blob: da251181ea593ee902cbd0ccd9b6e4f5d92fcc68 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS preconditions
PASS insertRule with #bar selector
PASS insertRule with no argument throws
PASS insertRule with index greater than length throws
PASS deleteRule(1)
PASS deleteRule with no argument throws
PASS deleteRule on empty style sheet throws
PASS removeRule with no argument removes first rule
PASS removeRule on empty style sheet throws
PASS addRule with @media rule
PASS removeRule(1)
PASS addRule with #foo selectors
PASS addRule with no argument adds "undefined" selector
PASS addRule with index greater than length throws
PASS cssRules and rules are the same object
PASS cssRules returns the same object twice
PASS rules returns the same object twice