| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. |
| * Copyright (C) 2014 Samsung Electronics |
| * Copyright (C) 2014 University of Szeged |
| * |
| * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
| * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions |
| * are met: |
| * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright |
| * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
| * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright |
| * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the |
| * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| #include "config.h" |
| #include "FTLCompile.h" |
| |
| |
| #include "CodeBlockWithJITType.h" |
| #include "CCallHelpers.h" |
| #include "DFGCommon.h" |
| #include "DFGGraphSafepoint.h" |
| #include "DFGOperations.h" |
| #include "DataView.h" |
| #include "Disassembler.h" |
| #include "FTLCompileBinaryOp.h" |
| #include "FTLExceptionHandlerManager.h" |
| #include "FTLExitThunkGenerator.h" |
| #include "FTLInlineCacheDescriptorInlines.h" |
| #include "FTLInlineCacheSize.h" |
| #include "FTLJITCode.h" |
| #include "FTLThunks.h" |
| #include "FTLUnwindInfo.h" |
| #include "LLVMAPI.h" |
| #include "LinkBuffer.h" |
| #include "ScratchRegisterAllocator.h" |
| |
| namespace JSC { namespace FTL { |
| |
| using namespace DFG; |
| |
| static RegisterSet usedRegistersFor(const StackMaps::Record&); |
| |
| static uint8_t* mmAllocateCodeSection( |
| void* opaqueState, uintptr_t size, unsigned alignment, unsigned, const char* sectionName) |
| { |
| State& state = *static_cast<State*>(opaqueState); |
| |
| RELEASE_ASSERT(alignment <= jitAllocationGranule); |
| |
| RefPtr<ExecutableMemoryHandle> result = |
| state.graph.m_vm.executableAllocator.allocate( |
| state.graph.m_vm, size, state.graph.m_codeBlock, JITCompilationCanFail); |
| |
| if (!result) { |
| // Signal failure. This compilation will get tossed. |
| state.allocationFailed = true; |
| |
| // Fake an allocation, since LLVM cannot handle failures in the memory manager. |
| RefPtr<DataSection> fakeSection = adoptRef(new DataSection(size, jitAllocationGranule)); |
| state.jitCode->addDataSection(fakeSection); |
| return bitwise_cast<uint8_t*>(fakeSection->base()); |
| } |
| |
| // LLVM used to put __compact_unwind in a code section. We keep this here defensively, |
| // for clients that use older LLVMs. |
| if (!strcmp(sectionName, SECTION_NAME("compact_unwind"))) { |
| state.unwindDataSection = result->start(); |
| state.unwindDataSectionSize = result->sizeInBytes(); |
| } |
| |
| state.jitCode->addHandle(result); |
| state.codeSectionNames.append(sectionName); |
| |
| return static_cast<uint8_t*>(result->start()); |
| } |
| |
| static uint8_t* mmAllocateDataSection( |
| void* opaqueState, uintptr_t size, unsigned alignment, unsigned sectionID, |
| const char* sectionName, LLVMBool isReadOnly) |
| { |
| UNUSED_PARAM(sectionID); |
| UNUSED_PARAM(isReadOnly); |
| |
| // Allocate the GOT in the code section to make it reachable for all code. |
| if (!strcmp(sectionName, SECTION_NAME("got"))) |
| return mmAllocateCodeSection(opaqueState, size, alignment, sectionID, sectionName); |
| |
| State& state = *static_cast<State*>(opaqueState); |
| |
| RefPtr<DataSection> section = adoptRef(new DataSection(size, alignment)); |
| |
| if (!strcmp(sectionName, SECTION_NAME("llvm_stackmaps"))) |
| state.stackmapsSection = section; |
| else { |
| state.jitCode->addDataSection(section); |
| state.dataSectionNames.append(sectionName); |
| #if OS(DARWIN) |
| if (!strcmp(sectionName, SECTION_NAME("compact_unwind"))) { |
| #elif OS(LINUX) |
| if (!strcmp(sectionName, SECTION_NAME("eh_frame"))) { |
| #else |
| #error "Unrecognized OS" |
| #endif |
| state.unwindDataSection = section->base(); |
| state.unwindDataSectionSize = size; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return bitwise_cast<uint8_t*>(section->base()); |
| } |
| |
| static LLVMBool mmApplyPermissions(void*, char**) |
| { |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| static void mmDestroy(void*) |
| { |
| } |
| |
| static void dumpDataSection(DataSection* section, const char* prefix) |
| { |
| for (unsigned j = 0; j < section->size() / sizeof(int64_t); ++j) { |
| char buf[32]; |
| int64_t* wordPointer = static_cast<int64_t*>(section->base()) + j; |
| snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "0x%lx", static_cast<unsigned long>(bitwise_cast<uintptr_t>(wordPointer))); |
| dataLogF("%s%16s: 0x%016llx\n", prefix, buf, static_cast<long long>(*wordPointer)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static int offsetOfStackRegion(StackMaps::RecordMap& recordMap, uint32_t stackmapID) |
| { |
| if (stackmapID == UINT_MAX) |
| return 0; |
| |
| StackMaps::RecordMap::iterator iter = recordMap.find(stackmapID); |
| RELEASE_ASSERT(iter != recordMap.end()); |
| RELEASE_ASSERT(iter->value.size() == 1); |
| RELEASE_ASSERT(iter->value[0].record.locations.size() == 1); |
| Location capturedLocation = |
| Location::forStackmaps(nullptr, iter->value[0].record.locations[0]); |
| RELEASE_ASSERT(capturedLocation.kind() == Location::Register); |
| RELEASE_ASSERT(capturedLocation.gpr() == GPRInfo::callFrameRegister); |
| RELEASE_ASSERT(!(capturedLocation.addend() % sizeof(Register))); |
| return capturedLocation.addend() / sizeof(Register); |
| } |
| |
| static void generateInlineIfPossibleOutOfLineIfNot(State& state, VM& vm, CodeBlock* codeBlock, CCallHelpers& code, char* startOfInlineCode, size_t sizeOfInlineCode, const char* codeDescription, const std::function<void(LinkBuffer&, CCallHelpers&, bool wasCompiledInline)>& callback) |
| { |
| std::unique_ptr<LinkBuffer> codeLinkBuffer; |
| size_t actualCodeSize = code.m_assembler.buffer().codeSize(); |
| |
| if (actualCodeSize <= sizeOfInlineCode) { |
| LinkBuffer codeLinkBuffer(vm, code, startOfInlineCode, sizeOfInlineCode); |
| |
| // Fill the remainder of the inline space with nops to avoid confusing the disassembler. |
| MacroAssembler::AssemblerType_T::fillNops(bitwise_cast<char*>(startOfInlineCode) + actualCodeSize, sizeOfInlineCode - actualCodeSize); |
| |
| callback(codeLinkBuffer, code, true); |
| |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (Options::assertICSizing() || Options::dumpFailedICSizing()) { |
| static size_t maxSize = 0; |
| if (maxSize < actualCodeSize) |
| maxSize = actualCodeSize; |
