| Tests for the onspeechchange event with <input type="text" speech>. |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| PASS document.getElementById("speechInput").value is "Green eggs and ham" |
| PASS window.event.results.length is 3 |
| PASS window.event.results[0].utterance is "Green eggs and ham" |
| PASS window.event.results[0].confidence is 0.8 |
| PASS window.event.results[1].utterance is "Green x and ham" |
| PASS window.event.results[1].confidence is 0.5 |
| PASS window.event.results[2].utterance is "3 x and am" |
| PASS window.event.results[2].confidence is 0.2 |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |