blob: 1232dd901f0e26ac88b47be493b8df85b9c58fe1 [file] [log] [blame]
Check stepUp() and stepDown() bahevior for number, and unsupported types.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
Number type
Invalid value
PASS stepUp("", null, null) threw exception Error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11.
PASS stepDown("", null, null) threw exception Error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11.
Non-number arguments
PASS stepUp("0", null, null, "0") is "0"
PASS stepDown("0", null, null, "0") is "0"
PASS stepUp("0", null, null, "foo") is "0"
PASS stepDown("0", null, null, "foo") is "0"
PASS stepUp("0", null, null, null) is "0"
PASS stepDown("0", null, null, null) is "0"
Normal cases
PASS stepUp("0", null, null) is "1"
PASS stepUp("1", null, null, 2) is "3"
PASS stepUp("3", null, null, -1) is "2"
PASS stepDown("2", null, null) is "1"
PASS stepDown("1", null, null, 2) is "-1"
PASS stepDown("-1", null, null, -1) is "0"
Extra arguments
PASS input.value = "0"; input.min = null; input.step = null; input.stepUp(1, 2); input.value is "1"
PASS input.value = "1"; input.stepDown(1, 3); input.value is "0"
Invalid step value
PASS stepUp("0", "foo", null) is "1"
PASS stepUp("1", "0", null) is "2"
PASS stepUp("2", "-1", null) is "3"
PASS stepUp("0", "any", null) threw exception Error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11.
PASS stepDown("0", "any", null) threw exception Error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11.
Step=any corner case
PASS stepUpExplicitBounds("0", "100", "any", "1.5", "1") threw exception Error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11.
PASS stepDownExplicitBounds("0", "100", "any", "1.5", "1") threw exception Error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11.
PASS stepDown("1", "1", "0") is "0"
PASS stepDown("0", "1", "0") threw exception Error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11.
PASS stepDown("1", "1", "0", 2) threw exception Error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11.
PASS input.value is "1"
PASS stepDown("1", "3.40282346e+38", "", 2) threw exception Error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11.
PASS stepUp("-1", "1", "0") is "0"
PASS stepUp("0", "1", "0") threw exception Error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11.
PASS stepUp("-1", "1", "0", 2) threw exception Error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11.
PASS input.value is "-1"
PASS stepUp("1", "3.40282346e+38", "", 2) threw exception Error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11.
stepDown()/stepUp() for stepMismatch values
PASS stepUp("1", "2", "") is "3"
PASS input.stepDown(); input.value is "1"
PASS input.min = "0"; stepUp("9", "10", "", 9) is "99"
PASS stepDown("19", "10", "0") is "9"
PASS stepUp("89", "10", "99") is "99"
Huge value and small step
PASS input.min = ""; stepUp("1e+38", "1", "", 999999) is "1e+38"
PASS input.max = ""; stepDown("1e+38", "1", "", 999999) is "1e+38"
Fractional numbers
PASS input.min = ""; stepUp("0", "0.33333333333333333", "", 3) is "1"
PASS stepUp("1", "0.1", "", 10) is "2"
PASS input.stepUp(); input.stepUp(); input.stepUp(); input.stepUp(); input.stepUp(); input.stepUp(); input.stepUp(); input.stepUp(); input.stepUp(); input.stepUp(); input.value is "3"
PASS input.min = "0"; stepUp("0", "0.003921568627450980", "1", 255) is "1"
PASS for (var i = 0; i < 255; i++) { input.stepDown(); }; input.value is "0"
PASS stepUp("5.005", "0.005", "", 2) is "5.015"
PASS stepUp("5.005", "0.005", "", 11) is "5.06"
PASS stepUp("5.005", "0.005", "", 12) is "5.065"
PASS stepUpExplicitBounds("4", "9", "0.005", "5.005", 2) is "5.015"
PASS stepUpExplicitBounds("4", "9", "0.005", "5.005", 11) is "5.06"
PASS stepUpExplicitBounds("4", "9", "0.005", "5.005", 12) is "5.065"
Unsupported type
PASS input.step = "3"; input.min = ""; input.max = ""; input.value = "2"; input.stepDown() threw exception Error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11.
PASS input.stepDown(0) threw exception Error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11.
PASS input.stepUp() threw exception Error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11.
PASS input.stepUp(0) threw exception Error: INVALID_STATE_ERR: DOM Exception 11.
PASS successfullyParsed is true