blob: f6101f884710372e9183c80408d781bbf974da73 [file] [log] [blame]
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# This file is part of the WebKit project
# Copyright (C) 1999 Waldo Bastian (
# Copyright (C) 2007-2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
# Copyright (C) 2010 Andras Becsi (, University of Szeged
# Copyright (C) 2013 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
# along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
use strict;
use warnings;
use English;
use File::Spec;
use Getopt::Long;
use JSON::PP;
sub isLogical;
sub skippedFromComputedStyle;
sub isPropertyEnabled($$);
sub addProperty($$);
sub removeInactiveCodegenProperties($$);
my $inputFile = "CSSProperties.json";
my $defines = "";
my $gperf;
GetOptions('defines=s' => \$defines,
'gperf-executable=s' => \$gperf);
my $input;
local $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR; # No separator; read through until end-of-file.
open(JSON, "<", $inputFile) or die "Cannot open $inputFile.\n";
$input = <JSON>;
my $jsonDecoder = JSON::PP->new->utf8;
my $jsonHashRef = $jsonDecoder->decode($input);
my $propertiesHashRef = $jsonHashRef->{properties};
my @allNames = keys(%$propertiesHashRef);
die "We've reached more than 1024 CSS properties, please make sure to update CSSProperty/StylePropertyMetadata accordingly" if @allNames > 1024;
my %defines = map { $_ => 1 } split(/ /, $defines);
my @names;
my @internalProprerties;
my %runtimeFlags;
my %settingsFlags;
my $numPredefinedProperties = 2;
my %nameIsInherited;
my %nameIsHighPriority;
my %propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions;
my %styleBuilderOptions = (
"animatable" => 1, # Defined in Source/WebCore/style/StyleBuilderConverter.h
"auto-functions" => 1,
"conditional-converter" => 1,
"converter" => 1,
"custom" => 1,
"fill-layer-property" => 1,
"font-property" => 1,
"getter" => 1,
"initial" => 1,
"longhands" => 1,
"name-for-methods" => 1,
"svg" => 1,
"skip-builder" => 1,
"setter" => 1,
"visited-link-color-support" => 1,
my %nameToId;
my %nameToAliases;
my %relatedProperty;
for my $name (@allNames) {
my $value = $propertiesHashRef->{$name};
my $valueType = ref($value);
if ($valueType eq "HASH") {
removeInactiveCodegenProperties($name, \%$value);
if (isPropertyEnabled($name, $value)) {
addProperty($name, $value);
} else {
die "$name does not have a supported value type. Only dictionary types are supported.";
sub matchEnableFlags($)
my ($enable_flag) = @_;
if (exists($defines{$enable_flag})) {
return 1;
if (substr($enable_flag, 0, 1) eq "!" && !exists($defines{substr($enable_flag, 1)})) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub removeInactiveCodegenProperties($$)
my ($name, $propertyValue) = @_;
if (!exists($propertyValue->{"codegen-properties"})) {
my $codegen_properties = $propertyValue->{"codegen-properties"};
my $valueType = ref($codegen_properties);
if ($valueType ne "ARRAY") {
# Pick one based on "enable-if"
my $matching_codegen_options;
foreach my $entry (@{$codegen_properties}) {
if (!exists($entry->{"enable-if"})) {
print "Found 'codegen-properties' array with an unconditional entry under '$name'. This is probably unintentional.\n";
$matching_codegen_options = $entry;
my $enable_flags = $entry->{"enable-if"};
if (matchEnableFlags($enable_flags)) {
$matching_codegen_options = $entry;
$matching_codegen_options = $entry;
$propertyValue->{"codegen-properties"} = $matching_codegen_options;
sub skippedFromComputedStyle
my $name = shift;
if (exists($propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"skip-builder"}) and not isLogical($name)) {
return 1;
if (grep { $_ eq $name } @internalProprerties) {
return 1;
if (exists($propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"longhands"})) {
my @longhands = @{$propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"longhands"}};
if (scalar @longhands != 1) {
# Skip properties if they have a non-internal longhand property.
foreach my $longhand (@longhands) {
if (!skippedFromComputedStyle($longhand)) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub isLogical
my $name = shift;
my $value = $propertiesHashRef->{$name};
if (!exists($value->{"specification"})) {
return 0;
my $spec_properties = $value->{"specification"};
if (!exists($spec_properties->{"category"})) {
return 0;
return $spec_properties->{"category"} eq "css-logical-props"
sub isPropertyEnabled($$)
my ($name, $propertyValue) = @_;
if (!exists($propertyValue->{"codegen-properties"})) {
return 1;
my $codegen_properties = $propertyValue->{"codegen-properties"};
if ($codegen_properties->{"skip-codegen"}) {
return 0;
if (!exists($codegen_properties->{"enable-if"})) {
return 1;
return matchEnableFlags($codegen_properties->{"enable-if"});
sub addProperty($$)
my ($name, $optionsHashRef) = @_;
push @names, $name;
my $id = $name;
$id =~ s/(^[^-])|-(.)/uc($1||$2)/ge;
$nameToId{$name} = $id;
for my $optionName (keys %{$optionsHashRef}) {
if ($optionName eq "codegen-properties") {
my $codegenProperties = $optionsHashRef->{"codegen-properties"};
for my $codegenOptionName (keys %$codegenProperties) {
if ($codegenOptionName eq "enable-if") {
} elsif ($codegenOptionName eq "skip-codegen") {
} elsif ($codegenOptionName eq "comment") {
} elsif ($codegenOptionName eq "high-priority") {
$nameIsHighPriority{$name} = 1;
} elsif ($codegenOptionName eq "related-property") {
$relatedProperty{$name} = $codegenProperties->{"related-property"}
} elsif ($codegenOptionName eq "aliases") {
$nameToAliases{$name} = $codegenProperties->{"aliases"};
} elsif ($styleBuilderOptions{$codegenOptionName}) {
$propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{$codegenOptionName} = $codegenProperties->{$codegenOptionName};
} elsif ($codegenOptionName eq "internal-only") {
# internal-only properties exist to make it easier to parse compound properties (e.g. background-repeat) as if they were shorthands.
