blob: 3c25afc54d2f446a0edaa0e50c91667537257891 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* Copyright (C) 2003-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2006 Andrew Wellington (
* Copyright (C) 2010 Daniel Bates (
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "RenderListMarker.h"
#include "Document.h"
#include "FontCascade.h"
#include "GraphicsContext.h"
#include "InlineElementBox.h"
#include "RenderLayer.h"
#include "RenderListItem.h"
#include "RenderMultiColumnFlow.h"
#include "RenderMultiColumnSpannerPlaceholder.h"
#include "RenderView.h"
#include <wtf/IsoMallocInlines.h>
#include <wtf/StackStats.h>
#include <wtf/text/StringConcatenateNumbers.h>
#include <wtf/unicode/CharacterNames.h>
namespace WebCore {
using namespace WTF::Unicode;
const int cMarkerPadding = 7;
enum class LetterCase { Lower, Upper };
enum class SequenceType { Numeric, Alphabetic };
static NEVER_INLINE String toRoman(int number, LetterCase letterCase)
// FIXME: CSS3 describes how to make this work for much larger numbers,
// using overbars and special characters. It also specifies the characters
// in the range U+2160 to U+217F instead of standard ASCII ones.
ASSERT(number >= 1 && number <= 3999);
// Big enough to store largest roman number less than 3999 which
constexpr unsigned lettersSize = 15;
LChar letters[lettersSize];
unsigned length = 0;
const LChar ldigits[] = { 'i', 'v', 'x', 'l', 'c', 'd', 'm' };
const LChar udigits[] = { 'I', 'V', 'X', 'L', 'C', 'D', 'M' };
const LChar* digits = letterCase == LetterCase::Upper ? udigits : ldigits;
int d = 0;
do {
int num = number % 10;
if (num % 5 < 4)
for (int i = num % 5; i > 0; i--)
letters[lettersSize - ++length] = digits[d];
if (num >= 4 && num <= 8)
letters[lettersSize - ++length] = digits[d + 1];
if (num == 9)
letters[lettersSize - ++length] = digits[d + 2];
if (num % 5 == 4)
letters[lettersSize - ++length] = digits[d];
number /= 10;
d += 2;
} while (number);
ASSERT(length <= lettersSize);
return String { &letters[lettersSize - length], length };
template<typename CharacterType>
static inline String toAlphabeticOrNumeric(int number, const CharacterType* sequence, unsigned sequenceSize, SequenceType type)
ASSERT(sequenceSize >= 2);
// Taking sizeof(number) in the expression below doesn't work with some compilers.
constexpr unsigned lettersSize = sizeof(int) * 8 + 1; // Binary is the worst case; requires one character per bit plus a minus sign.
CharacterType letters[lettersSize];
bool isNegativeNumber = false;
unsigned numberShadow = number;
if (type == SequenceType::Alphabetic) {
ASSERT(number > 0);
} else if (number < 0) {
numberShadow = -number;
isNegativeNumber = true;
letters[lettersSize - 1] = sequence[numberShadow % sequenceSize];
unsigned length = 1;
if (type == SequenceType::Alphabetic) {
while ((numberShadow /= sequenceSize) > 0) {
letters[lettersSize - ++length] = sequence[numberShadow % sequenceSize];
} else {
while ((numberShadow /= sequenceSize) > 0)
letters[lettersSize - ++length] = sequence[numberShadow % sequenceSize];
if (isNegativeNumber)
letters[lettersSize - ++length] = hyphenMinus;
ASSERT(length <= lettersSize);
return String { &letters[lettersSize - length], length };
template<typename CharacterType>
static NEVER_INLINE String toSymbolic(int number, const CharacterType* symbols, unsigned symbolsSize)
ASSERT(number > 0);
ASSERT(symbolsSize >= 1);
// The asterisks list-style-type is the worst case; we show |number| asterisks.
CharacterType symbol = symbols[(number - 1) % symbolsSize];
unsigned count = (number - 1) / symbolsSize + 1;
CharacterType* characters;
String result = String::createUninitialized(count, characters);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i)
characters[i] = symbol;
return result;
template<typename CharacterType>
static NEVER_INLINE String toAlphabetic(int number, const CharacterType* alphabet, unsigned alphabetSize)
return toAlphabeticOrNumeric(number, alphabet, alphabetSize, SequenceType::Alphabetic);
template<typename CharacterType>
static NEVER_INLINE String toNumeric(int number, const CharacterType* numerals, unsigned numeralsSize)
return toAlphabeticOrNumeric(number, numerals, numeralsSize, SequenceType::Numeric);
template<typename CharacterType, size_t size>
static inline String toAlphabetic(int number, const CharacterType(&alphabet)[size])
return toAlphabetic(number, alphabet, size);
template<typename CharacterType, size_t size>
static inline String toNumeric(int number, const CharacterType(&alphabet)[size])
return toNumeric(number, alphabet, size);
template<typename CharacterType, size_t size>
static inline String toSymbolic(int number, const CharacterType(&alphabet)[size])
return toSymbolic(number, alphabet, size);
static NEVER_INLINE int toHebrewUnder1000(int number, UChar letters[5])
// FIXME: CSS3 mentions various refinements not implemented here.
// FIXME: Should take a look at Mozilla's HebrewToText function (in nsBulletFrame).
ASSERT(number >= 0 && number < 1000);
int length = 0;
int fourHundreds = number / 400;
for (int i = 0; i < fourHundreds; i++)
letters[length++] = 1511 + 3;
number %= 400;
if (number / 100)
letters[length++] = 1511 + (number / 100) - 1;
number %= 100;
if (number == 15 || number == 16) {
letters[length++] = 1487 + 9;
letters[length++] = 1487 + number - 9;
} else {
if (int tens = number / 10) {
static const UChar hebrewTens[9] = { 1497, 1499, 1500, 1502, 1504, 1505, 1506, 1508, 1510 };
letters[length++] = hebrewTens[tens - 1];
if (int ones = number % 10)
letters[length++] = 1487 + ones;
ASSERT(length <= 5);
return length;
static NEVER_INLINE String toHebrew(int number)
// FIXME: CSS3 mentions ways to make this work for much larger numbers.
ASSERT(number >= 0 && number <= 999999);
if (number == 0) {
static const UChar hebrewZero[3] = { 0x05D0, 0x05E4, 0x05E1 };
return String { hebrewZero, 3 };
constexpr unsigned lettersSize = 11; // big enough for two 5-digit sequences plus a quote mark between
UChar letters[lettersSize];
unsigned length;
if (number < 1000)
length = 0;
else {
length = toHebrewUnder1000(number / 1000, letters);
letters[length++] = '\'';
number = number % 1000;
length += toHebrewUnder1000(number, letters + length);
ASSERT(length <= lettersSize);
return String { letters, length };
static NEVER_INLINE unsigned toArmenianUnder10000(int number, LetterCase letterCase, bool addCircumflex, UChar letters[9])
ASSERT(number >= 0 && number < 10000);
unsigned length = 0;
int lowerOffset = letterCase == LetterCase::Upper ? 0 : 0x0030;
if (int thousands = number / 1000) {
if (thousands == 7) {
letters[length++] = 0x0552 + lowerOffset;
if (addCircumflex)
letters[length++] = 0x0302;
} else {
letters[length++] = (0x054C - 1 + lowerOffset) + thousands;
if (addCircumflex)
letters[length++] = 0x0302;
if (int hundreds = (number / 100) % 10) {
letters[length++] = (0x0543 - 1 + lowerOffset) + hundreds;
if (addCircumflex)
letters[length++] = 0x0302;
if (int tens = (number / 10) % 10) {
letters[length++] = (0x053A - 1 + lowerOffset) + tens;
if (addCircumflex)
letters[length++] = 0x0302;
if (int ones = number % 10) {
letters[length++] = (0x531 - 1 + lowerOffset) + ones;
if (addCircumflex)
letters[length++] = 0x0302;
return length;
static NEVER_INLINE String toArmenian(int number, LetterCase letterCase)
ASSERT(number >= 1 && number <= 99999999);
constexpr unsigned lettersSize = 18; // twice what toArmenianUnder10000 needs
UChar letters[lettersSize];
unsigned length = toArmenianUnder10000(number / 10000, letterCase, true, letters);
length += toArmenianUnder10000(number % 10000, letterCase, false, letters + length);
ASSERT(length <= lettersSize);
return String { letters, length };
static NEVER_INLINE String toGeorgian(int number)
ASSERT(number >= 1 && number <= 19999);
constexpr unsigned lettersSize = 5;
UChar letters[lettersSize];
unsigned length = 0;
if (number > 9999)
letters[length++] = 0x10F5;
if (int thousands = (number / 1000) % 10) {
static const UChar georgianThousands[9] = {
0x10E9, 0x10EA, 0x10EB, 0x10EC, 0x10ED, 0x10EE, 0x10F4, 0x10EF, 0x10F0
letters[length++] = georgianThousands[thousands - 1];
if (int hundreds = (number / 100) % 10) {
static const UChar georgianHundreds[9] = {
0x10E0, 0x10E1, 0x10E2, 0x10F3, 0x10E4, 0x10E5, 0x10E6, 0x10E7, 0x10E8
letters[length++] = georgianHundreds[hundreds - 1];
if (int tens = (number / 10) % 10) {
static const UChar georgianTens[9] = {
0x10D8, 0x10D9, 0x10DA, 0x10DB, 0x10DC, 0x10F2, 0x10DD, 0x10DE, 0x10DF
letters[length++] = georgianTens[tens - 1];
if (int ones = number % 10) {
static const UChar georgianOnes[9] = {
0x10D0, 0x10D1, 0x10D2, 0x10D3, 0x10D4, 0x10D5, 0x10D6, 0x10F1, 0x10D7
letters[length++] = georgianOnes[ones - 1];
ASSERT(length <= lettersSize);
return String { letters, length };
// The table uses the order from the CSS3 specification:
// first 3 group markers, then 3 digit markers, then ten digits.