| dataLogF("ALERT: Under-estimated FTL Inline Cache Size for %s: estimated %zu, actual %zu, max %zu\n", codeDescription, sizeOfInlineCode, actualCodeSize, maxSize); |
| if (Options::assertICSizing()) |
| CRASH(); |
| } |
| |
| // If there isn't enough space in the provided inline code area, allocate out of line |
| // executable memory to link the provided code. Place a jump at the beginning of the |
| // inline area and jump to the out of line code. Similarly return by appending a jump |
| // to the provided code that goes to the instruction after the inline code. |
| // Fill the middle with nop's. |
| MacroAssembler::Jump returnToMainline = code.jump(); |
| |
| // Allocate out of line executable memory and link the provided code there. |
| codeLinkBuffer = std::make_unique<LinkBuffer>(vm, code, codeBlock, JITCompilationMustSucceed); |
| |
| // Plant a jmp in the inline buffer to the out of line code. |
| MacroAssembler callToOutOfLineCode; |
| MacroAssembler::Jump jumpToOutOfLine = callToOutOfLineCode.jump(); |
| LinkBuffer inlineBuffer(vm, callToOutOfLineCode, startOfInlineCode, sizeOfInlineCode); |
| inlineBuffer.link(jumpToOutOfLine, codeLinkBuffer->entrypoint()); |
| |
| // Fill the remainder of the inline space with nops to avoid confusing the disassembler. |
| MacroAssembler::AssemblerType_T::fillNops(bitwise_cast<char*>(startOfInlineCode) + inlineBuffer.size(), sizeOfInlineCode - inlineBuffer.size()); |
| |
| // Link the end of the out of line code to right after the inline area. |
| codeLinkBuffer->link(returnToMainline, CodeLocationLabel(MacroAssemblerCodePtr::createFromExecutableAddress(startOfInlineCode)).labelAtOffset(sizeOfInlineCode)); |
| |
| callback(*codeLinkBuffer.get(), code, false); |
| |
| state.finalizer->outOfLineCodeInfos.append(OutOfLineCodeInfo(WTF::move(codeLinkBuffer), codeDescription)); |
| } |
| |
| template<typename DescriptorType> |
| void generateICFastPath( |
| State& state, CodeBlock* codeBlock, GeneratedFunction generatedFunction, |
| StackMaps::RecordMap& recordMap, DescriptorType& ic, size_t sizeOfIC) |
| { |
| VM& vm = state.graph.m_vm; |
| |
| StackMaps::RecordMap::iterator iter = recordMap.find(ic.stackmapID()); |
| if (iter == recordMap.end()) { |
| // It was optimized out. |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| Vector<StackMaps::RecordAndIndex>& records = iter->value; |
| |
| RELEASE_ASSERT(records.size() == ic.m_generators.size()); |
| |
| for (unsigned i = records.size(); i--;) { |
| StackMaps::Record& record = records[i].record; |
| auto generator = ic.m_generators[i]; |
| |
| CCallHelpers fastPathJIT(&vm, codeBlock); |
| generator.generateFastPath(fastPathJIT); |
| |
| char* startOfIC = |
| bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + record.instructionOffset; |
| |
| generateInlineIfPossibleOutOfLineIfNot(state, vm, codeBlock, fastPathJIT, startOfIC, sizeOfIC, "inline cache fast path", [&] (LinkBuffer& linkBuffer, CCallHelpers&, bool) { |
| state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer->link(ic.m_slowPathDone[i], |
| CodeLocationLabel(startOfIC + sizeOfIC)); |
| |
| linkBuffer.link(generator.slowPathJump(), |
| state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer->locationOf(generator.slowPathBegin())); |
| |
| generator.finalize(linkBuffer, *state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void generateCheckInICFastPath( |
| State& state, CodeBlock* codeBlock, GeneratedFunction generatedFunction, |
| StackMaps::RecordMap& recordMap, CheckInDescriptor& ic, size_t sizeOfIC) |
| { |
| VM& vm = state.graph.m_vm; |
| |
| StackMaps::RecordMap::iterator iter = recordMap.find(ic.stackmapID()); |
| if (iter == recordMap.end()) { |
| // It was optimized out. |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| Vector<StackMaps::RecordAndIndex>& records = iter->value; |
| |
| RELEASE_ASSERT(records.size() == ic.m_generators.size()); |
| |
| for (unsigned i = records.size(); i--;) { |
| StackMaps::Record& record = records[i].record; |
| auto generator = ic.m_generators[i]; |
| |
| StructureStubInfo& stubInfo = *generator.m_stub; |
| auto call = generator.m_slowCall; |
| auto slowPathBegin = generator.m_beginLabel; |
| |
| CCallHelpers fastPathJIT(&vm, codeBlock); |
| |
| auto jump = fastPathJIT.patchableJump(); |
| auto done = fastPathJIT.label(); |
| |
| char* startOfIC = |
| bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + record.instructionOffset; |
| |
| auto postLink = [&] (LinkBuffer& fastPath, CCallHelpers&, bool) { |
| LinkBuffer& slowPath = *state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer; |
| |
| state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer->link( |
| ic.m_slowPathDone[i], CodeLocationLabel(startOfIC + sizeOfIC)); |
| |
| CodeLocationLabel slowPathBeginLoc = slowPath.locationOf(slowPathBegin); |
| fastPath.link(jump, slowPathBeginLoc); |
| |
| CodeLocationCall callReturnLocation = slowPath.locationOf(call); |
| |
| stubInfo.patch.deltaCallToDone = MacroAssembler::differenceBetweenCodePtr( |
| callReturnLocation, fastPath.locationOf(done)); |
| |
| stubInfo.patch.deltaCallToJump = MacroAssembler::differenceBetweenCodePtr( |
| callReturnLocation, fastPath.locationOf(jump)); |
| stubInfo.callReturnLocation = callReturnLocation; |
| stubInfo.patch.deltaCallToSlowCase = MacroAssembler::differenceBetweenCodePtr( |
| callReturnLocation, slowPathBeginLoc); |
| }; |
| |
| generateInlineIfPossibleOutOfLineIfNot(state, vm, codeBlock, fastPathJIT, startOfIC, sizeOfIC, "CheckIn inline cache", postLink); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void generateBinaryOpICFastPath( |
| State& state, CodeBlock* codeBlock, GeneratedFunction generatedFunction, |
| StackMaps::RecordMap& recordMap, BinaryOpDescriptor& ic) |
| { |
| VM& vm = state.graph.m_vm; |
| size_t sizeOfIC = ic.size(); |
| |
| StackMaps::RecordMap::iterator iter = recordMap.find(ic.stackmapID()); |
| if (iter == recordMap.end()) |
| return; // It was optimized out. |
| |
| Vector<StackMaps::RecordAndIndex>& records = iter->value; |
| |
| RELEASE_ASSERT(records.size() == ic.m_slowPathStarts.size()); |
| |
| for (unsigned i = records.size(); i--;) { |
| StackMaps::Record& record = records[i].record; |
| |
| CCallHelpers fastPathJIT(&vm, codeBlock); |
| |
| GPRReg result = record.locations[0].directGPR(); |
| GPRReg left = record.locations[1].directGPR(); |
| GPRReg right = record.locations[2].directGPR(); |
| RegisterSet usedRegisters = usedRegistersFor(record); |
| |
| CCallHelpers::Jump done; |
