ignored.
auto inputStart = buffer.position();
skipUntil(buffer, ',');
if (buffer.position() == inputStart)
// walk backwards from the ; to ignore any whitespace
auto inputEnd = buffer.position() - 1;
while (inputStart < inputEnd && isSVGSpace(*inputEnd))
values.add(String(inputStart, inputEnd - inputStart + 1));
skipOptionalSVGSpacesOrDelimiter(buffer, ',');
return values;
template<typename CharacterType> static Optional<UnicodeRange> parseUnicodeRange(StringParsingBuffer<CharacterType> buffer)
unsigned length = buffer.lengthRemaining();
if (length < 2 || buffer[0] != 'U' || buffer[1] != '+')
return WTF::nullopt;
buffer += 2;
// Parse the starting hex number (or its prefix).
unsigned startRange = 0;
unsigned startLength = 0;
while (buffer.hasCharactersRemaining()) {
if (!isASCIIHexDigit(*buffer))
if (startLength > 6)
return WTF::nullopt;
startRange = (startRange << 4) | toASCIIHexValue(*buffer);
// Handle the case of ranges separated by "-" sign.
if (2 + startLength < length && *buffer == '-') {
if (!startLength)
return WTF::nullopt;
// Parse the ending hex number (or its prefix).
unsigned endRange = 0;
unsigned endLength = 0;
while (buffer.hasCharactersRemaining()) {
if (!isASCIIHexDigit(*buffer))
if (endLength > 6)
return WTF::nullopt;
endRange = (endRange << 4) | toASCIIHexValue(*buffer);
if (!endLength)
return WTF::nullopt;
UnicodeRange range;
range.first = startRange;
range.second = endRange;
return range;
// Handle the case of a number with some optional trailing question marks.
unsigned endRange = startRange;
while (buffer.hasCharactersRemaining()) {
if (*buffer != '?')
if (startLength > 6)
return WTF::nullopt;
startRange <<= 4;
endRange = (endRange << 4) | 0xF;
if (!startLength)
return WTF::nullopt;
UnicodeRange range;
range.first = startRange;
range.second = endRange;
return range;
Optional<std::pair<UnicodeRanges, HashSet<String>>> parseKerningUnicodeString(const StringView& string)
// FIXME: Parsing error detection is missing.
return readCharactersForParsing(string, [](auto buffer) -> std::pair<UnicodeRanges, HashSet<String>> {
UnicodeRanges rangeList;
HashSet<String> stringList;
while (1) {
auto inputStart = buffer.position();
skipUntil(buffer, ',');
if (buffer.position() == inputStart)
// Try to parse unicode range first
if (auto range = parseUnicodeRange(StringParsingBuffer { inputStart, buffer.position() }))
stringList.add(String(inputStart, buffer.position() - inputStart));
if (buffer.atEnd())
return std::make_pair(WTFMove(rangeList), WTFMove(stringList));
template <typename CharacterType> static Optional<FloatPoint> genericParseFloatPoint(StringParsingBuffer<CharacterType>& buffer)
auto x = parseNumber(buffer);
if (!x)
return WTF::nullopt;
auto y = parseNumber(buffer);
if (!y)
return WTF::nullopt;
return FloatPoint { *x, *y };
Optional<FloatPoint> parseFloatPoint(StringParsingBuffer<LChar>& buffer)
return genericParseFloatPoint(buffer);
Optional<FloatPoint> parseFloatPoint(StringParsingBuffer<UChar>& buffer)
return genericParseFloatPoint(buffer);