static NEVER_INLINE String toCJKIdeographic(int number, const UChar table[16])
ASSERT(number >= 0);
enum AbstractCJKChar {
secondGroupMarker, thirdGroupMarker, fourthGroupMarker,
secondDigitMarker, thirdDigitMarker, fourthDigitMarker,
digit0, digit1, digit2, digit3, digit4,
digit5, digit6, digit7, digit8, digit9
if (!number)
return String { &table[digit0 - 1] , 1 };
constexpr unsigned groupLength = 8; // 4 digits, 3 digit markers, and a group marker
constexpr unsigned bufferLength = 4 * groupLength;
AbstractCJKChar buffer[bufferLength] = { noChar };
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
int groupValue = number % 10000;
number /= 10000;
// Process least-significant group first, but put it in the buffer last.
AbstractCJKChar* group = &buffer[(3 - i) * groupLength];
if (groupValue && i)
group[7] = static_cast<AbstractCJKChar>(secondGroupMarker - 1 + i);
// Put in the four digits and digit markers for any non-zero digits.
group[6] = static_cast<AbstractCJKChar>(digit0 + (groupValue % 10));
if (number != 0 || groupValue > 9) {
int digitValue = ((groupValue / 10) % 10);
group[4] = static_cast<AbstractCJKChar>(digit0 + digitValue);
if (digitValue)
group[5] = secondDigitMarker;
if (number != 0 || groupValue > 99) {
int digitValue = ((groupValue / 100) % 10);
group[2] = static_cast<AbstractCJKChar>(digit0 + digitValue);
if (digitValue)
group[3] = thirdDigitMarker;
if (number != 0 || groupValue > 999) {
int digitValue = groupValue / 1000;
group[0] = static_cast<AbstractCJKChar>(digit0 + digitValue);
if (digitValue)
group[1] = fourthDigitMarker;
// Remove the tens digit, but leave the marker, for any group that has
// a value of less than 20.
if (groupValue < 20) {
ASSERT(group[4] == noChar || group[4] == digit0 || group[4] == digit1);
group[4] = noChar;
if (!number)
// Convert into characters, omitting consecutive runs of digit0 and trailing digit0.
unsigned length = 0;
UChar characters[bufferLength];
AbstractCJKChar last = noChar;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < bufferLength; ++i) {
AbstractCJKChar a = buffer[i];
if (a != noChar) {
if (a != digit0 || last != digit0)
characters[length++] = table[a - 1];
last = a;
if (last == digit0)
return String { characters, length };
static ListStyleType effectiveListMarkerType(ListStyleType type, int value)
// Note, the following switch statement has been explicitly grouped
// by list-style-type ordinal range.
switch (type) {
case ListStyleType::ArabicIndic:
case ListStyleType::Bengali:
case ListStyleType::Binary:
case ListStyleType::Cambodian:
case ListStyleType::Circle:
case ListStyleType::DecimalLeadingZero:
case ListStyleType::Decimal:
case ListStyleType::Devanagari:
case ListStyleType::Disc:
case ListStyleType::Gujarati:
case ListStyleType::Gurmukhi:
case ListStyleType::Kannada:
case ListStyleType::Khmer:
case ListStyleType::Lao:
case ListStyleType::LowerHexadecimal:
case ListStyleType::Malayalam:
case ListStyleType::Mongolian:
case ListStyleType::Myanmar:
case ListStyleType::None:
case ListStyleType::Octal:
case ListStyleType::Oriya:
case ListStyleType::Persian:
case ListStyleType::Square:
case ListStyleType::Telugu:
case ListStyleType::Thai:
case ListStyleType::Tibetan:
case ListStyleType::UpperHexadecimal:
case ListStyleType::Urdu:
return type; // Can represent all ordinals.
case ListStyleType::Armenian:
return (value < 1 || value > 99999999) ? ListStyleType::Decimal : type;
case ListStyleType::CJKIdeographic:
return (value < 0) ? ListStyleType::Decimal : type;
case ListStyleType::Georgian:
return (value < 1 || value > 19999) ? ListStyleType::Decimal : type;
case ListStyleType::Hebrew:
return (value < 0 || value > 999999) ? ListStyleType::Decimal : type;
case ListStyleType::LowerRoman:
case ListStyleType::UpperRoman:
return (value < 1 || value > 3999) ? ListStyleType::Decimal : type;
case ListStyleType::Afar:
case ListStyleType::Amharic:
case ListStyleType::AmharicAbegede:
case ListStyleType::Asterisks:
case ListStyleType::CjkEarthlyBranch:
case ListStyleType::CjkHeavenlyStem:
case ListStyleType::Ethiopic:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegede:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeAmEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeGez:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeTiEr:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeTiEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAaEr:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAaEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAmEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameGez:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameOmEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameSidEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameSoEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTiEr:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTiEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTig:
case ListStyleType::Footnotes:
case ListStyleType::Hangul:
case ListStyleType::HangulConsonant:
case ListStyleType::Hiragana:
case ListStyleType::HiraganaIroha:
case ListStyleType::Katakana:
case ListStyleType::KatakanaIroha:
case ListStyleType::LowerAlpha:
case ListStyleType::LowerArmenian:
case ListStyleType::LowerGreek:
case ListStyleType::LowerLatin:
case ListStyleType::LowerNorwegian:
case ListStyleType::Oromo:
case ListStyleType::Sidama:
case ListStyleType::Somali:
case ListStyleType::Tigre:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEr:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaErAbegede:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEt:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEtAbegede:
case ListStyleType::UpperAlpha:
case ListStyleType::UpperArmenian:
case ListStyleType::UpperGreek:
case ListStyleType::UpperLatin:
case ListStyleType::UpperNorwegian:
return (value < 1) ? ListStyleType::Decimal : type;
return type;
static UChar listMarkerSuffix(ListStyleType type, int value)
// If the list-style-type cannot represent |value| because it's outside its
// ordinal range then we fall back to another list style that can represent |value|.
ListStyleType effectiveType = effectiveListMarkerType(type, value);
// Note, the following switch statement has been explicitly
// grouped by list-style-type suffix.
switch (effectiveType) {
case ListStyleType::Asterisks:
case ListStyleType::Circle:
case ListStyleType::Disc:
case ListStyleType::Footnotes:
case ListStyleType::None:
case ListStyleType::Square:
return ' ';
case ListStyleType::Afar:
case ListStyleType::Amharic:
case ListStyleType::AmharicAbegede:
case ListStyleType::Ethiopic:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegede:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeAmEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeGez:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeTiEr:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeTiEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAaEr:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAaEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAmEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameGez:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameOmEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameSidEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameSoEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTiEr:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTiEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTig:
case ListStyleType::Oromo:
case ListStyleType::Sidama:
case ListStyleType::Somali:
case ListStyleType::Tigre:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEr:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaErAbegede:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEt:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEtAbegede:
return ethiopicPrefaceColon;
case ListStyleType::Armenian:
case ListStyleType::ArabicIndic:
case ListStyleType::Bengali:
case ListStyleType::Binary:
case ListStyleType::Cambodian:
case ListStyleType::CJKIdeographic:
case ListStyleType::CjkEarthlyBranch:
case ListStyleType::CjkHeavenlyStem:
case ListStyleType::DecimalLeadingZero:
case ListStyleType::Decimal:
case ListStyleType::Devanagari:
case ListStyleType::Georgian:
case ListStyleType::Gujarati:
case ListStyleType::Gurmukhi:
case ListStyleType::Hangul:
case ListStyleType::HangulConsonant:
case ListStyleType::Hebrew:
case ListStyleType::Hiragana:
case ListStyleType::HiraganaIroha:
case ListStyleType::Kannada:
case ListStyleType::Katakana:
case ListStyleType::KatakanaIroha:
case ListStyleType::Khmer:
case ListStyleType::Lao:
case ListStyleType::LowerAlpha:
case ListStyleType::LowerArmenian:
case ListStyleType::LowerGreek:
case ListStyleType::LowerHexadecimal:
case ListStyleType::LowerLatin:
case ListStyleType::LowerNorwegian:
case ListStyleType::LowerRoman:
case ListStyleType::Malayalam:
case ListStyleType::Mongolian:
case ListStyleType::Myanmar:
case ListStyleType::Octal:
case ListStyleType::Oriya:
case ListStyleType::Persian:
case ListStyleType::Telugu:
case ListStyleType::Thai:
case ListStyleType::Tibetan:
case ListStyleType::UpperAlpha:
case ListStyleType::UpperArmenian:
case ListStyleType::UpperGreek:
case ListStyleType::UpperHexadecimal:
case ListStyleType::UpperLatin:
case ListStyleType::UpperNorwegian:
case ListStyleType::UpperRoman:
case ListStyleType::Urdu:
return '.';
return '.';
String listMarkerText(ListStyleType type, int value)
// If the list-style-type cannot represent |value| because it's outside its
// ordinal range then we fall back to another list style that can represent |value|.
switch (effectiveListMarkerType(type, value)) {
case ListStyleType::None:
return emptyString();
case ListStyleType::Asterisks: {
static const LChar asterisksSymbols[1] = { 0x2A };
return toSymbolic(value, asterisksSymbols);
// We use the same characters for text security.