| CCallHelpers::Jump slowPathStart; |
| |
| generateBinaryOpFastPath(ic, fastPathJIT, result, left, right, usedRegisters, done, slowPathStart); |
| |
| char* startOfIC = bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + record.instructionOffset; |
| const char* fastPathICName = ic.fastPathICName(); |
| generateInlineIfPossibleOutOfLineIfNot(state, vm, codeBlock, fastPathJIT, startOfIC, sizeOfIC, fastPathICName, [&] (LinkBuffer& linkBuffer, CCallHelpers&, bool) { |
| linkBuffer.link(done, CodeLocationLabel(startOfIC + sizeOfIC)); |
| state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer->link(ic.m_slowPathDone[i], CodeLocationLabel(startOfIC + sizeOfIC)); |
| |
| linkBuffer.link(slowPathStart, state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer->locationOf(ic.m_slowPathStarts[i])); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| static void generateProbe( |
| State& state, CodeBlock* codeBlock, GeneratedFunction generatedFunction, |
| StackMaps::RecordMap& recordMap, ProbeDescriptor& ic) |
| { |
| VM& vm = state.graph.m_vm; |
| size_t sizeOfIC = sizeOfProbe(); |
| |
| StackMaps::RecordMap::iterator iter = recordMap.find(ic.stackmapID()); |
| if (iter == recordMap.end()) |
| return; // It was optimized out. |
| |
| CCallHelpers fastPathJIT(&vm, codeBlock); |
| Vector<StackMaps::RecordAndIndex>& records = iter->value; |
| for (unsigned i = records.size(); i--;) { |
| StackMaps::Record& record = records[i].record; |
| |
| fastPathJIT.probe(ic.probeFunction()); |
| CCallHelpers::Jump done = fastPathJIT.jump(); |
| |
| char* startOfIC = bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + record.instructionOffset; |
| generateInlineIfPossibleOutOfLineIfNot(state, vm, codeBlock, fastPathJIT, startOfIC, sizeOfIC, "Probe", [&] (LinkBuffer& linkBuffer, CCallHelpers&, bool) { |
| linkBuffer.link(done, CodeLocationLabel(startOfIC + sizeOfIC)); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #endif // ENABLE(MASM_PROBE) |
| |
| static RegisterSet usedRegistersFor(const StackMaps::Record& record) |
| { |
| if (Options::assumeAllRegsInFTLICAreLive()) |
| return RegisterSet::allRegisters(); |
| return RegisterSet(record.usedRegisterSet(), RegisterSet::calleeSaveRegisters()); |
| } |
| |
| template<typename CallType> |
| void adjustCallICsForStackmaps(Vector<CallType>& calls, StackMaps::RecordMap& recordMap, ExceptionHandlerManager& exceptionHandlerManager) |
| { |
| // Handling JS calls is weird: we need to ensure that we sort them by the PC in LLVM |
| // generated code. That implies first pruning the ones that LLVM didn't generate. |
| |
| Vector<CallType> oldCalls; |
| oldCalls.swap(calls); |
| |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < oldCalls.size(); ++i) { |
| CallType& call = oldCalls[i]; |
| |
| StackMaps::RecordMap::iterator iter = recordMap.find(call.stackmapID()); |
| if (iter == recordMap.end()) |
| continue; |
| |
| for (unsigned j = 0; j < iter->value.size(); ++j) { |
| CallType copy = call; |
| copy.m_instructionOffset = iter->value[j].record.instructionOffset; |
| copy.setCallSiteIndex(exceptionHandlerManager.procureCallSiteIndex(iter->value[j].index, copy)); |
| copy.setCorrespondingGenericUnwindOSRExit(exceptionHandlerManager.getCallOSRExit(iter->value[j].index, copy)); |
| |
| calls.append(copy); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| std::sort(calls.begin(), calls.end()); |
| } |
| |
| static void fixFunctionBasedOnStackMaps( |
| State& state, CodeBlock* codeBlock, JITCode* jitCode, GeneratedFunction generatedFunction, |
| StackMaps::RecordMap& recordMap) |
| { |
| Graph& graph = state.graph; |
| VM& vm = graph.m_vm; |
| StackMaps& stackmaps = jitCode->stackmaps; |
| |
| ExceptionHandlerManager exceptionHandlerManager(state); |
| |
| int localsOffset = offsetOfStackRegion(recordMap, state.capturedStackmapID) + graph.m_nextMachineLocal; |
| int varargsSpillSlotsOffset = offsetOfStackRegion(recordMap, state.varargsSpillSlotsStackmapID); |
| int jsCallThatMightThrowSpillOffset = offsetOfStackRegion(recordMap, state.exceptionHandlingSpillSlotStackmapID); |
| |
| for (unsigned i = graph.m_inlineVariableData.size(); i--;) { |
| InlineCallFrame* inlineCallFrame = graph.m_inlineVariableData[i].inlineCallFrame; |
| |
| if (inlineCallFrame->argumentCountRegister.isValid()) |
| inlineCallFrame->argumentCountRegister += localsOffset; |
| |
| for (unsigned argument = inlineCallFrame->arguments.size(); argument-- > 1;) { |
| inlineCallFrame->arguments[argument] = |
| inlineCallFrame->arguments[argument].withLocalsOffset(localsOffset); |
| } |
| |
| if (inlineCallFrame->isClosureCall) { |
| inlineCallFrame->calleeRecovery = |
| inlineCallFrame->calleeRecovery.withLocalsOffset(localsOffset); |
| } |
| |
| if (graph.hasDebuggerEnabled()) |
| codeBlock->setScopeRegister(codeBlock->scopeRegister() + localsOffset); |
| } |
| |
| MacroAssembler::Label stackOverflowException; |
| |
| { |
| CCallHelpers checkJIT(&vm, codeBlock); |
| |
| // At this point it's perfectly fair to just blow away all state and restore the |
| // JS JIT view of the universe. |
| checkJIT.copyCalleeSavesToVMCalleeSavesBuffer(); |
| checkJIT.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImmPtr(&vm), GPRInfo::argumentGPR0); |
| checkJIT.move(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, GPRInfo::argumentGPR1); |
| MacroAssembler::Call callLookupExceptionHandler = checkJIT.call(); |
| checkJIT.jumpToExceptionHandler(); |
| |
| stackOverflowException = checkJIT.label(); |
| checkJIT.copyCalleeSavesToVMCalleeSavesBuffer(); |
| checkJIT.move(MacroAssembler::TrustedImmPtr(&vm), GPRInfo::argumentGPR0); |
| checkJIT.move(GPRInfo::callFrameRegister, GPRInfo::argumentGPR1); |
| MacroAssembler::Call callLookupExceptionHandlerFromCallerFrame = checkJIT.call(); |
| checkJIT.jumpToExceptionHandler(); |
| |
| auto linkBuffer = std::make_unique<LinkBuffer>( |
| vm, checkJIT, codeBlock, JITCompilationCanFail); |
| if (linkBuffer->didFailToAllocate()) { |
| state.allocationFailed = true; |
| return; |
| } |
| linkBuffer->link(callLookupExceptionHandler, FunctionPtr(lookupExceptionHandler)); |
| linkBuffer->link(callLookupExceptionHandlerFromCallerFrame, FunctionPtr(lookupExceptionHandlerFromCallerFrame)); |
| |
| state.finalizer->handleExceptionsLinkBuffer = WTF::move(linkBuffer); |
| } |
| |
| RELEASE_ASSERT(state.jitCode->osrExit.size() == 0); |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < state.jitCode->osrExitDescriptors.size(); i++) { |