push @internalProprerties, $name
} elsif ($codegenOptionName eq "runtime-flag") {
$runtimeFlags{$name} = $codegenProperties->{"runtime-flag"};
} elsif ($codegenOptionName eq "settings-flag") {
$settingsFlags{$name} = $codegenProperties->{"settings-flag"};
} else {
die "Unrecognized codegen property \"$codegenOptionName\" for $name property.";
} elsif ($optionName eq "animatable") {
$propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"animatable"} = $optionsHashRef->{"animatable"};
} elsif ($optionName eq "inherited") {
$nameIsInherited{$name} = 1;
} elsif ($optionName eq "values") {
# FIXME: Implement.
# We allow unrecognized options to pass through without error to support annotation.
sub sortByDescendingPriorityAndName
# Sort names with high priority to the front
if (!!$nameIsHighPriority{$a} < !!$nameIsHighPriority{$b}) {
return 1;
if (!!$nameIsHighPriority{$a} > !!$nameIsHighPriority{$b}) {
return -1;
# Sort names without leading '-' to the front
if (substr($a, 0, 1) eq "-" && substr($b, 0, 1) ne "-") {
return 1;
if (substr($a, 0, 1) ne "-" && substr($b, 0, 1) eq "-") {
return -1;
return $a cmp $b;
@names = sort sortByDescendingPriorityAndName @names;
open GPERF, ">CSSPropertyNames.gperf" || die "Could not open CSSPropertyNames.gperf for writing";
print GPERF << "EOF";
/* This file is automatically generated from $inputFile by makeprop, do not edit */
#include "config.h"
#include \"CSSProperty.h\"
#include \"CSSPropertyNames.h\"
#include \"HashTools.h\"
#include "RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h"
#include "Settings.h"
#include <wtf/ASCIICType.h>
#include <wtf/text/AtomString.h>
#include <wtf/text/WTFString.h>
#include <string.h>
// Older versions of gperf like to use the `register` keyword.
#define register
namespace WebCore {
// Using std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max() here would be cleaner,
// but is not possible due to missing constexpr support in MSVC 2013.
static_assert(numCSSProperties + 1 <= 65535, "CSSPropertyID should fit into uint16_t.");
print GPERF "const char* const propertyNameStrings[numCSSProperties] = {\n";
foreach my $name (@names) {
print GPERF " \"$name\",\n";
print GPERF "};\n\n";
print GPERF << "EOF";
struct Property;
%define class-name CSSPropertyNamesHash
%define lookup-function-name findPropertyImpl
%define hash-function-name propery_hash_function
%define word-array-name property_wordlist
foreach my $name (@names) {
print GPERF $name . ", CSSProperty" . $nameToId{$name} . "\n";
for my $name (@names) {
if (!$nameToAliases{$name}) {
for my $alias (@{$nameToAliases{$name}}) {
print GPERF $alias . ", CSSProperty" . $nameToId{$name} . "\n";
print GPERF << "EOF";
const Property* findProperty(const char* str, unsigned int len)
return CSSPropertyNamesHash::findPropertyImpl(str, len);
bool isInternalCSSProperty(const CSSPropertyID id)
switch (id) {
foreach my $name (sort @internalProprerties) {
print GPERF " case CSSPropertyID::CSSProperty" . $nameToId{$name} . ":\n";
print GPERF << "EOF";
return true;
return false;
bool isEnabledCSSProperty(const CSSPropertyID id)
switch (id) {
foreach my $name (keys %runtimeFlags) {
print GPERF " case CSSPropertyID::CSSProperty" . $nameToId{$name} . ":\n";
print GPERF " return RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures()." . $runtimeFlags{$name} . "Enabled();\n";
print GPERF << "EOF";
return true;
bool isCSSPropertyEnabledBySettings(const CSSPropertyID id, const Settings* settings)
if (!settings)
return true;
switch (id) {
foreach my $name (keys %settingsFlags) {
print GPERF " case CSSPropertyID::CSSProperty" . $nameToId{$name} . ":\n";
print GPERF " return settings->" . $settingsFlags{$name} . "Enabled();\n";
print GPERF << "EOF";
return true;
return true;
const char* getPropertyName(CSSPropertyID id)
if (id < firstCSSProperty)
return 0;
int index = id - firstCSSProperty;
if (index >= numCSSProperties)
return 0;
return propertyNameStrings[index];
const AtomString& getPropertyNameAtomString(CSSPropertyID id)
if (id < firstCSSProperty)
return nullAtom();
int index = id - firstCSSProperty;
if (index >= numCSSProperties)
return nullAtom();
static AtomString* propertyStrings = new AtomString[numCSSProperties]; // Intentionally never destroyed.