// See RenderText::setInternalString.
case ListStyleType::Circle:
return String { &whiteBullet, 1 };
case ListStyleType::Disc:
return String { &bullet, 1 };
case ListStyleType::Footnotes: {
static const UChar footnotesSymbols[4] = { 0x002A, 0x2051, 0x2020, 0x2021 };
return toSymbolic(value, footnotesSymbols);
case ListStyleType::Square:
// The CSS 2.1 test suite uses U+25EE BLACK MEDIUM SMALL SQUARE instead,
// but we used this because we thought it looked better.
return String { &blackSquare, 1 };
case ListStyleType::Decimal:
return String::number(value);
case ListStyleType::DecimalLeadingZero:
if (value >= 0 && value <= 9) {
LChar characters[2] = { '0', static_cast<LChar>('0' + value) }; // 00 to 09
return String { characters, 2 };
if (value >= -9 && value <= -1) {
LChar characters[3] = { '-', '0', static_cast<LChar>('0' - value) }; // -01 to -09
return String { characters, 3 };
return String::number(value);
case ListStyleType::ArabicIndic: {
static const UChar arabicIndicNumerals[10] = {
0x0660, 0x0661, 0x0662, 0x0663, 0x0664, 0x0665, 0x0666, 0x0667, 0x0668, 0x0669
return toNumeric(value, arabicIndicNumerals);
case ListStyleType::Binary: {
static const LChar binaryNumerals[2] = { '0', '1' };
return toNumeric(value, binaryNumerals);
case ListStyleType::Bengali: {
static const UChar bengaliNumerals[10] = {
0x09E6, 0x09E7, 0x09E8, 0x09E9, 0x09EA, 0x09EB, 0x09EC, 0x09ED, 0x09EE, 0x09EF
return toNumeric(value, bengaliNumerals);
case ListStyleType::Cambodian:
case ListStyleType::Khmer: {
static const UChar khmerNumerals[10] = {
0x17E0, 0x17E1, 0x17E2, 0x17E3, 0x17E4, 0x17E5, 0x17E6, 0x17E7, 0x17E8, 0x17E9
return toNumeric(value, khmerNumerals);
case ListStyleType::Devanagari: {
static const UChar devanagariNumerals[10] = {
0x0966, 0x0967, 0x0968, 0x0969, 0x096A, 0x096B, 0x096C, 0x096D, 0x096E, 0x096F
return toNumeric(value, devanagariNumerals);
case ListStyleType::Gujarati: {
static const UChar gujaratiNumerals[10] = {
0x0AE6, 0x0AE7, 0x0AE8, 0x0AE9, 0x0AEA, 0x0AEB, 0x0AEC, 0x0AED, 0x0AEE, 0x0AEF
return toNumeric(value, gujaratiNumerals);
case ListStyleType::Gurmukhi: {
static const UChar gurmukhiNumerals[10] = {
0x0A66, 0x0A67, 0x0A68, 0x0A69, 0x0A6A, 0x0A6B, 0x0A6C, 0x0A6D, 0x0A6E, 0x0A6F
return toNumeric(value, gurmukhiNumerals);
case ListStyleType::Kannada: {
static const UChar kannadaNumerals[10] = {
0x0CE6, 0x0CE7, 0x0CE8, 0x0CE9, 0x0CEA, 0x0CEB, 0x0CEC, 0x0CED, 0x0CEE, 0x0CEF
return toNumeric(value, kannadaNumerals);
case ListStyleType::LowerHexadecimal: {
static const LChar lowerHexadecimalNumerals[16] = {
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'
return toNumeric(value, lowerHexadecimalNumerals);
case ListStyleType::Lao: {
static const UChar laoNumerals[10] = {
0x0ED0, 0x0ED1, 0x0ED2, 0x0ED3, 0x0ED4, 0x0ED5, 0x0ED6, 0x0ED7, 0x0ED8, 0x0ED9
return toNumeric(value, laoNumerals);
case ListStyleType::Malayalam: {
static const UChar malayalamNumerals[10] = {
0x0D66, 0x0D67, 0x0D68, 0x0D69, 0x0D6A, 0x0D6B, 0x0D6C, 0x0D6D, 0x0D6E, 0x0D6F
return toNumeric(value, malayalamNumerals);
case ListStyleType::Mongolian: {
static const UChar mongolianNumerals[10] = {
0x1810, 0x1811, 0x1812, 0x1813, 0x1814, 0x1815, 0x1816, 0x1817, 0x1818, 0x1819
return toNumeric(value, mongolianNumerals);
case ListStyleType::Myanmar: {
static const UChar myanmarNumerals[10] = {
0x1040, 0x1041, 0x1042, 0x1043, 0x1044, 0x1045, 0x1046, 0x1047, 0x1048, 0x1049
return toNumeric(value, myanmarNumerals);
case ListStyleType::Octal: {
static const LChar octalNumerals[8] = {
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'
return toNumeric(value, octalNumerals);
case ListStyleType::Oriya: {
static const UChar oriyaNumerals[10] = {
0x0B66, 0x0B67, 0x0B68, 0x0B69, 0x0B6A, 0x0B6B, 0x0B6C, 0x0B6D, 0x0B6E, 0x0B6F
return toNumeric(value, oriyaNumerals);
case ListStyleType::Persian:
case ListStyleType::Urdu: {
static const UChar urduNumerals[10] = {
0x06F0, 0x06F1, 0x06F2, 0x06F3, 0x06F4, 0x06F5, 0x06F6, 0x06F7, 0x06F8, 0x06F9
return toNumeric(value, urduNumerals);
case ListStyleType::Telugu: {
static const UChar teluguNumerals[10] = {
0x0C66, 0x0C67, 0x0C68, 0x0C69, 0x0C6A, 0x0C6B, 0x0C6C, 0x0C6D, 0x0C6E, 0x0C6F
return toNumeric(value, teluguNumerals);
case ListStyleType::Tibetan: {
static const UChar tibetanNumerals[10] = {
0x0F20, 0x0F21, 0x0F22, 0x0F23, 0x0F24, 0x0F25, 0x0F26, 0x0F27, 0x0F28, 0x0F29
return toNumeric(value, tibetanNumerals);
case ListStyleType::Thai: {
static const UChar thaiNumerals[10] = {
0x0E50, 0x0E51, 0x0E52, 0x0E53, 0x0E54, 0x0E55, 0x0E56, 0x0E57, 0x0E58, 0x0E59
return toNumeric(value, thaiNumerals);
case ListStyleType::UpperHexadecimal: {
static const LChar upperHexadecimalNumerals[16] = {
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'
return toNumeric(value, upperHexadecimalNumerals);
case ListStyleType::LowerAlpha:
case ListStyleType::LowerLatin: {
static const LChar lowerLatinAlphabet[26] = {
'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm',
'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'
return toAlphabetic(value, lowerLatinAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::UpperAlpha:
case ListStyleType::UpperLatin: {
static const LChar upperLatinAlphabet[26] = {
'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M',
'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'
return toAlphabetic(value, upperLatinAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::LowerGreek: {
static const UChar lowerGreekAlphabet[24] = {
0x03B1, 0x03B2, 0x03B3, 0x03B4, 0x03B5, 0x03B6, 0x03B7, 0x03B8,
0x03B9, 0x03BA, 0x03BB, 0x03BC, 0x03BD, 0x03BE, 0x03BF, 0x03C0,
0x03C1, 0x03C3, 0x03C4, 0x03C5, 0x03C6, 0x03C7, 0x03C8, 0x03C9
return toAlphabetic(value, lowerGreekAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::Hiragana: {
// FIXME: This table comes from the CSS3 draft, and is probably
// incorrect, given the comments in that draft.