| OSRExitDescriptor& exitDescriptor = state.jitCode->osrExitDescriptors[i]; |
| auto iter = recordMap.find(exitDescriptor.m_stackmapID); |
| if (iter == recordMap.end()) { |
| // It was optimized out. |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| for (unsigned j = exitDescriptor.m_values.size(); j--;) |
| exitDescriptor.m_values[j] = exitDescriptor.m_values[j].withLocalsOffset(localsOffset); |
| for (ExitTimeObjectMaterialization* materialization : exitDescriptor.m_materializations) |
| materialization->accountForLocalsOffset(localsOffset); |
| |
| for (unsigned j = 0; j < iter->value.size(); j++) { |
| { |
| uint32_t stackmapRecordIndex = iter->value[j].index; |
| OSRExit exit(&exitDescriptor, stackmapRecordIndex); |
| state.jitCode->osrExit.append(exit); |
| state.finalizer->osrExit.append(OSRExitCompilationInfo()); |
| } |
| |
| OSRExit& exit = state.jitCode->osrExit.last(); |
| if (exit.willArriveAtExitFromIndirectExceptionCheck()) { |
| StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[j].record; |
| RELEASE_ASSERT(exit.m_descriptor->m_semanticCodeOriginForCallFrameHeader.isSet()); |
| CallSiteIndex callSiteIndex = state.jitCode->common.addUniqueCallSiteIndex(exit.m_descriptor->m_semanticCodeOriginForCallFrameHeader); |
| exit.m_exceptionHandlerCallSiteIndex = callSiteIndex; |
| |
| OSRExit* callOperationExit = nullptr; |
| if (exitDescriptor.m_exceptionType == ExceptionType::BinaryOpGenerator) { |
| exceptionHandlerManager.addNewCallOperationExit(iter->value[j].index, state.jitCode->osrExit.size() - 1); |
| callOperationExit = &exit; |
| } else |
| exceptionHandlerManager.addNewExit(iter->value[j].index, state.jitCode->osrExit.size() - 1); |
| |
| if (exitDescriptor.m_exceptionType == ExceptionType::GetById || exitDescriptor.m_exceptionType == ExceptionType::PutById) { |
| // We create two different OSRExits for GetById and PutById. |
| // One exit that will be arrived at from the genericUnwind exception handler path, |
| // and the other that will be arrived at from the callOperation exception handler path. |
| // This code here generates the second callOperation variant. |
| uint32_t stackmapRecordIndex = iter->value[j].index; |
| OSRExit exit(&exitDescriptor, stackmapRecordIndex); |
| if (exitDescriptor.m_exceptionType == ExceptionType::GetById) |
| exit.m_exceptionType = ExceptionType::GetByIdCallOperation; |
| else |
| exit.m_exceptionType = ExceptionType::PutByIdCallOperation; |
| CallSiteIndex callSiteIndex = state.jitCode->common.addUniqueCallSiteIndex(exit.m_descriptor->m_semanticCodeOriginForCallFrameHeader); |
| exit.m_exceptionHandlerCallSiteIndex = callSiteIndex; |
| |
| state.jitCode->osrExit.append(exit); |
| state.finalizer->osrExit.append(OSRExitCompilationInfo()); |
| |
| exceptionHandlerManager.addNewCallOperationExit(iter->value[j].index, state.jitCode->osrExit.size() - 1); |
| callOperationExit = &state.jitCode->osrExit.last(); |
| } |
| |
| // Subs and GetByIds have an interesting register preservation story, |
| // see comment below at GetById to read about it. |
| // |
| // We set the registers needing spillage here because they need to be set |
| // before we generate OSR exits so the exit knows to do the proper recovery. |
| if (exitDescriptor.m_exceptionType == ExceptionType::JSCall) { |
| // Call patchpoints might have values we want to do value recovery |
| // on inside volatile registers. We need to collect the volatile |
| // registers we want to do value recovery on here because they must |
| // be preserved to the stack before the call, that way the OSR exit |
| // exception handler can recover them into the proper registers. |
| exit.gatherRegistersToSpillForCallIfException(stackmaps, record); |
| } else if (exitDescriptor.m_exceptionType == ExceptionType::GetById) { |
| GPRReg result = record.locations[0].directGPR(); |
| GPRReg base = record.locations[1].directGPR(); |
| if (base == result) |
| callOperationExit->registersToPreserveForCallThatMightThrow.set(base); |
| } else if (exitDescriptor.m_exceptionType == ExceptionType::BinaryOpGenerator) { |
| GPRReg result = record.locations[0].directGPR(); |
| GPRReg left = record.locations[1].directGPR(); |
| GPRReg right = record.locations[2].directGPR(); |
| if (result == left || result == right) |
| callOperationExit->registersToPreserveForCallThatMightThrow.set(result); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| ExitThunkGenerator exitThunkGenerator(state); |
| exitThunkGenerator.emitThunks(jsCallThatMightThrowSpillOffset); |
| if (exitThunkGenerator.didThings()) { |
| RELEASE_ASSERT(state.finalizer->osrExit.size()); |
| |
| auto linkBuffer = std::make_unique<LinkBuffer>( |
| vm, exitThunkGenerator, codeBlock, JITCompilationCanFail); |
| if (linkBuffer->didFailToAllocate()) { |
| state.allocationFailed = true; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| RELEASE_ASSERT(state.finalizer->osrExit.size() == state.jitCode->osrExit.size()); |
| |
| codeBlock->clearExceptionHandlers(); |
| |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < state.jitCode->osrExit.size(); ++i) { |
| OSRExitCompilationInfo& info = state.finalizer->osrExit[i]; |
| OSRExit& exit = state.jitCode->osrExit[i]; |
| |
| if (verboseCompilationEnabled()) |
| dataLog("Handling OSR stackmap #", exit.m_descriptor->m_stackmapID, " for ", exit.m_codeOrigin, "\n"); |
| |
| info.m_thunkAddress = linkBuffer->locationOf(info.m_thunkLabel); |
| exit.m_patchableCodeOffset = linkBuffer->offsetOf(info.m_thunkJump); |
| |
| if (exit.willArriveAtOSRExitFromGenericUnwind()) { |
| HandlerInfo newHandler = exit.m_descriptor->m_baselineExceptionHandler; |
| newHandler.start = exit.m_exceptionHandlerCallSiteIndex.bits(); |
| newHandler.end = exit.m_exceptionHandlerCallSiteIndex.bits() + 1; |
| newHandler.nativeCode = info.m_thunkAddress; |
| codeBlock->appendExceptionHandler(newHandler); |
| } |
| |
| if (verboseCompilationEnabled()) { |
| DumpContext context; |
| dataLog(" Exit values: ", inContext(exit.m_descriptor->m_values, &context), "\n"); |
| if (!exit.m_descriptor->m_materializations.isEmpty()) { |
| dataLog(" Materializations: \n"); |
| for (ExitTimeObjectMaterialization* materialization : exit.m_descriptor->m_materializations) |
| dataLog(" Materialize(", pointerDump(materialization), ")\n"); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| state.finalizer->exitThunksLinkBuffer = WTF::move(linkBuffer); |
