blob: 831c2b2c6efb224759b43bfe67fb73b14fe0a636 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2007 Collabora Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2007 Alp Toker <>
* Copyright (C) 2009 Gustavo Noronha Silva <>
* Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Igalia S.L
* Copyright (C) 2015 Sebastian Dröge <>
* Copyright (C) 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Metrological Group B.V.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* aint with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE.h"
#include "AppendPipeline.h"
#include "AudioTrackPrivateGStreamer.h"
#include "GStreamerCommon.h"
#include "GStreamerRegistryScannerMSE.h"
#include "InbandTextTrackPrivateGStreamer.h"
#include "MIMETypeRegistry.h"
#include "MediaDescription.h"
#include "MediaPlayer.h"
#include "MediaSourceTrackGStreamer.h"
#include "SourceBufferPrivateGStreamer.h"
#include "TimeRanges.h"
#include "VideoTrackPrivateGStreamer.h"
#include "WebKitMediaSourceGStreamer.h"
#include <gst/app/gstappsink.h>
#include <gst/app/gstappsrc.h>
#include <gst/gst.h>
#include <gst/pbutils/pbutils.h>
#include <gst/video/video.h>
#include <wtf/Condition.h>
#include <wtf/HashSet.h>
#include <wtf/NeverDestroyed.h>
#include <wtf/StringPrintStream.h>
#include <wtf/URL.h>
#include <wtf/text/AtomString.h>
#include <wtf/text/AtomStringHash.h>
static const char* dumpReadyState(WebCore::MediaPlayer::ReadyState readyState)
switch (readyState) {
case WebCore::MediaPlayer::ReadyState::HaveNothing: return "HaveNothing";
case WebCore::MediaPlayer::ReadyState::HaveMetadata: return "HaveMetadata";
case WebCore::MediaPlayer::ReadyState::HaveCurrentData: return "HaveCurrentData";
case WebCore::MediaPlayer::ReadyState::HaveFutureData: return "HaveFutureData";
case WebCore::MediaPlayer::ReadyState::HaveEnoughData: return "HaveEnoughData";
default: return "(unknown)";
#define GST_CAT_DEFAULT webkit_mse_debug
namespace WebCore {
class MediaPlayerFactoryGStreamerMSE final : public MediaPlayerFactory {
MediaPlayerEnums::MediaEngineIdentifier identifier() const final { return MediaPlayerEnums::MediaEngineIdentifier::GStreamerMSE; };
std::unique_ptr<MediaPlayerPrivateInterface> createMediaEnginePlayer(MediaPlayer* player) const final
return makeUnique<MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE>(player);
void getSupportedTypes(HashSet<String, ASCIICaseInsensitiveHash>& types) const final
return MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::getSupportedTypes(types);
MediaPlayer::SupportsType supportsTypeAndCodecs(const MediaEngineSupportParameters& parameters) const final
return MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::supportsType(parameters);
bool supportsKeySystem(const String& keySystem, const String& mimeType) const final
return MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::supportsKeySystem(keySystem, mimeType);
void MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::registerMediaEngine(MediaEngineRegistrar registrar)
GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT(webkit_mse_debug, "webkitmse", 0, "WebKit MSE media player");
MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE(MediaPlayer* player)
: MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamer(player)
GST_TRACE("creating the player (%p)", this);
GST_TRACE("destroying the player (%p)", this);
void MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::load(const String&)
// This media engine only supports MediaSource URLs.
m_networkState = MediaPlayer::NetworkState::FormatError;
void MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::load(const URL& url, const ContentType&, MediaSourcePrivateClient* mediaSource)
auto mseBlobURI = makeString("mediasource", url.string().isEmpty() ? "blob://" : url.string());
GST_DEBUG("Loading %s", mseBlobURI.ascii().data());
m_mediaSource = mediaSource;
m_mediaSourcePrivate = MediaSourcePrivateGStreamer::open(*m_mediaSource.get(), *this);
void MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::play()
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(pipeline(), "Play requested");
m_isPaused = false;
void MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::pause()
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(pipeline(), "Pause requested");
m_isPaused = true;
MediaTime MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::durationMediaTime() const
if (UNLIKELY(!m_pipeline || m_didErrorOccur))
return MediaTime();
return m_mediaTimeDuration;
void MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::seek(const MediaTime& time)
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(pipeline(), "Requested seek to %s", time.toString().utf8().data());
doSeek(time, m_playbackRate, GST_SEEK_FLAG_FLUSH);
bool MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::doSeek(const MediaTime& position, float rate, GstSeekFlags seekFlags)
// This method should only be called outside of MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE by MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamer::setRate().
