blob: 8f87b0db40f81a5020f63de08dfb9a5dbe51e1dd [file] [log] [blame]
FAIL Should throw if no name is provided assert_throws: function "() => new BroadcastChannel()" threw object "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel" ("ReferenceError") expected object "TypeError" ("TypeError")
FAIL Null name should not throw Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL Undefined name should not throw Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL Non-empty name should not throw Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL Non-string name should not throw Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL postMessage without parameters should throw Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL postMessage with null should not throw Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL close should not throw Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL close should not throw when called multiple times Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL postMessage after close should throw Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL BroadcastChannel should have an onmessage event Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL postMessage should throw with uncloneable data Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel
FAIL postMessage should throw InvalidStateError after close, even with uncloneable data Can't find variable: BroadcastChannel