static const UChar hiraganaAlphabet[48] = {
0x3042, 0x3044, 0x3046, 0x3048, 0x304A, 0x304B, 0x304D, 0x304F,
0x3051, 0x3053, 0x3055, 0x3057, 0x3059, 0x305B, 0x305D, 0x305F,
0x3061, 0x3064, 0x3066, 0x3068, 0x306A, 0x306B, 0x306C, 0x306D,
0x306E, 0x306F, 0x3072, 0x3075, 0x3078, 0x307B, 0x307E, 0x307F,
0x3080, 0x3081, 0x3082, 0x3084, 0x3086, 0x3088, 0x3089, 0x308A,
0x308B, 0x308C, 0x308D, 0x308F, 0x3090, 0x3091, 0x3092, 0x3093
return toAlphabetic(value, hiraganaAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::HiraganaIroha: {
// FIXME: This table comes from the CSS3 draft, and is probably
// incorrect, given the comments in that draft.
static const UChar hiraganaIrohaAlphabet[47] = {
0x3044, 0x308D, 0x306F, 0x306B, 0x307B, 0x3078, 0x3068, 0x3061,
0x308A, 0x306C, 0x308B, 0x3092, 0x308F, 0x304B, 0x3088, 0x305F,
0x308C, 0x305D, 0x3064, 0x306D, 0x306A, 0x3089, 0x3080, 0x3046,
0x3090, 0x306E, 0x304A, 0x304F, 0x3084, 0x307E, 0x3051, 0x3075,
0x3053, 0x3048, 0x3066, 0x3042, 0x3055, 0x304D, 0x3086, 0x3081,
0x307F, 0x3057, 0x3091, 0x3072, 0x3082, 0x305B, 0x3059
return toAlphabetic(value, hiraganaIrohaAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::Katakana: {
// FIXME: This table comes from the CSS3 draft, and is probably
// incorrect, given the comments in that draft.
static const UChar katakanaAlphabet[48] = {
0x30A2, 0x30A4, 0x30A6, 0x30A8, 0x30AA, 0x30AB, 0x30AD, 0x30AF,
0x30B1, 0x30B3, 0x30B5, 0x30B7, 0x30B9, 0x30BB, 0x30BD, 0x30BF,
0x30C1, 0x30C4, 0x30C6, 0x30C8, 0x30CA, 0x30CB, 0x30CC, 0x30CD,
0x30CE, 0x30CF, 0x30D2, 0x30D5, 0x30D8, 0x30DB, 0x30DE, 0x30DF,
0x30E0, 0x30E1, 0x30E2, 0x30E4, 0x30E6, 0x30E8, 0x30E9, 0x30EA,
0x30EB, 0x30EC, 0x30ED, 0x30EF, 0x30F0, 0x30F1, 0x30F2, 0x30F3
return toAlphabetic(value, katakanaAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::KatakanaIroha: {
// FIXME: This table comes from the CSS3 draft, and is probably
// incorrect, given the comments in that draft.
static const UChar katakanaIrohaAlphabet[47] = {
0x30A4, 0x30ED, 0x30CF, 0x30CB, 0x30DB, 0x30D8, 0x30C8, 0x30C1,
0x30EA, 0x30CC, 0x30EB, 0x30F2, 0x30EF, 0x30AB, 0x30E8, 0x30BF,
0x30EC, 0x30BD, 0x30C4, 0x30CD, 0x30CA, 0x30E9, 0x30E0, 0x30A6,
0x30F0, 0x30CE, 0x30AA, 0x30AF, 0x30E4, 0x30DE, 0x30B1, 0x30D5,
0x30B3, 0x30A8, 0x30C6, 0x30A2, 0x30B5, 0x30AD, 0x30E6, 0x30E1,
0x30DF, 0x30B7, 0x30F1, 0x30D2, 0x30E2, 0x30BB, 0x30B9
return toAlphabetic(value, katakanaIrohaAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::Afar:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAaEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAaEr: {
static const UChar ethiopicHalehameAaErAlphabet[18] = {
0x1200, 0x1208, 0x1210, 0x1218, 0x1228, 0x1230, 0x1260, 0x1270, 0x1290,
0x12A0, 0x12A8, 0x12C8, 0x12D0, 0x12E8, 0x12F0, 0x1308, 0x1338, 0x1348
return toAlphabetic(value, ethiopicHalehameAaErAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::Amharic:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAmEt: {
static const UChar ethiopicHalehameAmEtAlphabet[33] = {
0x1200, 0x1208, 0x1210, 0x1218, 0x1220, 0x1228, 0x1230, 0x1238, 0x1240,
0x1260, 0x1270, 0x1278, 0x1280, 0x1290, 0x1298, 0x12A0, 0x12A8, 0x12B8,
0x12C8, 0x12D0, 0x12D8, 0x12E0, 0x12E8, 0x12F0, 0x1300, 0x1308, 0x1320,
0x1328, 0x1330, 0x1338, 0x1340, 0x1348, 0x1350
return toAlphabetic(value, ethiopicHalehameAmEtAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::AmharicAbegede:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeAmEt: {
static const UChar ethiopicAbegedeAmEtAlphabet[33] = {
0x12A0, 0x1260, 0x1308, 0x12F0, 0x1300, 0x1200, 0x12C8, 0x12D8, 0x12E0,
0x1210, 0x1320, 0x1328, 0x12E8, 0x12A8, 0x12B8, 0x1208, 0x1218, 0x1290,
0x1298, 0x1220, 0x12D0, 0x1348, 0x1338, 0x1240, 0x1228, 0x1230, 0x1238,
0x1270, 0x1278, 0x1280, 0x1340, 0x1330, 0x1350
return toAlphabetic(value, ethiopicAbegedeAmEtAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::CjkEarthlyBranch: {
static const UChar cjkEarthlyBranchAlphabet[12] = {
0x5B50, 0x4E11, 0x5BC5, 0x536F, 0x8FB0, 0x5DF3, 0x5348, 0x672A, 0x7533,
0x9149, 0x620C, 0x4EA5
return toAlphabetic(value, cjkEarthlyBranchAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::CjkHeavenlyStem: {
static const UChar cjkHeavenlyStemAlphabet[10] = {
0x7532, 0x4E59, 0x4E19, 0x4E01, 0x620A, 0x5DF1, 0x5E9A, 0x8F9B, 0x58EC,
return toAlphabetic(value, cjkHeavenlyStemAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::Ethiopic:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameGez: {
static const UChar ethiopicHalehameGezAlphabet[26] = {
0x1200, 0x1208, 0x1210, 0x1218, 0x1220, 0x1228, 0x1230, 0x1240, 0x1260,
0x1270, 0x1280, 0x1290, 0x12A0, 0x12A8, 0x12C8, 0x12D0, 0x12D8, 0x12E8,
0x12F0, 0x1308, 0x1320, 0x1330, 0x1338, 0x1340, 0x1348, 0x1350
return toAlphabetic(value, ethiopicHalehameGezAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegede:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeGez: {
static const UChar ethiopicAbegedeGezAlphabet[26] = {
0x12A0, 0x1260, 0x1308, 0x12F0, 0x1200, 0x12C8, 0x12D8, 0x1210, 0x1320,
0x12E8, 0x12A8, 0x1208, 0x1218, 0x1290, 0x1220, 0x12D0, 0x1348, 0x1338,
0x1240, 0x1228, 0x1230, 0x1270, 0x1280, 0x1340, 0x1330, 0x1350
return toAlphabetic(value, ethiopicAbegedeGezAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::HangulConsonant: {
static const UChar hangulConsonantAlphabet[14] = {
0x3131, 0x3134, 0x3137, 0x3139, 0x3141, 0x3142, 0x3145, 0x3147, 0x3148,
0x314A, 0x314B, 0x314C, 0x314D, 0x314E
return toAlphabetic(value, hangulConsonantAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::Hangul: {
static const UChar hangulAlphabet[14] = {
0xAC00, 0xB098, 0xB2E4, 0xB77C, 0xB9C8, 0xBC14, 0xC0AC, 0xC544, 0xC790,
0xCC28, 0xCE74, 0xD0C0, 0xD30C, 0xD558
return toAlphabetic(value, hangulAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::Oromo:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameOmEt: {