// Note: An important difference between seek with WebKitMediaSrc and regular playback is that seeking before
// pre-roll (e.g. to start playback at a non-zero position) is supported in WebKitMediaSrc but not in regular
// playback. This is relevant in MSE because pre-roll may never occur if the JS code never appends a range starting
// at zero, creating a chicken and egg problem.
// GStreamer doesn't support zero as a valid playback rate. Instead, that is implemented in WebKit by pausing
// the pipeline.
if (rate <= 0)
rate = 1.0;
m_seekTime = position;
m_isSeeking = true;
m_isWaitingForPreroll = true;
m_isEndReached = false;
// Important: In order to ensure correct propagation whether pre-roll has happened or not, we send the seek directly
// to the source element, rather than letting playbin do the routing.
gst_element_seek(m_source.get(), rate, GST_FORMAT_TIME, seekFlags,
GST_SEEK_TYPE_SET, toGstClockTime(m_seekTime), GST_SEEK_TYPE_NONE, 0);
// Notify MediaSource and have new frames enqueued (when they're available).
return true;
void MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::setReadyState(MediaPlayer::ReadyState mediaSourceReadyState)
// Something important to bear in mind is that the readyState we get here comes from MediaSource.
// From MediaSource perspective, as long as the sample for currentTime exists in the sample map, we are >= HaveCurrentData.
// This is NOT true from the player perspective though, because there needs to pass some time since we have the first frame
// (>=HaveCurrentData for MediaSource) and we have decoded it and sent it to the sink/compositor (>=HaveCurrentData in HTMLMediaElement).
// The way we implement this is by keeping track of the MediaSource readyState internally in m_mediaSourceReadyState but not
// spreading states >= HaveCurrentData to the player until prerolled.
if (mediaSourceReadyState == m_mediaSourceReadyState)
GST_DEBUG("MediaSource called setReadyState(%p): %s -> %s Current player state: %s Waiting for preroll: %s", this,
dumpReadyState(m_mediaSourceReadyState), dumpReadyState(mediaSourceReadyState), dumpReadyState(m_readyState), boolForPrinting(m_isWaitingForPreroll));
m_mediaSourceReadyState = mediaSourceReadyState;
if (mediaSourceReadyState < MediaPlayer::ReadyState::HaveCurrentData || !m_isWaitingForPreroll)
void MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::propagateReadyStateToPlayer()
ASSERT(m_mediaSourceReadyState < MediaPlayer::ReadyState::HaveCurrentData || !m_isWaitingForPreroll);
if (m_readyState == m_mediaSourceReadyState)
GST_DEBUG("Propagating MediaSource readyState %s to player ready state (currently %s)", dumpReadyState(m_mediaSourceReadyState), dumpReadyState(m_readyState));
m_readyState = m_mediaSourceReadyState;
updateStates(); // Set the pipeline to PLAYING or PAUSED if necessary.
// The readyState change may be a result of monitorSourceBuffers() finding that currentTime == duration, which
// should cause the video to be marked as ended. Let's have the player check that.
void MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::asyncStateChangeDone()
ASSERT(GST_STATE(m_pipeline.get()) >= GST_STATE_PAUSED);
// There are three circumstances in which a preroll can occur:
// a) At the begining of playback. This is the point where we propagate >=HaveCurrentData to the player.
// b) At the end of a seek. We emit the "seeked" event as well.
// c) At the end of a flush (forced quality change). These should not produce either of these outcomes.
// We identify (a) and (b) by setting m_isWaitingForPreroll = true at the initialization of the player and
// at the beginning of a seek.
GST_DEBUG("Pipeline prerolled. currentMediaTime = %s", currentMediaTime().toString().utf8().data());
if (!m_isWaitingForPreroll) {
GST_DEBUG("Preroll was consequence of a flush, nothing to do at this level.");
m_isWaitingForPreroll = false;
// The order of these sections is important. In the case of a seek, the "seeked" event must be emitted
// before the "playing" event (which is emitted on HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA). Therefore, we take care of them in
// that order.
if (m_isSeeking) {
m_isSeeking = false;
GST_DEBUG("Seek complete because of preroll. currentMediaTime = %s", currentMediaTime().toString().utf8().data());
// By calling timeChanged(), m_isSeeking will be checked an a "seeked" event will be emitted.
