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<title>Processing a keyframes argument (easing)</title>
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'use strict';
test(() => {
for (const [easing, expected] of gEasingParsingTests) {
const effect = new KeyframeEffect(target, {
left: ['10px', '20px'],
easing: easing
assert_equals(effect.getKeyframes()[0].easing, expected,
`resulting easing for '${easing}'`);
}, 'easing values are parsed correctly when set on a property-indexed'
+ ' keyframe');
test(() => {
for (const [easing, expected] of gEasingParsingTests) {
const effect = new KeyframeEffect(target, [
{ offset: 0, left: '10px', easing: easing },
{ offset: 1, left: '20px' }
assert_equals(effect.getKeyframes()[0].easing, expected,
`resulting easing for '${easing}'`);
}, 'easing values are parsed correctly when using a keyframe sequence');
test(() => {
for (const invalidEasing of gInvalidEasings) {
assert_throws(new TypeError, () => {
new KeyframeEffect(target, { easing: invalidEasing });
}, `TypeError is thrown for easing '${invalidEasing}'`);
}, 'Invalid easing values are correctly rejected when set on a property-'
+ 'indexed keyframe');
test(() => {
for (const invalidEasing of gInvalidEasings) {
assert_throws(new TypeError, () => {
new KeyframeEffect(target, [{ easing: invalidEasing }]);
}, `TypeError is thrown for easing '${invalidEasing}'`);
}, 'Invalid easing values are correctly rejected when using a keyframe'
+ ' sequence');
test(() => {
let propAccessCount = 0;
const keyframe = {};
const addProp = prop => {
Object.defineProperty(keyframe, prop, {
get: () => { propAccessCount++; },
enumerable: true
keyframe.easing = 'easy-peasy';
assert_throws({ name: 'TypeError' }, () => {
new KeyframeEffect(target, keyframe);
assert_equals(propAccessCount, 2,
'All properties were read before throwing the easing error');
}, 'Errors from invalid easings on a property-indexed keyframe are thrown after reading all properties');
test(() => {
let propAccessCount = 0;
const addProp = (keyframe, prop) => {
Object.defineProperty(keyframe, prop, {
get: () => { propAccessCount++; },
enumerable: true
const kf1 = {};
addProp(kf1, 'height');
addProp(kf1, 'width');
kf1.easing = 'easy-peasy';
const kf2 = {};
addProp(kf2, 'height');
addProp(kf2, 'width');
assert_throws({ name: 'TypeError' }, () => {
new KeyframeEffect(target, [ kf1, kf2 ]);
assert_equals(propAccessCount, 4,
'All properties were read before throwing the easing error');
}, 'Errors from invalid easings on a keyframe sequence are thrown after reading all properties');