static const UChar ethiopicHalehameOmEtAlphabet[25] = {
0x1200, 0x1208, 0x1218, 0x1228, 0x1230, 0x1238, 0x1240, 0x1260, 0x1270,
0x1278, 0x1290, 0x1298, 0x12A0, 0x12A8, 0x12C8, 0x12E8, 0x12F0, 0x12F8,
0x1300, 0x1308, 0x1320, 0x1328, 0x1338, 0x1330, 0x1348
return toAlphabetic(value, ethiopicHalehameOmEtAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::Sidama:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameSidEt: {
static const UChar ethiopicHalehameSidEtAlphabet[26] = {
0x1200, 0x1208, 0x1210, 0x1218, 0x1228, 0x1230, 0x1238, 0x1240, 0x1260,
0x1270, 0x1278, 0x1290, 0x1298, 0x12A0, 0x12A8, 0x12C8, 0x12E8, 0x12F0,
0x12F8, 0x1300, 0x1308, 0x1320, 0x1328, 0x1338, 0x1330, 0x1348
return toAlphabetic(value, ethiopicHalehameSidEtAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::Somali:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameSoEt: {
static const UChar ethiopicHalehameSoEtAlphabet[22] = {
0x1200, 0x1208, 0x1210, 0x1218, 0x1228, 0x1230, 0x1238, 0x1240, 0x1260,
0x1270, 0x1290, 0x12A0, 0x12A8, 0x12B8, 0x12C8, 0x12D0, 0x12E8, 0x12F0,
0x1300, 0x1308, 0x1338, 0x1348
return toAlphabetic(value, ethiopicHalehameSoEtAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::Tigre:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTig: {
static const UChar ethiopicHalehameTigAlphabet[27] = {
0x1200, 0x1208, 0x1210, 0x1218, 0x1228, 0x1230, 0x1238, 0x1240, 0x1260,
0x1270, 0x1278, 0x1290, 0x12A0, 0x12A8, 0x12C8, 0x12D0, 0x12D8, 0x12E8,
0x12F0, 0x1300, 0x1308, 0x1320, 0x1328, 0x1338, 0x1330, 0x1348, 0x1350
return toAlphabetic(value, ethiopicHalehameTigAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEr:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTiEr: {
static const UChar ethiopicHalehameTiErAlphabet[31] = {
0x1200, 0x1208, 0x1210, 0x1218, 0x1228, 0x1230, 0x1238, 0x1240, 0x1250,
0x1260, 0x1270, 0x1278, 0x1290, 0x1298, 0x12A0, 0x12A8, 0x12B8, 0x12C8,
0x12D0, 0x12D8, 0x12E0, 0x12E8, 0x12F0, 0x1300, 0x1308, 0x1320, 0x1328,
0x1330, 0x1338, 0x1348, 0x1350
return toAlphabetic(value, ethiopicHalehameTiErAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaErAbegede:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeTiEr: {
static const UChar ethiopicAbegedeTiErAlphabet[31] = {
0x12A0, 0x1260, 0x1308, 0x12F0, 0x1300, 0x1200, 0x12C8, 0x12D8, 0x12E0,
0x1210, 0x1320, 0x1328, 0x12E8, 0x12A8, 0x12B8, 0x1208, 0x1218, 0x1290,
0x1298, 0x12D0, 0x1348, 0x1338, 0x1240, 0x1250, 0x1228, 0x1230, 0x1238,
0x1270, 0x1278, 0x1330, 0x1350
return toAlphabetic(value, ethiopicAbegedeTiErAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTiEt: {
static const UChar ethiopicHalehameTiEtAlphabet[34] = {
0x1200, 0x1208, 0x1210, 0x1218, 0x1220, 0x1228, 0x1230, 0x1238, 0x1240,
0x1250, 0x1260, 0x1270, 0x1278, 0x1280, 0x1290, 0x1298, 0x12A0, 0x12A8,
0x12B8, 0x12C8, 0x12D0, 0x12D8, 0x12E0, 0x12E8, 0x12F0, 0x1300, 0x1308,
0x1320, 0x1328, 0x1330, 0x1338, 0x1340, 0x1348, 0x1350
return toAlphabetic(value, ethiopicHalehameTiEtAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEtAbegede:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeTiEt: {
static const UChar ethiopicAbegedeTiEtAlphabet[34] = {
0x12A0, 0x1260, 0x1308, 0x12F0, 0x1300, 0x1200, 0x12C8, 0x12D8, 0x12E0,
0x1210, 0x1320, 0x1328, 0x12E8, 0x12A8, 0x12B8, 0x1208, 0x1218, 0x1290,
0x1298, 0x1220, 0x12D0, 0x1348, 0x1338, 0x1240, 0x1250, 0x1228, 0x1230,
0x1238, 0x1270, 0x1278, 0x1280, 0x1340, 0x1330, 0x1350
return toAlphabetic(value, ethiopicAbegedeTiEtAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::UpperGreek: {
static const UChar upperGreekAlphabet[24] = {
0x0391, 0x0392, 0x0393, 0x0394, 0x0395, 0x0396, 0x0397, 0x0398, 0x0399,
0x039A, 0x039B, 0x039C, 0x039D, 0x039E, 0x039F, 0x03A0, 0x03A1, 0x03A3,
0x03A4, 0x03A5, 0x03A6, 0x03A7, 0x03A8, 0x03A9
return toAlphabetic(value, upperGreekAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::LowerNorwegian: {
static const LChar lowerNorwegianAlphabet[29] = {
0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69,
0x6A, 0x6B, 0x6C, 0x6D, 0x6E, 0x6F, 0x70, 0x71, 0x72,
0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x78, 0x79, 0x7A, 0xE6,
0xF8, 0xE5
return toAlphabetic(value, lowerNorwegianAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::UpperNorwegian: {
static const LChar upperNorwegianAlphabet[29] = {
0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44, 0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49,
0x4A, 0x4B, 0x4C, 0x4D, 0x4E, 0x4F, 0x50, 0x51, 0x52,
0x53, 0x54, 0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5A, 0xC6,
0xD8, 0xC5
return toAlphabetic(value, upperNorwegianAlphabet);
case ListStyleType::CJKIdeographic: {
static const UChar traditionalChineseInformalTable[16] = {
0x842C, 0x5104, 0x5146,
0x5341, 0x767E, 0x5343,
0x96F6, 0x4E00, 0x4E8C, 0x4E09, 0x56DB,
0x4E94, 0x516D, 0x4E03, 0x516B, 0x4E5D
return toCJKIdeographic(value, traditionalChineseInformalTable);
case ListStyleType::LowerRoman:
return toRoman(value, LetterCase::Lower);
case ListStyleType::UpperRoman:
return toRoman(value, LetterCase::Upper);
// A CSS3 draft said that "armenian" means "lower-armenian". But the CSS2.1 test
// suite contains uppercase test results for "armenian"; our behavior matches that.
case ListStyleType::Armenian:
case ListStyleType::UpperArmenian:
return toArmenian(value, LetterCase::Upper);
case ListStyleType::LowerArmenian:
return toArmenian(value, LetterCase::Lower);
case ListStyleType::Georgian:
return toGeorgian(value);
case ListStyleType::Hebrew:
return toHebrew(value);
return emptyString();
RenderListMarker::RenderListMarker(RenderListItem& listItem, RenderStyle&& style)
: RenderBox(listItem.document(), WTFMove(style), 0)
, m_listItem(makeWeakPtr(listItem))
// init RenderObject attributes
setInline(true); // our object is Inline
setReplaced(true); // pretend to be replaced
// Do not add any code here. Add it to willBeDestroyed() instead.
