| <head> |
| <script src="../../resources/js-test-pre.js"></script> |
| </head> |
| <body> |
| <script> |
| description("This tests that document.createEvent is hooked up for all Event interfaces (and alternatives) and creates the right instance.") |
| |
| // Event |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('Event') instanceof window.Event"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('Event').constructor === window.Event"); |
| |
| // Events (Event alternative) |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('Events') instanceof window.Event"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('Events').constructor === window.Event"); |
| |
| // HTMLEvents (Event alternative) |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('HTMLEvents') instanceof window.Event"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('HTMLEvents').constructor === window.Event"); |
| |
| // CompositionEvent |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('CompositionEvent') instanceof window.CompositionEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('CompositionEvent') instanceof window.Event"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('CompositionEvent').constructor === window.CompositionEvent"); |
| |
| // CustomEvent |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('CustomEvent') instanceof window.CustomEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('CustomEvent') instanceof window.Event"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('CustomEvent').constructor === window.CustomEvent"); |
| |
| // HashChangeEvent |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('HashChangeEvent') instanceof window.HashChangeEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('HashChangeEvent') instanceof window.Event"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('HashChangeEvent').constructor === window.HashChangeEvent"); |
| |
| // KeyboardEvent |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent') instanceof window.KeyboardEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent') instanceof window.UIEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent') instanceof window.Event"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent').constructor === window.KeyboardEvent"); |
| |
| // KeyboardEvents (KeyboardEvent alternative) |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('KeyboardEvents') instanceof window.KeyboardEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('KeyboardEvents') instanceof window.UIEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('KeyboardEvents') instanceof window.Event"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('KeyboardEvents').constructor === window.KeyboardEvent"); |
| |
| // MessageEvent |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('MessageEvent') instanceof window.MessageEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('MessageEvent') instanceof window.Event"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('MessageEvent').constructor === window.MessageEvent"); |
| |
| // MouseEvent |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('MouseEvent') instanceof window.MouseEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('MouseEvent') instanceof window.UIEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('MouseEvent') instanceof window.Event"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('MouseEvent').constructor === window.MouseEvent"); |
| |
| // MouseEvents (MouseEvent alternative) |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('MouseEvents') instanceof window.MouseEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('MouseEvents') instanceof window.UIEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('MouseEvents') instanceof window.Event"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('MouseEvents').constructor === window.MouseEvent"); |
| |
| // MutationEvent |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('MutationEvent') instanceof window.MutationEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('MutationEvent') instanceof window.Event"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('MutationEvent').constructor === window.MutationEvent"); |
| |
| // MutationEvents (MutationEvent alternative) |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('MutationEvents') instanceof window.MutationEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('MutationEvents') instanceof window.Event"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('MutationEvents').constructor === window.MutationEvent"); |
| |
| // OverflowEvent |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('OverflowEvent') instanceof window.OverflowEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('OverflowEvent') instanceof window.Event"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('OverflowEvent').constructor === window.OverflowEvent"); |
| |
| // TextEvent |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('TextEvent') instanceof window.TextEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('TextEvent') instanceof window.UIEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('TextEvent') instanceof window.Event"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('TextEvent').constructor === window.TextEvent"); |
| |
| // UIEvent |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('UIEvent') instanceof window.UIEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('UIEvent') instanceof window.Event"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('UIEvent').constructor === window.UIEvent"); |
| |
| // UIEvents (UIEvent alternative) |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('UIEvents') instanceof window.UIEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('UIEvents') instanceof window.Event"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('UIEvents').constructor === window.UIEvent"); |
| |
| // WheelEvent |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('WheelEvent') instanceof window.WheelEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('WheelEvent') instanceof window.MouseEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('WheelEvent') instanceof window.UIEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('WheelEvent') instanceof window.Event"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('WheelEvent').constructor === window.WheelEvent"); |
| |
| // StorageEvent |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('StorageEvent') instanceof window.StorageEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('StorageEvent') instanceof window.Event"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('StorageEvent').constructor === window.StorageEvent"); |
| |
| // SVGZoomEvents |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('SVGZoomEvents') instanceof window.SVGZoomEvent"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('SVGZoomEvents') instanceof window.Event"); |
| shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('SVGZoomEvents').constructor === window.SVGZoomEvent"); |
| |
| // The following are here for completeness, but we won't run these tests until they are supported in more ports. |
| |
| // TouchEvent |
| // shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('TouchEvent') instanceof window.TouchEvent"); |
| // shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('TouchEvent') instanceof window.Event"); |
| // shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('TouchEvent').constructor === window.TouchEvent"); |
| |
| // DeviceMotionEvent |
| // shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('DeviceMotionEvent') instanceof window.DeviceMotionEvent"); |
| // shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('DeviceMotionEvent') instanceof window.Event"); |
| // shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('DeviceMotionEvent').constructor === window.DeviceMotionEvent"); |
| |
| // DeviceOrientationEvent |
| // shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('DeviceOrientationEvent') instanceof window.DeviceOrientationEvent"); |
| // shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('DeviceOrientationEvent') instanceof window.Event"); |
| // shouldBeTrue("document.createEvent('DeviceOrientationEvent').constructor === window.DeviceOrientationEvent"); |
| |
| // We test both a hard coded set and the automated set below (using enumeration) to ensure that a constructor being removed |
| // from the window is caught a regression. |
| |
| var allEventInterfacesCreateEvents = true; |
| for (var propertyName in window) { |
| if (propertyName.match(/Event$/) && window[propertyName].toString().match(/EventConstructor\]$/)) { |
| try { |
| if (!(document.createEvent(propertyName) instanceof window.Event)) { |
| allEventInterfacesCreateEvents = false; |
| debug("'document.createEvent(propertyName) instanceof window.Event' with propertyName: " + propertyName + " should be true but isn't"); |
| } |
| } catch (e) { |
| allEventInterfacesCreateEvents = false; |
| debug("'document.createEvent(propertyName) instanceof window.Event' with propertyName: " + propertyName + " threw an exception: " + e); |
| } |
| |
| try { |
| if (!(document.createEvent(propertyName) instanceof window[propertyName])) { |
| allEventInterfacesCreateEvents = false; |
| debug("'document.createEvent(propertyName) instanceof window[propertyName]' with propertyName: " + propertyName + " should be true but isn't"); |
| } |
| } catch (e) { |
| allEventInterfacesCreateEvents = false; |
| debug("'document.createEvent(propertyName) instanceof window[propertyName]' with propertyName: " + propertyName + " threw an exception: " + e); |
| } |
| |
| try { |
| if (!(document.createEvent(propertyName).constructor === window[propertyName])) { |
| allEventInterfacesCreateEvents = false; |
| debug("'document.createEvent(propertyName).constructor === window[propertyName]' with propertyName: " + propertyName + " should be true but isn't"); |
| } |
| } catch (e) { |
| allEventInterfacesCreateEvents = false; |
| debug("'document.createEvent(propertyName).constructor === window[propertyName]' with propertyName: " + propertyName + " threw an exception: " + e); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| shouldBeTrue('allEventInterfacesCreateEvents'); |
| </script> |
| <script src="../../resources/js-test-post.js"></script> |
| </body> |