blob: c8b9a06eff4c137fd9f0f03cc99a533408b1e6e2 [file] [log] [blame]
* WebKitTwitterTileWidget class
* A WordPress widget to show a Twitter tile on the home page
defined('WPINC') || header('HTTP/1.1 403') & exit; // Prevent direct access
if ( ! class_exists('WP_Widget') ) return;
class WebKitTwitterTileWidget extends WebKitPostTileWidget {
const CACHEKEY = 'webkit_twitter_feed';
const ENDPOINT = '';
function __construct() {
__('Twitter Tile'),
array('description' => __('Twitter tile for the home page'))
function widget( array $args, array $options ) {
if ( ! empty($args) )
extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
$Tweet = $this->tweet();
// Show "Follow @webkit" instead of tweet for empty text
if ( empty($Tweet) || empty($Tweet->text) )
return $this->follow_markup($options);
$classes = array('tile', 'third-tile', 'twitter-tile');
$text = (string)$options['text'];
$link = "$Tweet->id";
if ( ! empty($Tweet->text) )
$text = $Tweet->text;
// Expand URLs
foreach ( $Tweet->entities->urls as $entry ) {
$expanded = '<a href="' . esc_url($entry->expanded_url) . '">'
. $entry->display_url . '</a>';
// Don't show links, just change the tile to use the link in the tweet
if ( preg_match('!!', $entry->expanded_url) == 1 ) {
$expanded = '';
$link = $entry->expanded_url;
$text = str_replace($entry->url, $expanded, $text);
$text = preg_replace('/RT @[^:]+:\s+/', '', $text, 1);
if ( ! ( empty($Tweet->entities) || empty($Tweet->entities->media) ) ) {
$Image = $Tweet->entities->media[0];
if ( empty($Image) ) $classes[] = 'text-only';
// Strip media links
foreach ( $Tweet->entities->media as $entry ) {
$text = str_replace($entry->url, '', $text);
} else {
$classes[] = 'text-only';
<div class="<?php echo esc_attr(join(' ', $classes)); ?>">
<a href="<?php echo esc_url($link); ?>" class="tile-link">Tweet: <?php echo $text; ?></a>
<div class="tile-content">
<?php if ( ! empty($Image) ): ?>
<img src="<?php echo esc_url($Image->media_url_https); ?>" alt="">
<?php else: ?>
<?php endif;?>
<p><?php echo $text; ?></p>
<ul class="twitter-controls">
<li><a href="" target="twitter-modal"><span class="twitter-icon">Twitter</span>@webkit</a></li>
<li><a href="<?php echo esc_attr($Tweet->id); ?>" class="twitter-icon reply-icon" target="twitter-modal">Reply</a></li>
<li><a href="<?php echo esc_attr($Tweet->id); ?>" class="twitter-icon retweet-icon" target="twitter-modal">Retweet</a></li>
<li><a href="<?php echo esc_attr($Tweet->id); ?>" class="twitter-icon favorite-icon" target="twitter-modal">Favorite</a></li>
function follow_markup ($options) {
$url = '';
$classes = array('tile', 'third-tile', 'twitter-tile');
<div class="<?php echo esc_attr(join(' ', $classes)); ?>">
<a class="tile-link" href="<?php echo esc_url($url); ?>"><?php echo nl2br(esc_html($options['text'])); ?></a>
<div class="icon twitter-icon"></div>
<h2><?php echo nl2br(esc_html($options['text'])); ?></h2>
function form( array $options ) {
<p><label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('text'); ?>"><?php _e('Text'); ?></label>
<textarea type="text" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('text'); ?>" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('text'); ?>" class="widefat"><?php echo $options['text']; ?></textarea></p>
function tweet () {
if ( false !== ( $cached = get_transient(self::CACHEKEY) ) )
return json_decode($cached);
// Get pushed Tweet as a fallback
$pushedTweet = false;
if ( class_exists('TweetListener') ) {
$TweetListener = TweetListener::object();
$pushedTweet = $TweetListener->tweet();
// Connect to Twitter API
$parameters = array();
$options = array(
'method' => 'GET',
list($oauth_consumer_key, $oauth_consumer_key_secret) = explode(':', TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY);
list($oauth_token, $oauth_token_secret) = explode(':', TWITTER_OAUTH_TOKEN);
$oauth_timestamp = time();
$oauth_nonce = sha1(rand() . $oauth_timestamp);
$fields = array(
'oauth_consumer_key' => $oauth_consumer_key,
'oauth_nonce' => $oauth_nonce,
'oauth_signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1',
'oauth_timestamp' => $oauth_timestamp,
'oauth_token' => $oauth_token,
'oauth_version' => '1.0',
$fields = array_merge($parameters, $fields);
$requestParts = array('GET', self::ENDPOINT, http_build_query($fields, '', '&'));
$request = join('&', array_map('rawurlencode', $requestParts));
$authkeys = array($oauth_consumer_key_secret, $oauth_token_secret);
$auth = join('&', array_map('rawurlencode', $authkeys));
$signature = base64_encode( hash_hmac('sha1', $request, $auth, true) );
$oauth = array(
'oauth_consumer_key' => $oauth_consumer_key,
'oauth_nonce' => $fields['oauth_nonce'],
'oauth_signature' => $signature,
'oauth_signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1',
'oauth_timestamp' => $fields['oauth_timestamp'],
'oauth_token' => $oauth_token,
'oauth_version' => '1.0',
// Wrap values in double-quotes.
$oauth = array_map(create_function('$h','return "\"$h\"";'), $oauth);
$oauth = http_build_query($oauth, '', ', ');
$oauth = str_replace('%22', '"', $oauth);
$headers = array(
'Authorization' => "OAuth $oauth"
$options['headers'] = $headers;
$response = wp_remote_get(self::ENDPOINT, $options);
if ( is_a($response, 'WP_Error') )
return $pushedTweet;
if ( 200 == $response['response']['code'] && ! empty($response['body']) ) {
$body = json_decode($response['body']);
$data = $body[0];
set_transient(self::CACHEKEY, json_encode($data), DAY_IN_SECONDS/2);
return $data;
return $pushedTweet;
function isWebKitLink ($Tweet) {
return ( ! empty($Tweet->entities->urls[0]->expanded_url)
&& preg_match('!!', $Tweet->entities->urls[0]->expanded_url) == 1 );
} // END class WebKitTwitterTileWidget