void RenderListMarker::willBeDestroyed()
if (m_image)
void RenderListMarker::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const RenderStyle* oldStyle)
RenderBox::styleDidChange(diff, oldStyle);
if (oldStyle) {
if (style().listStylePosition() != oldStyle->listStylePosition() || style().listStyleType() != oldStyle->listStyleType())
if (oldStyle->isDisplayInlineType() && !style().isDisplayInlineType()) {
delete m_inlineBoxWrapper;
m_inlineBoxWrapper = nullptr;
if (m_image != style().listStyleImage()) {
if (m_image)
m_image = style().listStyleImage();
if (m_image)
std::unique_ptr<InlineElementBox> RenderListMarker::createInlineBox()
auto box = RenderBox::createInlineBox();
return box;
bool RenderListMarker::isImage() const
return m_image && !m_image->errorOccurred();
LayoutRect RenderListMarker::localSelectionRect()
InlineBox* box = inlineBoxWrapper();
if (!box)
return LayoutRect(LayoutPoint(), size());
const RootInlineBox& rootBox = m_inlineBoxWrapper->root();
LayoutUnit newLogicalTop { rootBox.blockFlow().style().isFlippedBlocksWritingMode() ? m_inlineBoxWrapper->logicalBottom() - rootBox.selectionBottom() : rootBox.selectionTop() - m_inlineBoxWrapper->logicalTop() };
if (rootBox.blockFlow().style().isHorizontalWritingMode())
return LayoutRect(0_lu, newLogicalTop, width(), rootBox.selectionHeight());
return LayoutRect(newLogicalTop, 0_lu, rootBox.selectionHeight(), height());
void RenderListMarker::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
if (paintInfo.phase != PaintPhase::Foreground)
if (style().visibility() != Visibility::Visible)
LayoutPoint boxOrigin(paintOffset + location());
LayoutRect overflowRect(visualOverflowRect());
if (!paintInfo.rect.intersects(overflowRect))
LayoutRect box(boxOrigin, size());
auto markerRect = getRelativeMarkerRect();
if (markerRect.isEmpty())
GraphicsContext& context = paintInfo.context();
if (isImage()) {
if (RefPtr<Image> markerImage = m_image->image(this, markerRect.size()))
context.drawImage(*markerImage, markerRect);
if (selectionState() != HighlightState::None) {
LayoutRect selRect = localSelectionRect();
context.fillRect(snappedIntRect(selRect), m_listItem->selectionBackgroundColor());
if (selectionState() != HighlightState::None) {
LayoutRect selRect = localSelectionRect();
context.fillRect(snappedIntRect(selRect), m_listItem->selectionBackgroundColor());
const Color color(style().visitedDependentColorWithColorFilter(CSSPropertyColor));
ListStyleType type = style().listStyleType();
switch (type) {
case ListStyleType::Disc:
case ListStyleType::Circle:
case ListStyleType::Square:
case ListStyleType::None:
case ListStyleType::Afar:
case ListStyleType::Amharic:
case ListStyleType::AmharicAbegede:
case ListStyleType::ArabicIndic:
case ListStyleType::Armenian:
case ListStyleType::Binary:
case ListStyleType::Bengali:
case ListStyleType::Cambodian:
case ListStyleType::CJKIdeographic:
case ListStyleType::CjkEarthlyBranch:
case ListStyleType::CjkHeavenlyStem:
case ListStyleType::DecimalLeadingZero:
case ListStyleType::Decimal:
case ListStyleType::Devanagari:
case ListStyleType::Ethiopic:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegede:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeAmEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeGez:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeTiEr:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeTiEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAaEr:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAaEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAmEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameGez:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameOmEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameSidEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameSoEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTiEr:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTiEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTig:
case ListStyleType::Georgian:
case ListStyleType::Gujarati:
case ListStyleType::Gurmukhi:
case ListStyleType::Hangul:
case ListStyleType::HangulConsonant:
case ListStyleType::Hebrew:
case ListStyleType::Hiragana:
case ListStyleType::HiraganaIroha:
case ListStyleType::Kannada:
case ListStyleType::Katakana:
case ListStyleType::KatakanaIroha:
case ListStyleType::Khmer:
case ListStyleType::Lao:
case ListStyleType::LowerAlpha:
case ListStyleType::LowerArmenian:
case ListStyleType::LowerGreek:
case ListStyleType::LowerHexadecimal:
case ListStyleType::LowerLatin:
case ListStyleType::LowerNorwegian:
case ListStyleType::LowerRoman:
case ListStyleType::Malayalam:
case ListStyleType::Mongolian:
case ListStyleType::Myanmar:
case ListStyleType::Octal:
case ListStyleType::Oriya:
case ListStyleType::Oromo:
case ListStyleType::Persian:
case ListStyleType::Sidama:
case ListStyleType::Somali:
case ListStyleType::Telugu:
case ListStyleType::Thai:
case ListStyleType::Tibetan:
case ListStyleType::Tigre:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEr:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaErAbegede:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEt:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEtAbegede:
case ListStyleType::UpperAlpha:
case ListStyleType::UpperArmenian:
case ListStyleType::UpperGreek:
case ListStyleType::UpperHexadecimal:
case ListStyleType::UpperLatin:
case ListStyleType::UpperNorwegian:
case ListStyleType::UpperRoman:
case ListStyleType::Urdu:
case ListStyleType::Asterisks:
case ListStyleType::Footnotes:
if (m_text.isEmpty())
const FontCascade& font = style().fontCascade();
TextRun textRun = RenderBlock::constructTextRun(m_text, style());
GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(context, false);
if (!style().isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
markerRect = markerRect.transposedRect();
markerRect.moveBy(FloatPoint(box.x(), box.y() - logicalHeight()));;
context.translate(markerRect.x(), markerRect.maxY());
context.translate(-markerRect.x(), -markerRect.maxY());
FloatPoint textOrigin = FloatPoint(markerRect.x(), markerRect.y() + style().fontMetrics().ascent());
textOrigin = roundPointToDevicePixels(LayoutPoint(textOrigin), document().deviceScaleFactor(), style().isLeftToRightDirection());
if (type == ListStyleType::Asterisks || type == ListStyleType::Footnotes)
context.drawText(font, textRun, textOrigin);
else {
const UChar suffix = listMarkerSuffix(type, m_listItem->value());
// FIXME: Could use a Vector with inline capacity instead of String to avoid
// memory allocation here.
String textToDraw;
// Since marker text is not arbitrary, we can judge its direction just by
// checking the first character, and only need to handle U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT.
// FIXME: Could check more efficiently than u_charDirection, since we know
// only certain characters are used and only need to check for U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT.
if (u_charDirection(m_text[0]) == U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT) {
unsigned length = m_text.length();
UChar* characters;
textToDraw = String::createUninitialized(length + 2, characters);
if (!style().isLeftToRightDirection()) {
*characters++ = space;
*characters++ = suffix;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i)
*characters++ = m_text[length - i - 1];
if (style().isLeftToRightDirection()) {
*characters++ = suffix;
*characters++ = space;
} else {
if (style().isLeftToRightDirection())
textToDraw = makeString(m_text, suffix, space);
textToDraw = makeString(space, suffix, m_text);
context.drawText(font, textRun, textOrigin);
RenderBox* RenderListMarker::parentBox(RenderBox& box)
auto* fragmentedFlow = m_listItem->enclosingFragmentedFlow();
if (!is<RenderMultiColumnFlow>(fragmentedFlow))
return box.parentBox();
auto* placeholder = downcast<RenderMultiColumnFlow>(*fragmentedFlow).findColumnSpannerPlaceholder(&box);
if (!placeholder)
return box.parentBox();
return placeholder->parentBox();
void RenderListMarker::addOverflowFromListMarker()
if (!parent() || !parent()->isBox())
if (isInside() || !inlineBoxWrapper())
LayoutUnit markerOldLogicalLeft = logicalLeft();
LayoutUnit blockOffset;
LayoutUnit lineOffset;
for (auto* ancestor = parentBox(*this); ancestor && ancestor != m_listItem.get(); ancestor = parentBox(*ancestor)) {
blockOffset += ancestor->logicalTop();
lineOffset += ancestor->logicalLeft();
bool adjustOverflow = false;
LayoutUnit markerLogicalLeft;
bool hitSelfPaintingLayer = false;
const RootInlineBox& rootBox = inlineBoxWrapper()->root();
LayoutUnit lineTop = rootBox.lineTop();
LayoutUnit lineBottom = rootBox.lineBottom();
// FIXME: Need to account for relative positioning in the layout overflow.
if (m_listItem->style().isLeftToRightDirection()) {
markerLogicalLeft = lineOffsetForListItem() - lineOffset - m_listItem->paddingStart() - m_listItem->borderStart() + marginStart();
inlineBoxWrapper()->adjustLineDirectionPosition(markerLogicalLeft - markerOldLogicalLeft);
for (auto* box = inlineBoxWrapper()->parent(); box; box = box->parent()) {
auto newLogicalVisualOverflowRect = box->logicalVisualOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
auto newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect = box->logicalLayoutOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
if (markerLogicalLeft < newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.x() && !hitSelfPaintingLayer) {
newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.setWidth(newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.maxX() - markerLogicalLeft);
if (box == &rootBox)
adjustOverflow = true;
if (markerLogicalLeft < newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.x()) {
newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.setWidth(newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.maxX() - markerLogicalLeft);
if (box == &rootBox)
adjustOverflow = true;
box->setOverflowFromLogicalRects(newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect, newLogicalVisualOverflowRect, lineTop, lineBottom);
if (box->renderer().hasSelfPaintingLayer())
hitSelfPaintingLayer = true;
} else {
markerLogicalLeft = lineOffsetForListItem() - lineOffset + m_listItem->paddingStart() + m_listItem->borderStart() + marginEnd();
inlineBoxWrapper()->adjustLineDirectionPosition(markerLogicalLeft - markerOldLogicalLeft);
for (auto* box = inlineBoxWrapper()->parent(); box; box = box->parent()) {
auto newLogicalVisualOverflowRect = box->logicalVisualOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
auto newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect = box->logicalLayoutOverflowRect(lineTop, lineBottom);
if (markerLogicalLeft + logicalWidth() > newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.maxX() && !hitSelfPaintingLayer) {
newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.setWidth(markerLogicalLeft + logicalWidth() - newLogicalVisualOverflowRect.x());
if (box == &rootBox)
adjustOverflow = true;
if (markerLogicalLeft + logicalWidth() > newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.maxX()) {
newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.setWidth(markerLogicalLeft + logicalWidth() - newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect.x());
if (box == &rootBox)
adjustOverflow = true;
box->setOverflowFromLogicalRects(newLogicalLayoutOverflowRect, newLogicalVisualOverflowRect, lineTop, lineBottom);
if (box->renderer().hasSelfPaintingLayer())
hitSelfPaintingLayer = true;
if (adjustOverflow) {
LayoutRect markerRect(markerLogicalLeft + lineOffset, blockOffset, width(), height());
if (!m_listItem->style().isHorizontalWritingMode())
markerRect = markerRect.transposedRect();
RenderBox* markerAncestor = this;
bool propagateVisualOverflow = true;
bool propagateLayoutOverflow = true;
do {
markerAncestor = parentBox(*markerAncestor);
if (markerAncestor->hasOverflowClip())
propagateVisualOverflow = false;
if (is<RenderBlock>(*markerAncestor)) {
if (propagateVisualOverflow)
if (propagateLayoutOverflow)
if (markerAncestor->hasOverflowClip())
propagateLayoutOverflow = false;
if (markerAncestor->hasSelfPaintingLayer())
propagateVisualOverflow = false;
} while (markerAncestor != m_listItem.get() && propagateVisualOverflow && propagateLayoutOverflow);
void RenderListMarker::layout()
StackStats::LayoutCheckPoint layoutCheckPoint;
LayoutUnit blockOffset;
for (auto* ancestor = parentBox(*this); ancestor && ancestor != m_listItem.get(); ancestor = parentBox(*ancestor))
blockOffset += ancestor->logicalTop();
if (style().isLeftToRightDirection())
m_lineOffsetForListItem = m_listItem->logicalLeftOffsetForLine(blockOffset, DoNotIndentText, 0_lu);
m_lineOffsetForListItem = m_listItem->logicalRightOffsetForLine(blockOffset, DoNotIndentText, 0_lu);
if (isImage()) {
setWidth(m_image->imageSize(this, style().effectiveZoom()).width());
setHeight(m_image->imageSize(this, style().effectiveZoom()).height());
} else {
Length startMargin = style().marginStart();
Length endMargin = style().marginEnd();
if (startMargin.isFixed())
if (endMargin.isFixed())
void RenderListMarker::imageChanged(WrappedImagePtr o, const IntRect*)
// A list marker can't have a background or border image, so no need to call the base class method.
