| This file test the behaviour of getAttribute with regard to case. |
| See Bug 20247: setAttributeNode() does not work when attribute name has a capital letter in it |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| PASS testGetAttributeCaseInsensitive() is "x" |
| PASS testGetAttributeNodeMixedCase() is "x" |
| PASS testGetAttributeNodeLowerCase() is "x" |
| PASS testSetAttributeNodeKeepsRef() is "1" |
| PASS testAttribNodeNamePreservesCase() is "A,A" |
| PASS testAttribNodeNamePreservesCaseGetNode() is "A,A" |
| PASS testAttribNodeNamePreservesCaseGetNode2() is "B,B" |
| PASS testAttribNodeNameGetMutate() is "1" |
| PASS (new XMLSerializer).serializeToString(node) is "<div myAttrib=\"XXX\"></div>" |
| PASS node.getAttributeNode('myAttrib').name is "myAttrib" |
| PASS node.getAttributeNode('myattrib').name is "myAttrib" |
| PASS attrib.name is "myAttrib" |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |