blob: c33d5f95815ec3f959a016a6344a106bb24a7d2a [file] [log] [blame]
PASS setAttribute and removeAttribute must enqueue and invoke attributeChangedCallback
PASS setAttributeNS and removeAttributeNS must enqueue and invoke attributeChangedCallback
PASS setAttributeNode and removeAttributeNode must enqueue and invoke attributeChangedCallback for an HTML attribute
PASS setAttributeNode and removeAttributeNS must enqueue and invoke attributeChangedCallback for an SVG attribute
PASS Mutating attributeChangedCallback after calling customElements.define must not affect the callback being invoked
PASS attributedChangedCallback must not be invoked when the observed attributes does not contain the attribute
PASS Mutating observedAttributes after calling customElements.define must not affect the set of attributes for which attributedChangedCallback is invoked
PASS attributedChangedCallback must be enqueued for attributes specified in a non-Array iterable observedAttributes
PASS attributedChangedCallback must be enqueued for style attribute change by mutating inline style declaration
PASS attributedChangedCallback must not be enqueued when mutating inline style declaration if the style attribute is not observed
PASS Upgrading a parser created element must enqueue and invoke attributeChangedCallback for an HTML attribute
PASS Upgrading a cloned element must enqueue and invoke attributeChangedCallback for an HTML attribute