if (o != m_image->data())
if (width() != m_image->imageSize(this, style().effectiveZoom()).width() || height() != m_image->imageSize(this, style().effectiveZoom()).height() || m_image->errorOccurred())
void RenderListMarker::updateMarginsAndContent()
void RenderListMarker::updateContent()
// FIXME: This if-statement is just a performance optimization, but it's messy to use the preferredLogicalWidths dirty bit for this.
// It's unclear if this is a premature optimization.
if (!preferredLogicalWidthsDirty())
m_text = emptyString();
if (isImage()) {
// FIXME: This is a somewhat arbitrary width. Generated images for markers really won't become particularly useful
// until we support the CSS3 marker pseudoclass to allow control over the width and height of the marker box.
LayoutUnit bulletWidth = style().fontMetrics().ascent() / 2_lu;
LayoutSize defaultBulletSize(bulletWidth, bulletWidth);
LayoutSize imageSize = calculateImageIntrinsicDimensions(m_image.get(), defaultBulletSize, DoNotScaleByEffectiveZoom);
m_image->setContainerContextForRenderer(*this, imageSize, style().effectiveZoom());
ListStyleType type = style().listStyleType();
switch (type) {
case ListStyleType::None:
case ListStyleType::Circle:
case ListStyleType::Disc:
case ListStyleType::Square:
m_text = listMarkerText(type, 0); // value is ignored for these types
case ListStyleType::Asterisks:
case ListStyleType::Footnotes:
case ListStyleType::Afar:
case ListStyleType::Amharic:
case ListStyleType::AmharicAbegede:
case ListStyleType::ArabicIndic:
case ListStyleType::Armenian:
case ListStyleType::Binary:
case ListStyleType::Bengali:
case ListStyleType::Cambodian:
case ListStyleType::CJKIdeographic:
case ListStyleType::CjkEarthlyBranch:
case ListStyleType::CjkHeavenlyStem:
case ListStyleType::DecimalLeadingZero:
case ListStyleType::Decimal:
case ListStyleType::Devanagari:
case ListStyleType::Ethiopic:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegede:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeAmEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeGez:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeTiEr:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeTiEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAaEr:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAaEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAmEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameGez:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameOmEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameSidEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameSoEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTiEr:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTiEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTig:
case ListStyleType::Georgian:
case ListStyleType::Gujarati:
case ListStyleType::Gurmukhi:
case ListStyleType::Hangul:
case ListStyleType::HangulConsonant:
case ListStyleType::Hebrew:
case ListStyleType::Hiragana:
case ListStyleType::HiraganaIroha:
case ListStyleType::Kannada:
case ListStyleType::Katakana:
case ListStyleType::KatakanaIroha:
case ListStyleType::Khmer:
case ListStyleType::Lao:
case ListStyleType::LowerAlpha:
case ListStyleType::LowerArmenian:
case ListStyleType::LowerGreek:
case ListStyleType::LowerHexadecimal:
case ListStyleType::LowerLatin:
case ListStyleType::LowerNorwegian:
case ListStyleType::LowerRoman:
case ListStyleType::Malayalam:
case ListStyleType::Mongolian:
case ListStyleType::Myanmar:
case ListStyleType::Octal:
case ListStyleType::Oriya:
case ListStyleType::Oromo:
case ListStyleType::Persian:
case ListStyleType::Sidama:
case ListStyleType::Somali:
case ListStyleType::Telugu:
case ListStyleType::Thai:
case ListStyleType::Tibetan:
case ListStyleType::Tigre:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEr:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaErAbegede:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEt:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEtAbegede:
case ListStyleType::UpperAlpha:
case ListStyleType::UpperArmenian:
case ListStyleType::UpperGreek:
case ListStyleType::UpperHexadecimal:
case ListStyleType::UpperLatin:
case ListStyleType::UpperNorwegian:
case ListStyleType::UpperRoman:
case ListStyleType::Urdu:
m_text = listMarkerText(type, m_listItem->value());
void RenderListMarker::computePreferredLogicalWidths()
if (isImage()) {
LayoutSize imageSize = LayoutSize(m_image->imageSize(this, style().effectiveZoom()));
m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = style().isHorizontalWritingMode() ? imageSize.width() : imageSize.height();
const FontCascade& font = style().fontCascade();
LayoutUnit logicalWidth;
ListStyleType type = style().listStyleType();
switch (type) {
case ListStyleType::None:
case ListStyleType::Asterisks:
case ListStyleType::Footnotes: {
TextRun run = RenderBlock::constructTextRun(m_text, style());
logicalWidth = font.width(run); // no suffix for these types
case ListStyleType::Circle:
case ListStyleType::Disc:
case ListStyleType::Square:
logicalWidth = (font.fontMetrics().ascent() * 2 / 3 + 1) / 2 + 2;
case ListStyleType::Afar:
case ListStyleType::Amharic:
case ListStyleType::AmharicAbegede:
case ListStyleType::ArabicIndic:
case ListStyleType::Armenian:
case ListStyleType::Binary:
case ListStyleType::Bengali:
case ListStyleType::Cambodian:
case ListStyleType::CJKIdeographic:
case ListStyleType::CjkEarthlyBranch:
case ListStyleType::CjkHeavenlyStem:
case ListStyleType::DecimalLeadingZero:
case ListStyleType::Decimal:
case ListStyleType::Devanagari:
case ListStyleType::Ethiopic:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegede:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeAmEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeGez:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeTiEr:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeTiEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAaEr:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAaEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAmEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameGez:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameOmEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameSidEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameSoEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTiEr:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTiEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTig:
case ListStyleType::Georgian:
case ListStyleType::Gujarati:
case ListStyleType::Gurmukhi:
case ListStyleType::Hangul:
case ListStyleType::HangulConsonant:
case ListStyleType::Hebrew:
case ListStyleType::Hiragana:
case ListStyleType::HiraganaIroha:
case ListStyleType::Kannada:
case ListStyleType::Katakana:
case ListStyleType::KatakanaIroha:
case ListStyleType::Khmer:
case ListStyleType::Lao:
case ListStyleType::LowerAlpha:
case ListStyleType::LowerArmenian:
case ListStyleType::LowerGreek:
case ListStyleType::LowerHexadecimal:
case ListStyleType::LowerLatin:
case ListStyleType::LowerNorwegian:
case ListStyleType::LowerRoman:
case ListStyleType::Malayalam:
case ListStyleType::Mongolian:
case ListStyleType::Myanmar:
case ListStyleType::Octal:
case ListStyleType::Oriya:
case ListStyleType::Oromo:
case ListStyleType::Persian:
case ListStyleType::Sidama:
case ListStyleType::Somali:
case ListStyleType::Telugu:
case ListStyleType::Thai:
case ListStyleType::Tibetan:
case ListStyleType::Tigre:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEr:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaErAbegede:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEt:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEtAbegede:
case ListStyleType::UpperAlpha:
case ListStyleType::UpperArmenian:
case ListStyleType::UpperGreek:
case ListStyleType::UpperHexadecimal:
case ListStyleType::UpperLatin:
case ListStyleType::UpperNorwegian:
case ListStyleType::UpperRoman:
case ListStyleType::Urdu:
if (m_text.isEmpty())
logicalWidth = 0;
else {
TextRun run = RenderBlock::constructTextRun(m_text, style());
LayoutUnit itemWidth { font.width(run) };
UChar suffixSpace[2] = { listMarkerSuffix(type, m_listItem->value()), ' ' };