| } |
| |
| if (!state.getByIds.isEmpty() |
| || !state.putByIds.isEmpty() |
| || !state.checkIns.isEmpty() |
| || !state.binaryOps.isEmpty() |
| || !state.lazySlowPaths.isEmpty()) { |
| CCallHelpers slowPathJIT(&vm, codeBlock); |
| |
| CCallHelpers::JumpList exceptionTarget; |
| |
| Vector<std::pair<CCallHelpers::JumpList, CodeLocationLabel>> exceptionJumpsToLink; |
| auto addNewExceptionJumpIfNecessary = [&] (uint32_t recordIndex) { |
| CodeLocationLabel exceptionTarget = exceptionHandlerManager.callOperationExceptionTarget(recordIndex); |
| if (!exceptionTarget) |
| return false; |
| exceptionJumpsToLink.append( |
| std::make_pair(CCallHelpers::JumpList(), exceptionTarget)); |
| return true; |
| }; |
| |
| for (unsigned i = state.getByIds.size(); i--;) { |
| GetByIdDescriptor& getById = state.getByIds[i]; |
| |
| if (verboseCompilationEnabled()) |
| dataLog("Handling GetById stackmap #", getById.stackmapID(), "\n"); |
| |
| auto iter = recordMap.find(getById.stackmapID()); |
| if (iter == recordMap.end()) { |
| // It was optimized out. |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| CodeOrigin codeOrigin = getById.codeOrigin(); |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < iter->value.size(); ++i) { |
| StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[i].record; |
| |
| RegisterSet usedRegisters = usedRegistersFor(record); |
| |
| GPRReg result = record.locations[0].directGPR(); |
| GPRReg base = record.locations[1].directGPR(); |
| |
| JITGetByIdGenerator gen( |
| codeBlock, codeOrigin, exceptionHandlerManager.procureCallSiteIndex(iter->value[i].index, codeOrigin), usedRegisters, JSValueRegs(base), |
| JSValueRegs(result)); |
| |
| bool addedUniqueExceptionJump = addNewExceptionJumpIfNecessary(iter->value[i].index); |
| MacroAssembler::Label begin = slowPathJIT.label(); |
| if (result == base) { |
| // This situation has a really interesting story. We may have a GetById inside |
| // a try block where LLVM assigns the result and the base to the same register. |
| // The inline cache may miss and we may end up at this slow path callOperation. |
| // Then, suppose the base and the result are both the same register, so the return |
| // value of the C call gets stored into the original base register. If the operationGetByIdOptimize |
| // throws, it will return "undefined" and we will be stuck with "undefined" in the base |
| // register that we would like to do value recovery on. We combat this situation from ever |
| // taking place by ensuring we spill the original base value and then recover it from |
| // the spill slot as the first step in OSR exit. |
| if (OSRExit* exit = exceptionHandlerManager.callOperationOSRExit(iter->value[i].index)) |
| exit->spillRegistersToSpillSlot(slowPathJIT, jsCallThatMightThrowSpillOffset); |
| } |
| MacroAssembler::Call call = callOperation( |
| state, usedRegisters, slowPathJIT, codeOrigin, addedUniqueExceptionJump ? &exceptionJumpsToLink.last().first : &exceptionTarget, |
| operationGetByIdOptimize, result, CCallHelpers::TrustedImmPtr(gen.stubInfo()), |
| base, CCallHelpers::TrustedImmPtr(getById.uid())).call(); |
| |
| gen.reportSlowPathCall(begin, call); |
| |
| getById.m_slowPathDone.append(slowPathJIT.jump()); |
| getById.m_generators.append(gen); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| for (unsigned i = state.putByIds.size(); i--;) { |
| PutByIdDescriptor& putById = state.putByIds[i]; |
| |
| if (verboseCompilationEnabled()) |
| dataLog("Handling PutById stackmap #", putById.stackmapID(), "\n"); |
| |
| auto iter = recordMap.find(putById.stackmapID()); |
| if (iter == recordMap.end()) { |
| // It was optimized out. |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| CodeOrigin codeOrigin = putById.codeOrigin(); |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < iter->value.size(); ++i) { |
| StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[i].record; |
| |
| RegisterSet usedRegisters = usedRegistersFor(record); |
| |
| GPRReg base = record.locations[0].directGPR(); |
| GPRReg value = record.locations[1].directGPR(); |
| |
| JITPutByIdGenerator gen( |
| codeBlock, codeOrigin, exceptionHandlerManager.procureCallSiteIndex(iter->value[i].index, codeOrigin), usedRegisters, JSValueRegs(base), |
| JSValueRegs(value), GPRInfo::patchpointScratchRegister, putById.ecmaMode(), putById.putKind()); |
| |
| bool addedUniqueExceptionJump = addNewExceptionJumpIfNecessary(iter->value[i].index); |
| |
| MacroAssembler::Label begin = slowPathJIT.label(); |
| |
| MacroAssembler::Call call = callOperation( |
| state, usedRegisters, slowPathJIT, codeOrigin, addedUniqueExceptionJump ? &exceptionJumpsToLink.last().first : &exceptionTarget, |
| gen.slowPathFunction(), InvalidGPRReg, |
| CCallHelpers::TrustedImmPtr(gen.stubInfo()), value, base, |
| CCallHelpers::TrustedImmPtr(putById.uid())).call(); |
| |
| gen.reportSlowPathCall(begin, call); |
| |
| putById.m_slowPathDone.append(slowPathJIT.jump()); |
| putById.m_generators.append(gen); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| for (unsigned i = state.checkIns.size(); i--;) { |
| CheckInDescriptor& checkIn = state.checkIns[i]; |
| |
| if (verboseCompilationEnabled()) |
| dataLog("Handling checkIn stackmap #", checkIn.stackmapID(), "\n"); |
| |
| auto iter = recordMap.find(checkIn.stackmapID()); |
| if (iter == recordMap.end()) { |
| // It was optimized out. |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| CodeOrigin codeOrigin = checkIn.codeOrigin(); |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < iter->value.size(); ++i) { |
| StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[i].record; |
| RegisterSet usedRegisters = usedRegistersFor(record); |
| GPRReg result = record.locations[0].directGPR(); |
| GPRReg obj = record.locations[1].directGPR(); |
| StructureStubInfo* stubInfo = codeBlock->addStubInfo(AccessType::In); |
| stubInfo->codeOrigin = codeOrigin; |
| stubInfo->callSiteIndex = state.jitCode->common.addUniqueCallSiteIndex(codeOrigin); |
| stubInfo->patch.baseGPR = static_cast<int8_t>(obj); |
| stubInfo->patch.valueGPR = static_cast<int8_t>(result); |
| stubInfo->patch.usedRegisters = usedRegisters; |
| |
| MacroAssembler::Label begin = slowPathJIT.label(); |
| |
| MacroAssembler::Call slowCall = callOperation( |
| state, usedRegisters, slowPathJIT, codeOrigin, &exceptionTarget, |
| operationInOptimize, result, CCallHelpers::TrustedImmPtr(stubInfo), obj, |