AtomString& propertyString = propertyStrings[index];
if (propertyString.isNull()) {
const char* propertyName = propertyNameStrings[index];
propertyString = AtomString(propertyName, strlen(propertyName), AtomString::ConstructFromLiteral);
return propertyString;
String getPropertyNameString(CSSPropertyID id)
// We share the StringImpl with the AtomStrings.
return getPropertyNameAtomString(id).string();
String getJSPropertyName(CSSPropertyID id)
char result[maxCSSPropertyNameLength + 1];
const char* cssPropertyName = getPropertyName(id);
const char* propertyNamePointer = cssPropertyName;
if (!propertyNamePointer)
return emptyString();
char* resultPointer = result;
while (char character = *propertyNamePointer++) {
if (character == '-') {
char nextCharacter = *propertyNamePointer++;
if (!nextCharacter)
character = (propertyNamePointer - 2 != cssPropertyName) ? toASCIIUpper(nextCharacter) : nextCharacter;
*resultPointer++ = character;
*resultPointer = '\\0';
return WTF::String(result);
static const bool isInheritedPropertyTable[numCSSProperties + $numPredefinedProperties] = {
false, // CSSPropertyInvalid
true, // CSSPropertyCustom
foreach my $name (@names) {
my $id = $nameToId{$name};
my $value = $nameIsInherited{$name} ? "true " : "false";
print GPERF " $value, // CSSProperty$id\n";
print GPERF<< "EOF";
bool CSSProperty::isInheritedProperty(CSSPropertyID id)
ASSERT(id <= lastCSSProperty);
ASSERT(id != CSSPropertyInvalid);
return isInheritedPropertyTable[id];
CSSPropertyID getRelatedPropertyId(CSSPropertyID id)
switch(id) {
for my $name (@names) {
if (!$relatedProperty{$name}) {
print GPERF " case CSSPropertyID::CSSProperty" . $nameToId{$name} . ":\n";
print GPERF " return CSSPropertyID::CSSProperty" . $nameToId{$relatedProperty{$name}} . ";\n";
print GPERF << "EOF";
return CSSPropertyID::CSSPropertyInvalid;
Vector<String> CSSProperty::aliasesForProperty(CSSPropertyID id)
switch (id) {
for my $name (@names) {
if (!$nameToAliases{$name}) {
print GPERF " case CSSPropertyID::CSSProperty" . $nameToId{$name} . ":\n";
print GPERF " return { \"" . join("\"_s, \"", @{$nameToAliases{$name}}) . "\"_s };\n";
print GPERF << "EOF";
return { };
} // namespace WebCore
close GPERF;
open HEADER, ">CSSPropertyNames.h" || die "Could not open CSSPropertyNames.h for writing";
print HEADER << "EOF";
/* This file is automatically generated from $inputFile by makeprop, do not edit */
#pragma once
#include <string.h>
#include <wtf/Forward.h>
#include <wtf/HashFunctions.h>
#include <wtf/HashTraits.h>
namespace WebCore {
class Settings;
enum CSSPropertyID : uint16_t {
CSSPropertyInvalid = 0,
CSSPropertyCustom = 1,
my $first = $numPredefinedProperties;
my $i = $numPredefinedProperties;
my $maxLen = 0;
my $lastHighPriorityPropertyName;
foreach my $name (@names) {
$lastHighPriorityPropertyName = $name if $nameIsHighPriority{$name}; # Assumes that @names is sorted by descending priorities.
print HEADER " CSSProperty" . $nameToId{$name} . " = " . $i . ",\n";
$i = $i + 1;
if (length($name) > $maxLen) {
$maxLen = length($name);
my $num = $i - $first;
my $last = $i - 1;
print HEADER "};\n\n";
print HEADER "const int firstCSSProperty = $first;\n";
print HEADER "const int numCSSProperties = $num;\n";
print HEADER "const int lastCSSProperty = $last;\n";
print HEADER "const size_t maxCSSPropertyNameLength = $maxLen;\n";
print HEADER "const CSSPropertyID lastHighPriorityProperty = CSSProperty" . $nameToId{$lastHighPriorityPropertyName} . ";\n\n";
print HEADER "static const CSSPropertyID computedPropertyIDs[] = {\n";
my $numComputedPropertyIDs = 0;
sub sortWithPrefixedPropertiesLast
my $aStartsWithPrefix = substr($a, 0, 1) eq "-";
my $bStartsWithPrefix = substr($b, 0, 1) eq "-";
if ($aStartsWithPrefix && !$bStartsWithPrefix) {
return 1;
if (!$aStartsWithPrefix && $bStartsWithPrefix) {
return -1;
return $a cmp $b;
foreach my $name (sort sortWithPrefixedPropertiesLast @names) {
next if skippedFromComputedStyle($name);
print HEADER " CSSProperty" . $nameToId{$name} . ",\n";
$numComputedPropertyIDs += 1;
print HEADER "};\n";
print HEADER "const size_t numComputedPropertyIDs = $numComputedPropertyIDs;\n";
print HEADER << "EOF";
bool isInternalCSSProperty(const CSSPropertyID);
bool isEnabledCSSProperty(const CSSPropertyID);
bool isCSSPropertyEnabledBySettings(const CSSPropertyID, const Settings* = nullptr);
const char* getPropertyName(CSSPropertyID);
const WTF::AtomString& getPropertyNameAtomString(CSSPropertyID id);
WTF::String getPropertyNameString(CSSPropertyID id);
WTF::String getJSPropertyName(CSSPropertyID);
CSSPropertyID getRelatedPropertyId(CSSPropertyID id);
inline CSSPropertyID convertToCSSPropertyID(int value)
ASSERT((value >= firstCSSProperty && value <= lastCSSProperty) || value == CSSPropertyInvalid || value == CSSPropertyCustom);
return static_cast<CSSPropertyID>(value);
} // namespace WebCore
namespace WTF {
template<> struct DefaultHash<WebCore::CSSPropertyID> : IntHash<unsigned> { };
template<> struct HashTraits<WebCore::CSSPropertyID> : GenericHashTraits<WebCore::CSSPropertyID> {
static const bool emptyValueIsZero = true;
static void constructDeletedValue(WebCore::CSSPropertyID& slot) { slot = static_cast<WebCore::CSSPropertyID>(WebCore::lastCSSProperty + 1); }
static bool isDeletedValue(WebCore::CSSPropertyID value) { return value == (WebCore::lastCSSProperty + 1); }
} // namespace WTF
close HEADER;
# StyleBuilderGenerated.cpp generator.
sub getScopeForFunction {
my $name = shift;
my $builderFunction = shift;
return $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"custom"}{$builderFunction} ? "BuilderCustom" : "BuilderFunctions";
sub getNameForMethods {
my $name = shift;
my $nameForMethods = $nameToId{$name};
$nameForMethods =~ s/Webkit//g;
if (exists($propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"name-for-methods"})) {
$nameForMethods = $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"name-for-methods"};
return $nameForMethods;
sub getAutoGetter {
my $name = shift;
my $renderStyle = shift;
return $renderStyle . ".hasAuto" . getNameForMethods($name) . "()";
sub getAutoSetter {
my $name = shift;
my $renderStyle = shift;
return $renderStyle . ".setHasAuto" . getNameForMethods($name) . "()";
sub getVisitedLinkSetter {
my $name = shift;
my $renderStyle = shift;
return $renderStyle . ".setVisitedLink" . getNameForMethods($name);
sub getClearFunction {
my $name = shift;
return "clear" . getNameForMethods($name);
sub getEnsureAnimationsOrTransitionsMethod {
my $name = shift;
return "ensureAnimations" if $name =~ /animation-/;
return "ensureTransitions" if $name =~ /transition-/;
die "Unrecognized animation property name.";
sub getAnimationsOrTransitionsMethod {
my $name = shift;
return "animations" if $name =~ /animation-/;
return "transitions" if $name =~ /transition-/;
die "Unrecognized animation property name.";
sub getTestFunction {
my $name = shift;
return "is" . getNameForMethods($name) . "Set";
sub getAnimationMapfunction {
my $name = shift;
return "mapAnimation" . getNameForMethods($name);
sub getLayersFunction {
my $name = shift;
return "backgroundLayers" if $name =~ /background-/;
return "maskLayers" if $name =~ /mask-/;
die "Unrecognized FillLayer property name.";
sub getLayersAccessorFunction {
my $name = shift;
return "ensureBackgroundLayers" if $name =~ /background-/;
return "ensureMaskLayers" if $name =~ /mask-/;
die "Unrecognized FillLayer property name.";
sub getFillLayerType {
my $name = shift;
return "FillLayerType::Background" if $name =~ /background-/;
return "FillLayerType::Mask" if $name =~ /mask-/;
sub getFillLayerMapfunction {
my $name = shift;
return "mapFill" . getNameForMethods($name);
foreach my $name (@names) {
my $nameForMethods = getNameForMethods($name);
$nameForMethods =~ s/Webkit//g;
if (exists($propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"name-for-methods"})) {
$nameForMethods = $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"name-for-methods"};
if (!exists($propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"getter"})) {
$propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"getter"} = lcfirst($nameForMethods);
if (!exists($propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"setter"})) {
$propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"setter"} = "set" . $nameForMethods;
if (!exists($propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"initial"})) {
if (exists($propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"fill-layer-property"})) {
$propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"initial"} = "initialFill" . $nameForMethods;
} else {
$propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"initial"} = "initial" . $nameForMethods;