std::unique_ptr<PlatformTimeRanges> MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::buffered() const
return m_mediaSource ? m_mediaSource->buffered() : makeUnique<PlatformTimeRanges>();
void MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::sourceSetup(GstElement* sourceElement)
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(pipeline(), "Source %p setup (old was: %p)", sourceElement, m_source.get());
m_source = sourceElement;
if (m_hasAllTracks)
webKitMediaSrcEmitStreams(WEBKIT_MEDIA_SRC(m_source.get()), m_tracks);
void MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::updateStates()
bool shouldBePlaying = !m_isPaused && readyState() >= MediaPlayer::ReadyState::HaveFutureData;
GST_DEBUG_OBJECT(pipeline(), "shouldBePlaying = %d, m_isPipelinePlaying = %d", static_cast<int>(shouldBePlaying), static_cast<int>(m_isPipelinePlaying));
if (shouldBePlaying && !m_isPipelinePlaying) {
if (!changePipelineState(GST_STATE_PLAYING))
GST_ERROR_OBJECT(pipeline(), "Setting the pipeline to PLAYING failed");
m_isPipelinePlaying = true;
} else if (!shouldBePlaying && m_isPipelinePlaying) {
if (!changePipelineState(GST_STATE_PAUSED))
GST_ERROR_OBJECT(pipeline(), "Setting the pipeline to PAUSED failed");
m_isPipelinePlaying = false;
bool MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::isTimeBuffered(const MediaTime &time) const
bool result = m_mediaSource && m_mediaSource->buffered()->contain(time);
GST_DEBUG("Time %s buffered? %s", toString(time).utf8().data(), boolForPrinting(result));
return result;
void MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::blockDurationChanges()
m_areDurationChangesBlocked = true;
m_shouldReportDurationWhenUnblocking = false;
void MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::unblockDurationChanges()
if (m_shouldReportDurationWhenUnblocking) {
m_shouldReportDurationWhenUnblocking = false;
m_areDurationChangesBlocked = false;
void MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::durationChanged()
MediaTime previousDuration = m_mediaTimeDuration;
m_mediaTimeDuration = m_mediaSource->duration();
GST_TRACE("previous=%s, new=%s", toString(previousDuration).utf8().data(), toString(m_mediaTimeDuration).utf8().data());
// Avoid emiting durationchanged in the case where the previous duration was 0 because that case is already handled
// by the HTMLMediaElement.
if (m_mediaTimeDuration != previousDuration && m_mediaTimeDuration.isValid() && previousDuration.isValid()) {
if (!m_areDurationChangesBlocked)
m_shouldReportDurationWhenUnblocking = true;
void MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::setInitialVideoSize(const FloatSize& videoSize)
// We set the size of the video only for the first initialization segment.
// This is intentional: Normally the video size depends on the frames arriving
// at the sink in the playback pipeline, not in the append pipeline; but we still
// want to report an initial size for HAVE_METADATA (first initialization segment).
if (!m_videoSize.isEmpty())
GST_DEBUG("Setting initial video size: %gx%g", videoSize.width(), videoSize.height());
m_videoSize = videoSize;
void MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::startSource(const Vector<RefPtr<MediaSourceTrackGStreamer>>& tracks)
m_tracks = tracks;
webKitMediaSrcEmitStreams(WEBKIT_MEDIA_SRC(m_source.get()), tracks);
void MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::getSupportedTypes(HashSet<String, ASCIICaseInsensitiveHash>& types)
MediaPlayer::SupportsType MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::supportsType(const MediaEngineSupportParameters& parameters)
MediaPlayer::SupportsType result = MediaPlayer::SupportsType::IsNotSupported;
if (!parameters.isMediaSource)
return result;
auto containerType = parameters.type.containerType();
// YouTube TV provides empty types for some videos and we want to be selected as best media engine for them.
if (containerType.isEmpty()) {
result = MediaPlayer::SupportsType::MayBeSupported;
GST_DEBUG("mime-type \"%s\" supported: %s", parameters.type.raw().utf8().data(), convertEnumerationToString(result).utf8().data());
return result;
GST_DEBUG("Checking mime-type \"%s\"", parameters.type.raw().utf8().data());
auto& gstRegistryScanner = GStreamerRegistryScannerMSE::singleton();
result = gstRegistryScanner.isContentTypeSupported(GStreamerRegistryScanner::Configuration::Decoding, parameters.type, parameters.contentTypesRequiringHardwareSupport);
auto finalResult = extendedSupportsType(parameters, result);
GST_DEBUG("Supported: %s", convertEnumerationToString(finalResult).utf8().data());
return finalResult;
MediaTime MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE::maxMediaTimeSeekable() const
if (UNLIKELY(m_didErrorOccur))
return MediaTime::zeroTime();
MediaTime result = durationMediaTime();
// Infinite duration means live stream.
if (result.isPositiveInfinite()) {
MediaTime maxBufferedTime = buffered()->maximumBufferedTime();
// Return the highest end time reported by the buffered attribute.
result = maxBufferedTime.isValid() ? maxBufferedTime : MediaTime::zeroTime();
return result;
} // namespace WebCore.
#endif // USE(GSTREAMER)