| CCallHelpers::TrustedImmPtr(checkIn.uid())).call(); |
| |
| checkIn.m_slowPathDone.append(slowPathJIT.jump()); |
| |
| checkIn.m_generators.append(CheckInGenerator(stubInfo, slowCall, begin)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| for (size_t i = state.binaryOps.size(); i--;) { |
| BinaryOpDescriptor& binaryOp = state.binaryOps[i]; |
| |
| if (verboseCompilationEnabled()) |
| dataLog("Handling ", binaryOp.name(), " stackmap #", binaryOp.stackmapID(), "\n"); |
| |
| auto iter = recordMap.find(binaryOp.stackmapID()); |
| if (iter == recordMap.end()) |
| continue; // It was optimized out. |
| |
| CodeOrigin codeOrigin = binaryOp.codeOrigin(); |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < iter->value.size(); ++i) { |
| StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[i].record; |
| RegisterSet usedRegisters = usedRegistersFor(record); |
| |
| GPRReg result = record.locations[0].directGPR(); |
| GPRReg left = record.locations[1].directGPR(); |
| GPRReg right = record.locations[2].directGPR(); |
| |
| binaryOp.m_slowPathStarts.append(slowPathJIT.label()); |
| bool addedUniqueExceptionJump = addNewExceptionJumpIfNecessary(iter->value[i].index); |
| if (result == left || result == right) { |
| // This situation has a really interesting register preservation story. |
| // See comment above for GetByIds. |
| if (OSRExit* exit = exceptionHandlerManager.callOperationOSRExit(iter->value[i].index)) |
| exit->spillRegistersToSpillSlot(slowPathJIT, jsCallThatMightThrowSpillOffset); |
| } |
| |
| callOperation(state, usedRegisters, slowPathJIT, codeOrigin, addedUniqueExceptionJump ? &exceptionJumpsToLink.last().first : &exceptionTarget, |
| binaryOp.slowPathFunction(), result, left, right).call(); |
| |
| binaryOp.m_slowPathDone.append(slowPathJIT.jump()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| for (unsigned i = state.lazySlowPaths.size(); i--;) { |
| LazySlowPathDescriptor& descriptor = state.lazySlowPaths[i]; |
| |
| if (verboseCompilationEnabled()) |
| dataLog("Handling lazySlowPath stackmap #", descriptor.stackmapID(), "\n"); |
| |
| auto iter = recordMap.find(descriptor.stackmapID()); |
| if (iter == recordMap.end()) { |
| // It was optimized out. |
| continue; |
| } |
| CodeOrigin codeOrigin = descriptor.codeOrigin(); |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < iter->value.size(); ++i) { |
| StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[i].record; |
| RegisterSet usedRegisters = usedRegistersFor(record); |
| char* startOfIC = |
| bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + record.instructionOffset; |
| CodeLocationLabel patchpoint((MacroAssemblerCodePtr(startOfIC))); |
| CodeLocationLabel exceptionTarget = exceptionHandlerManager.lazySlowPathExceptionTarget(iter->value[i].index); |
| if (!exceptionTarget) |
| exceptionTarget = state.finalizer->handleExceptionsLinkBuffer->entrypoint(); |
| |
| ScratchRegisterAllocator scratchAllocator(usedRegisters); |
| GPRReg newZero = InvalidGPRReg; |
| Vector<Location> locations; |
| for (auto stackmapLocation : record.locations) { |
| FTL::Location location = Location::forStackmaps(&stackmaps, stackmapLocation); |
| if (isARM64()) { |
| // If LLVM proves that something is zero, it may pass us the zero register (aka, the stack pointer). Our assembler |
| // isn't prepared to handle this well. We need to move it into a different register if such a case arises. |
| if (location.isGPR() && location.gpr() == MacroAssembler::stackPointerRegister) { |
| if (newZero == InvalidGPRReg) { |
| newZero = scratchAllocator.allocateScratchGPR(); |
| usedRegisters.set(newZero); |
| } |
| location = FTL::Location::forRegister(DWARFRegister(static_cast<uint16_t>(newZero)), 0); // DWARF GPRs for arm64 are sensibly numbered. |
| } |
| } |
| locations.append(location); |
| } |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<LazySlowPath> lazySlowPath = std::make_unique<LazySlowPath>( |
| patchpoint, exceptionTarget, usedRegisters, exceptionHandlerManager.procureCallSiteIndex(iter->value[i].index, codeOrigin), |
| descriptor.m_linker->run(locations), newZero, scratchAllocator); |
| |
| CCallHelpers::Label begin = slowPathJIT.label(); |
| |
| slowPathJIT.pushToSaveImmediateWithoutTouchingRegisters( |
| CCallHelpers::TrustedImm32(state.jitCode->lazySlowPaths.size())); |
| CCallHelpers::Jump generatorJump = slowPathJIT.jump(); |
| |
| descriptor.m_generators.append(std::make_tuple(lazySlowPath.get(), begin)); |
| |
| state.jitCode->lazySlowPaths.append(WTF::move(lazySlowPath)); |
| state.finalizer->lazySlowPathGeneratorJumps.append(generatorJump); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| exceptionTarget.link(&slowPathJIT); |
| MacroAssembler::Jump exceptionJump = slowPathJIT.jump(); |
| |
| state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer = std::make_unique<LinkBuffer>(vm, slowPathJIT, codeBlock, JITCompilationCanFail); |
| if (state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer->didFailToAllocate()) { |
| state.allocationFailed = true; |
| return; |
| } |
| state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer->link( |
| exceptionJump, state.finalizer->handleExceptionsLinkBuffer->entrypoint()); |
| |
| for (unsigned i = state.getByIds.size(); i--;) { |
| generateICFastPath( |
| state, codeBlock, generatedFunction, recordMap, state.getByIds[i], |
| sizeOfGetById()); |
| } |
| for (unsigned i = state.putByIds.size(); i--;) { |
| generateICFastPath( |
| state, codeBlock, generatedFunction, recordMap, state.putByIds[i], |
| sizeOfPutById()); |
| } |
| for (unsigned i = state.checkIns.size(); i--;) { |
| generateCheckInICFastPath( |
| state, codeBlock, generatedFunction, recordMap, state.checkIns[i], |
| sizeOfIn()); |
| } |
| for (unsigned i = state.binaryOps.size(); i--;) { |
| BinaryOpDescriptor& binaryOp = state.binaryOps[i]; |
| generateBinaryOpICFastPath(state, codeBlock, generatedFunction, recordMap, binaryOp); |
| } |
| for (unsigned i = state.lazySlowPaths.size(); i--;) { |
| LazySlowPathDescriptor& lazySlowPath = state.lazySlowPaths[i]; |
| for (auto& tuple : lazySlowPath.m_generators) { |
| MacroAssembler::replaceWithJump( |
| std::get<0>(tuple)->patchpoint(), |
| state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer->locationOf(std::get<1>(tuple))); |
| } |
| } |
| for (unsigned i = state.probes.size(); i--;) { |
| ProbeDescriptor& probe = state.probes[i]; |
| generateProbe(state, codeBlock, generatedFunction, recordMap, probe); |