# FIXME: Convert option custom from a string to an array.
if (!exists($propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"custom"})) {
$propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"custom"} = "";
} elsif ($propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"custom"} eq "All") {
$propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"custom"} = "Initial|Inherit|Value";
my %customValues = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\|/, $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"custom"});
$propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"custom"} = \%customValues;
use constant {
sub colorFromPrimitiveValue {
my $primitiveValue = shift;
my $forVisitedLink = @_ ? shift : NOT_FOR_VISITED_LINK;
return "builderState.colorFromPrimitiveValue(" . $primitiveValue . ", /* forVisitedLink */ " . ($forVisitedLink ? "true" : "false") . ")";
use constant {
sub generateColorValueSetter {
my $name = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $valueIsPrimitive = @_ ? shift : VALUE_IS_COLOR;
my $style = "";
my $setterContent .= $indent . "if (builderState.applyPropertyToRegularStyle())\n";
my $setValue = $style . "." . $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"setter"};
my $color = $valueIsPrimitive ? colorFromPrimitiveValue($value) : $value;
$setterContent .= $indent . " " . $setValue . "(" . $color . ");\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "if (builderState.applyPropertyToVisitedLinkStyle())\n";
$color = $valueIsPrimitive ? colorFromPrimitiveValue($value, FOR_VISITED_LINK) : $value;
$setterContent .= $indent . " " . getVisitedLinkSetter($name, $style) . "(" . $color . ");\n";
return $setterContent;
sub handleCurrentColorValue {
my $name = shift;
my $primitiveValue = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $code = $indent . "if (" . $primitiveValue . ".valueID() == CSSValueCurrentcolor) {\n";
$code .= $indent . " applyInherit" . $nameToId{$name} . "(builderState);\n";
$code .= $indent . " return;\n";
$code .= $indent . "}\n";
return $code;
sub generateAnimationPropertyInitialValueSetter {
my $name = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $setterContent = "";
$setterContent .= $indent . "AnimationList& list =" . getEnsureAnimationsOrTransitionsMethod($name) . "();\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "if (list.isEmpty())\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " list.append(Animation::create());\n";
my $setter = $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"setter"};
my $initial = $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"initial"};
$setterContent .= $indent . "list.animation(0)." . $setter . "(Animation::" . $initial . "());\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "for (size_t i = 1; i < list.size(); ++i)\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " list.animation(i)." . getClearFunction($name) . "();\n";
return $setterContent;
sub generateAnimationPropertyInheritValueSetter {
my $name = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $setterContent = "";
$setterContent .= $indent . "auto& list =" . getEnsureAnimationsOrTransitionsMethod($name) . "();\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "auto* parentList = builderState.parentStyle()." . getAnimationsOrTransitionsMethod($name) . "();\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "size_t i = 0, parentSize = parentList ? parentList->size() : 0;\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "for ( ; i < parentSize && parentList->animation(i)." . getTestFunction($name) . "(); ++i) {\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " if (list.size() <= i)\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " list.append(Animation::create());\n";
my $getter = $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"getter"};
my $setter = $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"setter"};
$setterContent .= $indent . " list.animation(i)." . $setter . "(parentList->animation(i)." . $getter . "());\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "}\n";
$setterContent .= "\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "// Reset any remaining animations to not have the property set.\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "for ( ; i < list.size(); ++i)\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " list.animation(i)." . getClearFunction($name) . "();\n";
return $setterContent;
sub generateAnimationPropertyValueSetter {
my $name = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $setterContent = "";
$setterContent .= $indent . "AnimationList& list =" . getEnsureAnimationsOrTransitionsMethod($name) . "();\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "size_t childIndex = 0;\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "if (is<CSSValueList>(value)) {\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " /* Walk each value and put it into an animation, creating new animations as needed. */\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " for (auto& currentValue : downcast<CSSValueList>(value)) {\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " if (childIndex <= list.size())\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " list.append(Animation::create());\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " builderState.styleMap()." . getAnimationMapfunction($name) . "(list.animation(childIndex), currentValue);\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " ++childIndex;\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " }\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "} else {\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " if (list.isEmpty())\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " list.append(Animation::create());\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " builderState.styleMap()." . getAnimationMapfunction($name) . "(list.animation(childIndex), value);\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " childIndex = 1;\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "}\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "for ( ; childIndex < list.size(); ++childIndex) {\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " /* Reset all remaining animations to not have the property set. */\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " list.animation(childIndex)." . getClearFunction($name) . "();\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "}\n";
return $setterContent;
sub generateFillLayerPropertyInitialValueSetter {
my $name = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $getter = $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"getter"};
my $setter = $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"setter"};
my $clearFunction = getClearFunction($name);
my $testFunction = getTestFunction($name);
my $initial = "FillLayer::" . $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"initial"} . "(" . getFillLayerType($name) . ")";
my $setterContent = "";
$setterContent .= $indent . "// Check for (single-layer) no-op before clearing anything.\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "auto& layers =" . getLayersFunction($name) . "();\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "if (! && (!layers." . $testFunction . "() || layers." . $getter . "() == $initial))\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " return;\n";
