| #data |
| <b><p>Bold </b> Not bold</p> |
| Also not bold. |
| #errors |
| (1,3): expected-doctype-but-got-start-tag |
| (1,15): adoption-agency-1.3 |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <b> |
| | <p> |
| | <b> |
| | "Bold " |
| | " Not bold" |
| | " |
| Also not bold." |
| |
| #data |
| <html> |
| <font color=red><i>Italic and Red<p>Italic and Red </font> Just italic.</p> Italic only.</i> Plain |
| <p>I should not be red. <font color=red>Red. <i>Italic and red.</p> |
| <p>Italic and red. </i> Red.</font> I should not be red.</p> |
| <b>Bold <i>Bold and italic</b> Only Italic </i> Plain |
| #errors |
| (1,6): expected-doctype-but-got-start-tag |
| (2,58): adoption-agency-1.3 |
| (3,67): unexpected-end-tag |
| (4,23): adoption-agency-1.3 |
| (4,35): adoption-agency-1.3 |
| (5,30): adoption-agency-1.3 |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <font> |
| | color="red" |
| | <i> |
| | "Italic and Red" |
| | <i> |
| | <p> |
| | <font> |
| | color="red" |
| | "Italic and Red " |
| | " Just italic." |
| | " Italic only." |
| | " Plain |
| " |
| | <p> |
| | "I should not be red. " |
| | <font> |
| | color="red" |
| | "Red. " |
| | <i> |
| | "Italic and red." |
| | <font> |
| | color="red" |
| | <i> |
| | " |
| " |
| | <p> |
| | <font> |
| | color="red" |
| | <i> |
| | "Italic and red. " |
| | " Red." |
| | " I should not be red." |
| | " |
| " |
| | <b> |
| | "Bold " |
| | <i> |
| | "Bold and italic" |
| | <i> |
| | " Only Italic " |
| | " Plain" |
| |
| #data |
| <html><body> |
| <p><font size="7">First paragraph.</p> |
| <p>Second paragraph.</p></font> |
| <b><p><i>Bold and Italic</b> Italic</p> |
| #errors |
| (1,6): expected-doctype-but-got-start-tag |
| (2,38): unexpected-end-tag |
| (4,28): adoption-agency-1.3 |
| (4,28): adoption-agency-1.3 |
| (4,39): unexpected-end-tag |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | " |
| " |
| | <p> |
| | <font> |
| | size="7" |
| | "First paragraph." |
| | <font> |
| | size="7" |
| | " |
| " |
| | <p> |
| | "Second paragraph." |
| | " |
| " |
| | <b> |
| | <p> |
| | <b> |
| | <i> |
| | "Bold and Italic" |
| | <i> |
| | " Italic" |
| |
| #data |
| <html> |
| <dl> |
| <dt><b>Boo |
| <dd>Goo? |
| </dl> |
| </html> |
| #errors |
| (1,6): expected-doctype-but-got-start-tag |
| (4,4): end-tag-too-early |
| (5,5): end-tag-too-early |
| (6,7): expected-one-end-tag-but-got-another |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <dl> |
| | " |
| " |
| | <dt> |
| | <b> |
| | "Boo |
| " |
| | <dd> |
| | <b> |
| | "Goo? |
| " |
| | <b> |
| | " |
| " |
| |
| #data |
| <html><body> |
| <label><a><div>Hello<div>World</div></a></label> |
| </body></html> |
| #errors |
| (1,6): expected-doctype-but-got-start-tag |
| (2,40): adoption-agency-1.3 |
| (2,48): unexpected-end-tag |
| (3,7): expected-one-end-tag-but-got-another |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | " |
| " |
| | <label> |
| | <a> |
| | <div> |
| | <a> |
| | "Hello" |
| | <div> |
| | "World" |
| | " |
| " |
| |
| #data |
| <table><center> <font>a</center> <img> <tr><td> </td> </tr> </table> |
| #errors |
| (1,7): expected-doctype-but-got-start-tag |
| (1,15): foster-parenting-start-tag |
| (1,16): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,22): foster-parenting-start-tag |
| (1,23): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,32): foster-parenting-end-tag |
| (1,32): end-tag-too-early |
| (1,33): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,38): foster-parenting-start-tag |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <center> |
| | " " |
| | <font> |
| | "a" |
| | <font> |
| | <img> |
| | " " |
| | <table> |
| | " " |
| | <tbody> |
| | <tr> |
| | <td> |
| | " " |
| | " " |
| | " " |
| |
| #data |
| <table><tr><p><a><p>You should see this text. |
| #errors |
| (1,7): expected-doctype-but-got-start-tag |
| (1,14): unexpected-start-tag-implies-table-voodoo |
| (1,17): unexpected-start-tag-implies-table-voodoo |
| (1,20): unexpected-start-tag-implies-table-voodoo |
| (1,20): closing-non-current-p-element |
| (1,21): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,22): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,23): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,24): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,25): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,26): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,27): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,28): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,29): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,30): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,31): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,32): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,33): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,34): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,35): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,36): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,37): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,38): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,39): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,40): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,41): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,42): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,43): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,44): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,45): foster-parenting-character |
| (1,45): eof-in-table |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <p> |
| | <a> |
| | <p> |
| | <a> |
| | "You should see this text." |
| | <table> |
| | <tbody> |
| | <tr> |
| |
| #data |
| <TABLE> |
| <TR> |
| <FONT> |
| <TABLE><tr></tr></TABLE> |
| </P> |
| <a></font><font></a> |
| This page contains an insanely badly-nested tag sequence. |
| #errors |
| (1,7): expected-doctype-but-got-start-tag |
| (3,8): unexpected-start-tag-implies-table-voodoo |
| (3,16): unexpected-start-tag-implies-table-voodoo |
| (4,6): unexpected-start-tag-implies-table-voodoo |
| (5,7): unexpected-start-tag-implies-end-tag |
| (7,10): adoption-agency-1.3 |
| (7,20): adoption-agency-1.3 |
| (8,57): expected-closing-tag-but-got-eof |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <center> |
| | <center> |
| | <font> |
| | " |
| " |
| | <table> |
| | " |
| " |
| | <tbody> |
| | <tr> |
| | " |
| " |
| | <td> |
| | <tr> |
| | " |
| " |
| | <table> |
| | <tbody> |
| | <tr> |
| | <font> |
| | " |
| " |
| | <p> |
| | " |
| " |
| | <a> |
| | <a> |
| | <font> |
| | <font> |
| | " |
| This page contains an insanely badly-nested tag sequence." |
| |
| #data |
| <html> |
| <body> |
| <b><nobr><div>This text is in a div inside a nobr</nobr>More text that should not be in the nobr, i.e., the |
| nobr should have closed the div inside it implicitly. </b><pre>A pre tag outside everything else.</pre> |
| </body> |
| </html> |
| #errors |
| (1,6): expected-doctype-but-got-start-tag |
| (3,56): adoption-agency-1.3 |
| (4,58): adoption-agency-1.3 |
| (5,7): expected-one-end-tag-but-got-another |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | " |
| " |
| | <b> |
| | <nobr> |
| | <div> |
| | <b> |
| | <nobr> |
| | "This text is in a div inside a nobr" |
| | "More text that should not be in the nobr, i.e., the |
| nobr should have closed the div inside it implicitly. " |
| | <pre> |
| | "A pre tag outside everything else." |
| | " |
| |
| " |