| } |
| #endif |
| for (auto& pair : exceptionJumpsToLink) |
| state.finalizer->sideCodeLinkBuffer->link(pair.first, pair.second); |
| } |
| |
| adjustCallICsForStackmaps(state.jsCalls, recordMap, exceptionHandlerManager); |
| |
| for (unsigned i = state.jsCalls.size(); i--;) { |
| JSCall& call = state.jsCalls[i]; |
| |
| CCallHelpers fastPathJIT(&vm, codeBlock); |
| call.emit(fastPathJIT, state, jsCallThatMightThrowSpillOffset); |
| |
| char* startOfIC = bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + call.m_instructionOffset; |
| |
| generateInlineIfPossibleOutOfLineIfNot(state, vm, codeBlock, fastPathJIT, startOfIC, sizeOfCall(), "JSCall inline cache", [&] (LinkBuffer& linkBuffer, CCallHelpers&, bool) { |
| call.link(vm, linkBuffer); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| adjustCallICsForStackmaps(state.jsCallVarargses, recordMap, exceptionHandlerManager); |
| |
| for (unsigned i = state.jsCallVarargses.size(); i--;) { |
| JSCallVarargs& call = state.jsCallVarargses[i]; |
| |
| CCallHelpers fastPathJIT(&vm, codeBlock); |
| call.emit(fastPathJIT, state, varargsSpillSlotsOffset, jsCallThatMightThrowSpillOffset); |
| |
| char* startOfIC = bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + call.m_instructionOffset; |
| size_t sizeOfIC = sizeOfICFor(call.node()); |
| |
| generateInlineIfPossibleOutOfLineIfNot(state, vm, codeBlock, fastPathJIT, startOfIC, sizeOfIC, "varargs call inline cache", [&] (LinkBuffer& linkBuffer, CCallHelpers&, bool) { |
| call.link(vm, linkBuffer, state.finalizer->handleExceptionsLinkBuffer->entrypoint()); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| adjustCallICsForStackmaps(state.jsTailCalls, recordMap, exceptionHandlerManager); |
| |
| for (unsigned i = state.jsTailCalls.size(); i--;) { |
| JSTailCall& call = state.jsTailCalls[i]; |
| |
| CCallHelpers fastPathJIT(&vm, codeBlock); |
| call.emit(*state.jitCode.get(), fastPathJIT); |
| |
| char* startOfIC = bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + call.m_instructionOffset; |
| size_t sizeOfIC = call.estimatedSize(); |
| |
| generateInlineIfPossibleOutOfLineIfNot(state, vm, codeBlock, fastPathJIT, startOfIC, sizeOfIC, "tail call inline cache", [&] (LinkBuffer& linkBuffer, CCallHelpers&, bool) { |
| call.link(vm, linkBuffer); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| auto iter = recordMap.find(state.handleStackOverflowExceptionStackmapID); |
| // It's sort of remotely possible that we won't have an in-band exception handling |
| // path, for some kinds of functions. |
| if (iter != recordMap.end()) { |
| for (unsigned i = iter->value.size(); i--;) { |
| StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[i].record; |
| |
| CodeLocationLabel source = CodeLocationLabel( |
| bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + record.instructionOffset); |
| |
| RELEASE_ASSERT(stackOverflowException.isSet()); |
| |
| MacroAssembler::replaceWithJump(source, state.finalizer->handleExceptionsLinkBuffer->locationOf(stackOverflowException)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| iter = recordMap.find(state.handleExceptionStackmapID); |
| // It's sort of remotely possible that we won't have an in-band exception handling |
| // path, for some kinds of functions. |
| if (iter != recordMap.end()) { |
| for (unsigned i = iter->value.size(); i--;) { |
| StackMaps::Record& record = iter->value[i].record; |
| |
| CodeLocationLabel source = CodeLocationLabel( |
| bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + record.instructionOffset); |
| |
| MacroAssembler::replaceWithJump(source, state.finalizer->handleExceptionsLinkBuffer->entrypoint()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| for (unsigned exitIndex = 0; exitIndex < jitCode->osrExit.size(); ++exitIndex) { |
| OSRExitCompilationInfo& info = state.finalizer->osrExit[exitIndex]; |
| OSRExit& exit = jitCode->osrExit[exitIndex]; |
| Vector<const void*> codeAddresses; |
| |
| if (exit.willArriveAtExitFromIndirectExceptionCheck()) // This jump doesn't happen directly from a patchpoint/stackmap we compile. It happens indirectly through an exception check somewhere. |
| continue; |
| |
| StackMaps::Record& record = jitCode->stackmaps.records[exit.m_stackmapRecordIndex]; |
| |
| CodeLocationLabel source = CodeLocationLabel( |
| bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + record.instructionOffset); |
| |
| codeAddresses.append(bitwise_cast<char*>(generatedFunction) + record.instructionOffset + MacroAssembler::maxJumpReplacementSize()); |
| |
| if (exit.m_descriptor->m_isInvalidationPoint) |
| jitCode->common.jumpReplacements.append(JumpReplacement(source, info.m_thunkAddress)); |
| else |
| MacroAssembler::replaceWithJump(source, info.m_thunkAddress); |
| |
| if (graph.compilation()) |
| graph.compilation()->addOSRExitSite(codeAddresses); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void compile(State& state, Safepoint::Result& safepointResult) |
| { |
| char* error = 0; |
| |
| { |
| GraphSafepoint safepoint(state.graph, safepointResult); |
| |
| LLVMMCJITCompilerOptions options; |
| llvm->InitializeMCJITCompilerOptions(&options, sizeof(options)); |
| options.OptLevel = Options::llvmBackendOptimizationLevel(); |
| options.NoFramePointerElim = true; |
| if (Options::useLLVMSmallCodeModel()) |
| options.CodeModel = LLVMCodeModelSmall; |
| options.EnableFastISel = enableLLVMFastISel; |
| options.MCJMM = llvm->CreateSimpleMCJITMemoryManager( |
| &state, mmAllocateCodeSection, mmAllocateDataSection, mmApplyPermissions, mmDestroy); |
| |
| LLVMExecutionEngineRef engine; |
| |
| if (isARM64()) { |
| #if OS(DARWIN) |
| llvm->SetTarget(state.module, "arm64-apple-ios"); |
| #elif OS(LINUX) |
| llvm->SetTarget(state.module, "aarch64-linux-gnu"); |
| #else |
| #error "Unrecognized OS" |
| #endif |
| } |
| |
| if (llvm->CreateMCJITCompilerForModule(&engine, state.module, &options, sizeof(options), &error)) { |
| dataLog("FATAL: Could not create LLVM execution engine: ", error, "\n"); |
| CRASH(); |
| } |
| |
| // At this point we no longer own the module. |
| LModule module = state.module; |
| state.module = nullptr; |
| |
| // The data layout also has to be set in the module. Get the data layout from the MCJIT and apply |
| // it to the module. |
| LLVMTargetMachineRef targetMachine = llvm->GetExecutionEngineTargetMachine(engine); |
| LLVMTargetDataRef targetData = llvm->GetExecutionEngineTargetData(engine); |
| char* stringRepOfTargetData = llvm->CopyStringRepOfTargetData(targetData); |
| llvm->SetDataLayout(module, stringRepOfTargetData); |
| free(stringRepOfTargetData); |
| |
| LLVMPassManagerRef functionPasses = 0; |
| LLVMPassManagerRef modulePasses; |
| |
| if (Options::llvmSimpleOpt()) { |
| modulePasses = llvm->CreatePassManager(); |
| llvm->AddTargetData(targetData, modulePasses); |
| llvm->AddAnalysisPasses(targetMachine, modulePasses); |
| llvm->AddPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass(modulePasses); |
| llvm->AddGlobalOptimizerPass(modulePasses); |
| llvm->AddFunctionInliningPass(modulePasses); |
| llvm->AddPruneEHPass(modulePasses); |
| llvm->AddGlobalDCEPass(modulePasses); |
| llvm->AddConstantPropagationPass(modulePasses); |
| llvm->AddAggressiveDCEPass(modulePasses); |
| llvm->AddInstructionCombiningPass(modulePasses); |
| llvm->AddTypeBasedAliasAnalysisPass(modulePasses); |
| llvm->AddBasicAliasAnalysisPass(modulePasses); |
| llvm->AddGVNPass(modulePasses); |
| llvm->AddCFGSimplificationPass(modulePasses); |
| llvm->AddDeadStoreEliminationPass(modulePasses); |
| |
| if (enableLLVMFastISel) |
| llvm->AddLowerSwitchPass(modulePasses); |
| |
| llvm->RunPassManager(modulePasses, module); |
| } else { |
| LLVMPassManagerBuilderRef passBuilder = llvm->PassManagerBuilderCreate(); |
| llvm->PassManagerBuilderSetOptLevel(passBuilder, Options::llvmOptimizationLevel()); |
| llvm->PassManagerBuilderUseInlinerWithThreshold(passBuilder, 275); |
| llvm->PassManagerBuilderSetSizeLevel(passBuilder, Options::llvmSizeLevel()); |
| |
| functionPasses = llvm->CreateFunctionPassManagerForModule(module); |
| modulePasses = llvm->CreatePassManager(); |
| |
| llvm->AddTargetData(llvm->GetExecutionEngineTargetData(engine), modulePasses); |
| |
| llvm->PassManagerBuilderPopulateFunctionPassManager(passBuilder, functionPasses); |
| llvm->PassManagerBuilderPopulateModulePassManager(passBuilder, modulePasses); |
| |
| llvm->PassManagerBuilderDispose(passBuilder); |
| |
| llvm->InitializeFunctionPassManager(functionPasses); |
| for (LValue function = llvm->GetFirstFunction(module); function; function = llvm->GetNextFunction(function)) |
| llvm->RunFunctionPassManager(functionPasses, function); |
| llvm->FinalizeFunctionPassManager(functionPasses); |
| |
| llvm->RunPassManager(modulePasses, module); |
| } |
| |
| if (shouldDumpDisassembly() || verboseCompilationEnabled()) |
| state.dumpState(module, "after optimization"); |
| |
| // FIXME: Need to add support for the case where JIT memory allocation failed. |
| // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=113620 |
| state.generatedFunction = reinterpret_cast<GeneratedFunction>(llvm->GetPointerToGlobal(engine, state.function)); |
| if (functionPasses) |
| llvm->DisposePassManager(functionPasses); |
| llvm->DisposePassManager(modulePasses); |
| llvm->DisposeExecutionEngine(engine); |
| } |
| |
| if (safepointResult.didGetCancelled()) |
| return; |
| RELEASE_ASSERT(!state.graph.m_vm.heap.isCollecting()); |
| |
| if (state.allocationFailed) |
| return; |
| |
| if (shouldDumpDisassembly()) { |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < state.jitCode->handles().size(); ++i) { |
| ExecutableMemoryHandle* handle = state.jitCode->handles()[i].get(); |
| dataLog( |
| "Generated LLVM code for ", |
| CodeBlockWithJITType(state.graph.m_codeBlock, JITCode::FTLJIT), |
| " #", i, ", ", state.codeSectionNames[i], ":\n"); |
| disassemble( |
| MacroAssemblerCodePtr(handle->start()), handle->sizeInBytes(), |
| " ", WTF::dataFile(), LLVMSubset); |
| } |
| |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < state.jitCode->dataSections().size(); ++i) { |
| DataSection* section = state.jitCode->dataSections()[i].get(); |
| dataLog( |
| "Generated LLVM data section for ", |
| CodeBlockWithJITType(state.graph.m_codeBlock, JITCode::FTLJIT), |
| " #", i, ", ", state.dataSectionNames[i], ":\n"); |
| dumpDataSection(section, " "); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<RegisterAtOffsetList> registerOffsets = parseUnwindInfo( |
| state.unwindDataSection, state.unwindDataSectionSize, |
| state.generatedFunction); |
| if (shouldDumpDisassembly()) { |
| dataLog("Unwind info for ", CodeBlockWithJITType(state.graph.m_codeBlock, JITCode::FTLJIT), ":\n"); |
| dataLog(" ", *registerOffsets, "\n"); |
| } |
| state.graph.m_codeBlock->setCalleeSaveRegisters(WTF::move(registerOffsets)); |
| |
| if (state.stackmapsSection && state.stackmapsSection->size()) { |
| if (shouldDumpDisassembly()) { |
| dataLog( |
| "Generated LLVM stackmaps section for ", |
| CodeBlockWithJITType(state.graph.m_codeBlock, JITCode::FTLJIT), ":\n"); |
| dataLog(" Raw data:\n"); |
| dumpDataSection(state.stackmapsSection.get(), " "); |
| } |
| |
| RefPtr<DataView> stackmapsData = DataView::create( |
| ArrayBuffer::create(state.stackmapsSection->base(), state.stackmapsSection->size())); |
| state.jitCode->stackmaps.parse(stackmapsData.get()); |
| |
| if (shouldDumpDisassembly()) { |
| dataLog(" Structured data:\n"); |
| state.jitCode->stackmaps.dumpMultiline(WTF::dataFile(), " "); |
| } |
| |
| StackMaps::RecordMap recordMap = state.jitCode->stackmaps.computeRecordMap(); |
| fixFunctionBasedOnStackMaps( |
| state, state.graph.m_codeBlock, state.jitCode.get(), state.generatedFunction, |
| recordMap); |
| if (state.allocationFailed) |
| return; |
| |
| if (shouldDumpDisassembly() || Options::asyncDisassembly()) { |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < state.jitCode->handles().size(); ++i) { |
| if (state.codeSectionNames[i] != SECTION_NAME("text")) |
| continue; |
| |
| ExecutableMemoryHandle* handle = state.jitCode->handles()[i].get(); |
| |
| CString header = toCString( |
| "Generated LLVM code after stackmap-based fix-up for ", |
| CodeBlockWithJITType(state.graph.m_codeBlock, JITCode::FTLJIT), |
| " in ", state.graph.m_plan.mode, " #", i, ", ", |
| state.codeSectionNames[i], ":\n"); |
| |
| if (Options::asyncDisassembly()) { |
| disassembleAsynchronously( |
| header, MacroAssemblerCodeRef(handle), handle->sizeInBytes(), " ", |
| LLVMSubset); |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| dataLog(header); |
| disassemble( |
| MacroAssemblerCodePtr(handle->start()), handle->sizeInBytes(), |
| " ", WTF::dataFile(), LLVMSubset); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| } } // namespace JSC::FTL |
| |
| #endif // ENABLE(FTL_JIT) && FTL_USES_B3 |
| |