$setterContent .= "\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "auto* child = &" . getLayersAccessorFunction($name) . "();\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "child->" . $setter . "(" . $initial . ");\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "for (child = child->next(); child; child = child->next())\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " child->" . $clearFunction . "();\n";
return $setterContent;
sub generateFillLayerPropertyInheritValueSetter {
my $name = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $getter = $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"getter"};
my $setter = $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"setter"};
my $clearFunction = getClearFunction($name);
my $testFunction = getTestFunction($name);
my $setterContent = "";
$setterContent .= $indent . "// Check for no-op before copying anything.\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "if (builderState.parentStyle()." . getLayersFunction($name) ."() ==" . getLayersFunction($name) . "())\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " return;\n";
$setterContent .= "\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "auto* child = &" . getLayersAccessorFunction($name) . "();\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "FillLayer* previousChild = nullptr;\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "for (auto* parent = &builderState.parentStyle()." . getLayersFunction($name) . "(); parent && parent->" . $testFunction . "(); parent = parent->next()) {\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " if (!child) {\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " previousChild->setNext(makeUnique<FillLayer>(" . getFillLayerType($name) . "));\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " child = previousChild->next();\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " }\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " child->" . $setter . "(parent->" . $getter . "());\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " previousChild = child;\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " child = previousChild->next();\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "}\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "for (; child; child = child->next())\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " child->" . $clearFunction . "();\n";
return $setterContent;
sub generateFillLayerPropertyValueSetter {
my $name = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $CSSPropertyId = "CSSProperty" . $nameToId{$name};
my $setterContent = "";
$setterContent .= $indent . "auto* child = &" . getLayersAccessorFunction($name) . "();\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "FillLayer* previousChild = nullptr;\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "if (is<CSSValueList>(value) && !is<CSSImageSetValue>(value)) {\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " // Walk each value and put it into a layer, creating new layers as needed.\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " for (auto& item : downcast<CSSValueList>(value)) {\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " if (!child) {\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " previousChild->setNext(makeUnique<FillLayer>(" . getFillLayerType($name) . "));\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " child = previousChild->next();\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " }\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " builderState.styleMap()." . getFillLayerMapfunction($name) . "(" . $CSSPropertyId . ", *child, item);\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " previousChild = child;\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " child = child->next();\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " }\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "} else {\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " builderState.styleMap()." . getFillLayerMapfunction($name) . "(" . $CSSPropertyId . ", *child, value);\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " child = child->next();\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "}\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "for (; child; child = child->next())\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " child->" . getClearFunction($name) . "();\n";
return $setterContent;
sub generateSetValueStatement
my $name = shift;
my $value = shift;
my $isSVG = exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"svg"};
my $setter = $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"setter"};
return "" . ($isSVG ? "accessSVGStyle()." : "") . $setter . "(" . $value . ")";
sub generateInitialValueSetter {
my $name = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $setter = $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"setter"};
my $initial = $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"initial"};
my $isSVG = exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"svg"};
my $setterContent = "";
$setterContent .= $indent . "static void applyInitial" . $nameToId{$name} . "(BuilderState& builderState)\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "{\n";
my $style = "";
if (exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"auto-functions"}) {
$setterContent .= $indent . " " . getAutoSetter($name, $style) . ";\n";
} elsif (exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"visited-link-color-support"}) {
my $initialColor = "RenderStyle::" . $initial . "()";
$setterContent .= generateColorValueSetter($name, $initialColor, $indent . " ");
} elsif (exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"animatable"}) {
$setterContent .= generateAnimationPropertyInitialValueSetter($name, $indent . " ");
} elsif (exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"font-property"}) {
$setterContent .= $indent . " auto fontDescription = builderState.fontDescription();\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " fontDescription." . $setter . "(FontCascadeDescription::" . $initial . "());\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " builderState.setFontDescription(WTFMove(fontDescription));\n";
} elsif (exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"fill-layer-property"}) {
$setterContent .= generateFillLayerPropertyInitialValueSetter($name, $indent . " ");
} else {
my $initialValue = ($isSVG ? "SVGRenderStyle" : "RenderStyle") . "::" . $initial . "()";
$setterContent .= $indent . " " . generateSetValueStatement($name, $initialValue) . ";\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "}\n";
return $setterContent;
sub generateInheritValueSetter {
my $name = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $setterContent = "";
$setterContent .= $indent . "static void applyInherit" . $nameToId{$name} . "(BuilderState& builderState)\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "{\n";
my $isSVG = exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"svg"};
my $parentStyle = "builderState.parentStyle()";
my $style = "";
my $getter = $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"getter"};
my $setter = $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"setter"};
my $didCallSetValue = 0;
if (exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"auto-functions"}) {
$setterContent .= $indent . " if (" . getAutoGetter($name, $parentStyle) . ") {\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " " . getAutoSetter($name, $style) . ";\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " return;\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " }\n";
} elsif (exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"visited-link-color-support"}) {
$setterContent .= $indent . " Color color = " . $parentStyle . "." . $getter . "();\n";
$setterContent .= generateColorValueSetter($name, "color", $indent . " ");
$didCallSetValue = 1;
} elsif (exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"animatable"}) {
$setterContent .= generateAnimationPropertyInheritValueSetter($name, $indent . " ");
$didCallSetValue = 1;
} elsif (exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"font-property"}) {
$setterContent .= $indent . " auto fontDescription = builderState.fontDescription();\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " fontDescription." . $setter . "(builderState.parentFontDescription()." . $getter . "());\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " builderState.setFontDescription(WTFMove(fontDescription));\n";
$didCallSetValue = 1;
} elsif (exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"fill-layer-property"}) {
$setterContent .= generateFillLayerPropertyInheritValueSetter($name, $indent . " ");
$didCallSetValue = 1;
if (!$didCallSetValue) {
my $inheritedValue = $parentStyle . "." . ($isSVG ? "svgStyle()." : "") . $getter . "()";
$setterContent .= $indent . " " . generateSetValueStatement($name, "forwardInheritedValue(" . $inheritedValue . ")") . ";\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "}\n";
return $setterContent;
sub generateValueSetter {
my $name = shift;
my $indent = shift;
my $setterContent = "";
$setterContent .= $indent . "static void applyValue" . $nameToId{$name} . "(BuilderState& builderState, CSSValue& value)\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "{\n";
my $convertedValue;
if (exists($propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"converter"})) {
$convertedValue = "BuilderConverter::convert" . $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"converter"} . "(builderState, value)";
} elsif (exists($propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"conditional-converter"})) {
$setterContent .= $indent . " auto convertedValue = BuilderConverter::convert" . $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"conditional-converter"} . "(builderState, value);\n";
$convertedValue = "WTFMove(convertedValue.value())";
} else {
$convertedValue = "downcast<CSSPrimitiveValue>(value)";
my $setter = $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"setter"};
my $style = "";
my $didCallSetValue = 0;
if (exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"auto-functions"}) {
$setterContent .= $indent . " if (downcast<CSSPrimitiveValue>(value).valueID() == CSSValueAuto) {\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " ". getAutoSetter($name, $style) . ";\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " return;\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " }\n";
} elsif (exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"visited-link-color-support"}) {
$setterContent .= $indent . " auto& primitiveValue = downcast<CSSPrimitiveValue>(value);\n";
if ($name eq "color") {
# The "color" property supports "currentColor" value. We should add a parameter.
$setterContent .= handleCurrentColorValue($name, "primitiveValue", $indent . " ");
$setterContent .= generateColorValueSetter($name, "primitiveValue", $indent . " ", VALUE_IS_PRIMITIVE);
$didCallSetValue = 1;
} elsif (exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"animatable"}) {
$setterContent .= generateAnimationPropertyValueSetter($name, $indent . " ");
$didCallSetValue = 1;
} elsif (exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"font-property"}) {
$setterContent .= $indent . " auto fontDescription = builderState.fontDescription();\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " fontDescription." . $setter . "(" . $convertedValue . ");\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . " builderState.setFontDescription(WTFMove(fontDescription));\n";
$didCallSetValue = 1;
} elsif (exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"fill-layer-property"}) {
$setterContent .= generateFillLayerPropertyValueSetter($name, $indent . " ");
$didCallSetValue = 1;
if (!$didCallSetValue) {
if (exists($propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"conditional-converter"})) {
$setterContent .= $indent . " if (convertedValue)\n";
$setterContent .= " ";
$setterContent .= $indent . " " . generateSetValueStatement($name, $convertedValue) . ";\n";
$setterContent .= $indent . "}\n";
return $setterContent;
open STYLEBUILDER, ">StyleBuilderGenerated.cpp" || die "Could not open StyleBuilderGenerated.cpp for writing";
/* This file is automatically generated from $inputFile by makeprop, do not edit */
#include "config.h"
#include "StyleBuilderGenerated.h"
#include "CSSPrimitiveValueMappings.h"
#include "CSSProperty.h"
#include "RenderStyle.h"
#include "StyleBuilderState.h"
#include "StyleBuilderConverter.h"
#include "StyleBuilderCustom.h"
#include "StylePropertyShorthand.h"
namespace WebCore {
namespace Style {
class BuilderFunctions {
foreach my $name (@names) {
# Skip Shorthand properties and properties that do not use the StyleBuilder.
next if (exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"longhands"});
next if (exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"skip-builder"});
my $indent = " ";
if (!$propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"custom"}{"Initial"}) {
print STYLEBUILDER generateInitialValueSetter($name, $indent);
if (!$propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"custom"}{"Inherit"}) {
print STYLEBUILDER generateInheritValueSetter($name, $indent);
if (!$propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"custom"}{"Value"}) {
print STYLEBUILDER generateValueSetter($name, $indent);
void BuilderGenerated::applyProperty(CSSPropertyID property, BuilderState& builderState, CSSValue& value, bool isInitial, bool isInherit, const CSSRegisteredCustomProperty* registered)
switch (property) {
case CSSPropertyInvalid:
case CSSPropertyCustom: {
auto& customProperty = downcast<CSSCustomPropertyValue>(value);
if (isInitial)
BuilderCustom::applyInitialCustomProperty(builderState, registered,;
else if (isInherit)
BuilderCustom::applyInheritCustomProperty(builderState, registered,;
BuilderCustom::applyValueCustomProperty(builderState, registered, customProperty);
foreach my $name (@names) {
print STYLEBUILDER " case CSSProperty" . $nameToId{$name} . ":\n";
if (exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"longhands"}) {
print STYLEBUILDER " ASSERT(isShorthandCSSProperty(property));\n";
} elsif (!exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"skip-builder"}) {
print STYLEBUILDER " if (isInitial)\n";
print STYLEBUILDER " " . getScopeForFunction($name, "Initial") . "::applyInitial" . $nameToId{$name} . "(builderState);\n";
print STYLEBUILDER " else if (isInherit)\n";
print STYLEBUILDER " " . getScopeForFunction($name, "Inherit") . "::applyInherit" . $nameToId{$name} . "(builderState);\n";
print STYLEBUILDER " else\n";
print STYLEBUILDER " " . getScopeForFunction($name, "Value") . "::applyValue" . $nameToId{$name} . "(builderState, value);\n";
print STYLEBUILDER " break;\n";
