blob: 36eaddfe874027306c9fc685729ab4b12743ba65 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
margin: 0px;
.percent100 {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
<script src="full-screen-test.js"></script>
<script src=../media/media-file.js></script>
<div style="display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
<div style="position: absolute; background: green;">
<video id="video" class="percent100" controls></video>
// Bail out early if the full screen API is not enabled or is missing:
if (Element.prototype.webkitRequestFullScreen == undefined) {
logResult(false, "Element.prototype.webkitRequestFullScreen == undefined");
} else {
var video = document.getElementById('video');
video.addEventListener("loadeddata", function(ev) {
waitForEventOnce(document, 'webkitfullscreenchange', function() {
// First check that the video went fullscreen.
test("video.clientWidth == document.body.clientWidth");
waitForEventOnce(document, 'webkitfullscreenchange', function() {
// Then check that the original video size is properly restored.
testExpected(video.clientWidth, 320);
testExpected(video.clientHeight, 240);
runWithKeyDown(function() {
setSrcById("video", findMediaFile("video", "../media/content/test"));