LayoutUnit suffixSpaceWidth { font.width(RenderBlock::constructTextRun(suffixSpace, 2, style())) };
logicalWidth = itemWidth + suffixSpaceWidth;
m_minPreferredLogicalWidth = logicalWidth;
m_maxPreferredLogicalWidth = logicalWidth;
void RenderListMarker::updateMargins()
const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = style().fontMetrics();
LayoutUnit marginStart;
LayoutUnit marginEnd;
if (isInside()) {
if (isImage())
marginEnd = cMarkerPadding;
else switch (style().listStyleType()) {
case ListStyleType::Disc:
case ListStyleType::Circle:
case ListStyleType::Square:
marginStart = -1;
marginEnd = fontMetrics.ascent() - minPreferredLogicalWidth() + 1;
} else {
if (style().isLeftToRightDirection()) {
if (isImage())
marginStart = -minPreferredLogicalWidth() - cMarkerPadding;
else {
int offset = fontMetrics.ascent() * 2 / 3;
switch (style().listStyleType()) {
case ListStyleType::Disc:
case ListStyleType::Circle:
case ListStyleType::Square:
marginStart = -offset - cMarkerPadding - 1;
case ListStyleType::None:
marginStart = m_text.isEmpty() ? 0_lu : -minPreferredLogicalWidth() - offset / 2;
marginEnd = -marginStart - minPreferredLogicalWidth();
} else {
if (isImage())
marginEnd = cMarkerPadding;
else {
int offset = fontMetrics.ascent() * 2 / 3;
switch (style().listStyleType()) {
case ListStyleType::Disc:
case ListStyleType::Circle:
case ListStyleType::Square:
marginEnd = offset + cMarkerPadding + 1 - minPreferredLogicalWidth();
case ListStyleType::None:
marginEnd = m_text.isEmpty() ? 0 : offset / 2;
marginStart = -marginEnd - minPreferredLogicalWidth();
mutableStyle().setMarginStart(Length(marginStart, Fixed));
mutableStyle().setMarginEnd(Length(marginEnd, Fixed));
LayoutUnit RenderListMarker::lineHeight(bool firstLine, LineDirectionMode direction, LinePositionMode linePositionMode) const
if (!isImage())
return m_listItem->lineHeight(firstLine, direction, PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes);
return RenderBox::lineHeight(firstLine, direction, linePositionMode);
int RenderListMarker::baselinePosition(FontBaseline baselineType, bool firstLine, LineDirectionMode direction, LinePositionMode linePositionMode) const
if (!isImage())
return m_listItem->baselinePosition(baselineType, firstLine, direction, PositionOfInteriorLineBoxes);
return RenderBox::baselinePosition(baselineType, firstLine, direction, linePositionMode);
String RenderListMarker::suffix() const
ListStyleType type = style().listStyleType();
const UChar suffix = listMarkerSuffix(type, m_listItem->value());
if (suffix == ' ')
return " "_str;
// If the suffix is not ' ', an extra space is needed
UChar data[2];
if (style().isLeftToRightDirection()) {
data[0] = suffix;
data[1] = ' ';
} else {
data[0] = ' ';
data[1] = suffix;
return String(data, 2);
bool RenderListMarker::isInside() const
return m_listItem->notInList() || style().listStylePosition() == ListStylePosition::Inside;
FloatRect RenderListMarker::getRelativeMarkerRect()
if (isImage())
return FloatRect(0, 0, m_image->imageSize(this, style().effectiveZoom()).width(), m_image->imageSize(this, style().effectiveZoom()).height());
FloatRect relativeRect;
ListStyleType type = style().listStyleType();
switch (type) {
case ListStyleType::Asterisks:
case ListStyleType::Footnotes: {
const FontCascade& font = style().fontCascade();
TextRun run = RenderBlock::constructTextRun(m_text, style());
relativeRect = FloatRect(0, 0, font.width(run), font.fontMetrics().height());
case ListStyleType::Disc:
case ListStyleType::Circle:
case ListStyleType::Square: {
// FIXME: Are these particular rounding rules necessary?
const FontMetrics& fontMetrics = style().fontMetrics();
int ascent = fontMetrics.ascent();
int bulletWidth = (ascent * 2 / 3 + 1) / 2;
relativeRect = FloatRect(1, 3 * (ascent - ascent * 2 / 3) / 2, bulletWidth, bulletWidth);
case ListStyleType::None:
return FloatRect();
case ListStyleType::Afar:
case ListStyleType::Amharic:
case ListStyleType::AmharicAbegede:
case ListStyleType::ArabicIndic:
case ListStyleType::Armenian:
case ListStyleType::Binary:
case ListStyleType::Bengali:
case ListStyleType::Cambodian:
case ListStyleType::CJKIdeographic:
case ListStyleType::CjkEarthlyBranch:
case ListStyleType::CjkHeavenlyStem:
case ListStyleType::DecimalLeadingZero:
case ListStyleType::Decimal:
case ListStyleType::Devanagari:
case ListStyleType::Ethiopic:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegede:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeAmEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeGez:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeTiEr:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicAbegedeTiEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAaEr:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAaEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameAmEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameGez:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameOmEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameSidEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameSoEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTiEr:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTiEt:
case ListStyleType::EthiopicHalehameTig:
case ListStyleType::Georgian:
case ListStyleType::Gujarati:
case ListStyleType::Gurmukhi:
case ListStyleType::Hangul:
case ListStyleType::HangulConsonant:
case ListStyleType::Hebrew:
case ListStyleType::Hiragana:
case ListStyleType::HiraganaIroha:
case ListStyleType::Kannada:
case ListStyleType::Katakana:
case ListStyleType::KatakanaIroha:
case ListStyleType::Khmer:
case ListStyleType::Lao:
case ListStyleType::LowerAlpha:
case ListStyleType::LowerArmenian:
case ListStyleType::LowerGreek:
case ListStyleType::LowerHexadecimal:
case ListStyleType::LowerLatin:
case ListStyleType::LowerNorwegian:
case ListStyleType::LowerRoman:
case ListStyleType::Malayalam:
case ListStyleType::Mongolian:
case ListStyleType::Myanmar:
case ListStyleType::Octal:
case ListStyleType::Oriya:
case ListStyleType::Oromo:
case ListStyleType::Persian:
case ListStyleType::Sidama:
case ListStyleType::Somali:
case ListStyleType::Telugu:
case ListStyleType::Thai:
case ListStyleType::Tibetan:
case ListStyleType::Tigre:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEr:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaErAbegede:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEt:
case ListStyleType::TigrinyaEtAbegede:
case ListStyleType::UpperAlpha:
case ListStyleType::UpperArmenian:
case ListStyleType::UpperGreek:
case ListStyleType::UpperHexadecimal:
case ListStyleType::UpperLatin:
case ListStyleType::UpperNorwegian:
case ListStyleType::UpperRoman:
case ListStyleType::Urdu:
if (m_text.isEmpty())
return FloatRect();
const FontCascade& font = style().fontCascade();
TextRun run = RenderBlock::constructTextRun(m_text, style());
float itemWidth = font.width(run);
UChar suffixSpace[2] = { listMarkerSuffix(type, m_listItem->value()), ' ' };
float suffixSpaceWidth = font.width(RenderBlock::constructTextRun(suffixSpace, 2, style()));
relativeRect = FloatRect(0, 0, itemWidth + suffixSpaceWidth, font.fontMetrics().height());
if (!style().isHorizontalWritingMode()) {
relativeRect = relativeRect.transposedRect();
relativeRect.setX(width() - relativeRect.x() - relativeRect.width());
return relativeRect;
void RenderListMarker::setSelectionState(HighlightState state)
// The selection state for our containing block hierarchy is updated by the base class call.
if (m_inlineBoxWrapper && canUpdateSelectionOnRootLineBoxes())
m_inlineBoxWrapper->root().setHasSelectedChildren(state != HighlightState::None);
LayoutRect RenderListMarker::selectionRectForRepaint(const RenderLayerModelObject* repaintContainer, bool clipToVisibleContent)
if (selectionState() == HighlightState::None || !inlineBoxWrapper())
return LayoutRect();
RootInlineBox& rootBox = inlineBoxWrapper()->root();
LayoutRect rect(0_lu, rootBox.selectionTop() - y(), width(), rootBox.selectionHeight());
if (clipToVisibleContent)
return computeRectForRepaint(rect, repaintContainer);
return localToContainerQuad(FloatRect(rect), repaintContainer).enclosingBoundingBox();
} // namespace WebCore