} // namespace Style
} // namespace WebCore
# Generate StylePropertyShorthandsFunctions.
open SHORTHANDS_H, ">", "StylePropertyShorthandFunctions.h" or die "Could not open StylePropertyShorthandFunctions.h for writing\n";
print SHORTHANDS_H << "EOF";
// This file is automatically generated from $inputFile by the script. Do not edit it.
#pragma once
namespace WebCore {
class StylePropertyShorthand;
foreach my $name (@names) {
# Skip non-Shorthand properties.
next if (!exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"longhands"});
print SHORTHANDS_H "StylePropertyShorthand " . lcfirst($nameToId{$name}) . "Shorthand();\n";
print SHORTHANDS_H << "EOF";
} // namespace WebCore
open SHORTHANDS_CPP, ">", "StylePropertyShorthandFunctions.cpp" or die "Could not open StylePropertyShorthandFunctions.cpp for writing\n";
// This file is automatically generated from $inputFile by the script. Do not edit it.
#include "config.h"
#include "StylePropertyShorthandFunctions.h"
#include "StylePropertyShorthand.h"
namespace WebCore {
my %longhandToShorthands = ();
foreach my $name (@names) {
# Skip non-Shorthand properties.
next if (!exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"longhands"});
my $lowercaseId = lcfirst($nameToId{$name});
my @longhands = @{$propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"longhands"}};
print SHORTHANDS_CPP "StylePropertyShorthand " . $lowercaseId . "Shorthand()\n";
print SHORTHANDS_CPP "{\n";
print SHORTHANDS_CPP " static const CSSPropertyID " . $lowercaseId . "Properties[] = {\n";
foreach (@longhands) {
if ($_ eq "all") {
foreach my $propname (@names) {
next if (exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$propname}{"longhands"});
next if ($propname eq "direction" || $propname eq "unicode-bidi");
die "Unknown CSS property used in all shorthand: $propname" if !exists($nameToId{$propname});
push(@{$longhandToShorthands{$propname}}, $name);
print SHORTHANDS_CPP " CSSProperty" . $nameToId{$propname} . ",\n";
} else {
die "Unknown CSS property used in longhands: $_" if !exists($nameToId{$_});
push(@{$longhandToShorthands{$_}}, $name);
print SHORTHANDS_CPP " CSSProperty" . $nameToId{$_} . ",\n";
print SHORTHANDS_CPP " };\n";
print SHORTHANDS_CPP " return StylePropertyShorthand(CSSProperty" . $nameToId{$name} . ", " . $lowercaseId . "Properties);\n";
print SHORTHANDS_CPP "}\n\n";
StylePropertyShorthand shorthandForProperty(CSSPropertyID propertyID)
switch (propertyID) {
foreach my $name (@names) {
# Skip non-Shorthand properties.
next if (!exists $propertiesWithStyleBuilderOptions{$name}{"longhands"});
print SHORTHANDS_CPP " case CSSProperty" . $nameToId{$name} . ":\n";
print SHORTHANDS_CPP " return " . lcfirst($nameToId{$name}) . "Shorthand();\n";
return { };
StylePropertyShorthandVector matchingShorthandsForLonghand(CSSPropertyID propertyID)
switch (propertyID) {
sub constructShorthandsVector {
my $shorthands = shift;
my $vector = "StylePropertyShorthandVector{";
foreach my $i (0 .. $#$shorthands) {
$vector .= ", " unless $i == 0;
$vector .= lcfirst($nameToId{$shorthands->[$i]}) . "Shorthand()";
$vector .= "}";
return $vector;
my %vectorToLonghands = ();
for my $longhand (sort keys %longhandToShorthands) {
my @shorthands = sort(@{$longhandToShorthands{$longhand}});
push(@{$vectorToLonghands{constructShorthandsVector(\@shorthands)}}, $longhand);
for my $vector (sort keys %vectorToLonghands) {
foreach (@{$vectorToLonghands{$vector}}) {
print SHORTHANDS_CPP " case CSSProperty" . $nameToId{$_} . ":\n";
print SHORTHANDS_CPP " return " . $vector . ";\n";
return { };
} // namespace WebCore
if (not $gperf) {
$gperf = $ENV{GPERF} ? $ENV{GPERF} : "gperf";
system("\"$gperf\" --key-positions=\"*\" -D -n -s 2 CSSPropertyNames.gperf --output-file=CSSPropertyNames.cpp") == 0 || die "calling gperf failed: $?";