blob: 0cff09bf04e43602bd1f0dc3366bf7a868bff92c [file] [log] [blame]
FAIL WaveShaperNode - Testing that -1, 0 and +1 map correctly to curve (with 1:1 correlation) assert_approx_equals: Input=0, Curve=[2,-3,4] >>> expected -3 +/- 0.01 but got 0.5
FAIL WaveShaperNode - Testing interpolation (where inputs don't correlate directly to curve elements) assert_approx_equals: Input=-0.5, Curve=[2,-3,4] >>> expected -0.5 +/- 0.01 but got -1.75
FAIL WaveShaperNode - Testing out-of-range inputs (should be mapped to the first/last elements of the curve) assert_approx_equals: Input=-1.5, Curve=[2,-3,4] >>> expected 2 +/- 0.01 but got 5.75
FAIL WaveShaperNode - Testing a 2-element curve (does not have a middle element) assert_approx_equals: Input=0, Curve=[2,-2] >>> expected 0 +/- 0.01 but got -2
FAIL WaveShaperNode - Testing a 4-element curve (does not have a middle element) assert_approx_equals: Input=0, Curve=[1,2,4,7] >>> expected 3 +/- 0.01 but got 4
FAIL WaveShaperNode - Testing a huge curve assert_approx_equals: Input=0, Curve=[TooBigToDisplay (60000 elements)] >>> expected 8466.20572879921 +/- 0.01 but got 8466.34765625
PASS WaveShaperNode - Testing null curve (should return input values)