blob: 1a6ae3f617f50c9e0db35bdffd79bd4a9c74fd42 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Fires cancel event before requestAnimationFrame
PASS Fires finish event before requestAnimationFrame
FAIL Sorts finish events by composite order assert_array_equals: finish events for various animation type should be sorted by composite order property 0, expected "CSSTransition:finish" but got "ScriptAnimation:finish"
FAIL Sorts cancel events by composite order assert_array_equals: cancel events should be sorted by composite order lengths differ, expected 5 got 3
FAIL Queues a cancel event in transitionstart event callback assert_approx_equals: A rAF callback should happen in the same frame expected 112 +/- 0.001 but got 96
FAIL Sorts events for the same transition assert_array_equals: Playback and CSS events for the same transition should be sorted by schedule event time and composite order lengths differ, expected 2 got 1
PASS Playback events with the same timeline retain the order in which they arequeued
FAIL All timelines are updated before running microtasks promise_test: Unhandled rejection with value: object "AbortError: The operation was aborted."