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<title>Processing a keyframes argument (property access)</title>
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'use strict';
// This file only tests the KeyframeEffect constructor since it is
// assumed that the implementation of the KeyframeEffect constructor,
// Animatable.animate() method, and KeyframeEffect.setKeyframes() method will
// all share common machinery and it is not necessary to test each method.
// Test that only animatable properties are accessed
const gNonAnimatableProps = [
'animation', // Shorthands where all the longhand sub-properties are not
// animatable, are also not animatable.
'font-size', // Supported property that uses dashes
function TestKeyframe(testProp) {
let _propAccessCount = 0;
Object.defineProperty(this, testProp, {
get: () => { _propAccessCount++; },
enumerable: true,
Object.defineProperty(this, 'propAccessCount', {
get: () => _propAccessCount
function GetTestKeyframeSequence(testProp) {
return [ new TestKeyframe(testProp) ]
for (const prop of gNonAnimatableProps) {
test(() => {
const testKeyframe = new TestKeyframe(prop);
new KeyframeEffect(null, testKeyframe);
assert_equals(testKeyframe.propAccessCount, 0, 'Accessor not called');
}, `non-animatable property '${prop}' is not accessed when using`
+ ' a property-indexed keyframe object');
for (const prop of gNonAnimatableProps) {
test(() => {
const testKeyframes = GetTestKeyframeSequence(prop);
new KeyframeEffect(null, testKeyframes);
assert_equals(testKeyframes[0].propAccessCount, 0, 'Accessor not called');
}, `non-animatable property '${prop}' is not accessed when using`
+ ' a keyframe sequence');
// Test equivalent forms of property-indexed and sequenced keyframe syntax
function assertEquivalentKeyframeSyntax(keyframesA, keyframesB) {
const processedKeyframesA =
new KeyframeEffect(null, keyframesA).getKeyframes();
const processedKeyframesB =
new KeyframeEffect(null, keyframesB).getKeyframes();
assert_frame_lists_equal(processedKeyframesA, processedKeyframesB);
const gEquivalentSyntaxTests = [
description: 'two properties with one value',
indexedKeyframes: {
left: '100px',
opacity: ['1'],
sequencedKeyframes: [
{ left: '100px', opacity: '1' },
description: 'two properties with three values',
indexedKeyframes: {
left: ['10px', '100px', '150px'],
opacity: ['1', '0', '1'],
sequencedKeyframes: [
{ left: '10px', opacity: '1' },
{ left: '100px', opacity: '0' },
{ left: '150px', opacity: '1' },
description: 'two properties with different numbers of values',
indexedKeyframes: {
left: ['0px', '100px', '200px'],
opacity: ['0', '1']
sequencedKeyframes: [
{ left: '0px', opacity: '0' },
{ left: '100px' },
{ left: '200px', opacity: '1' },
description: 'same easing applied to all keyframes',
indexedKeyframes: {
left: ['10px', '100px', '150px'],
opacity: ['1', '0', '1'],
easing: 'ease',
sequencedKeyframes: [
{ left: '10px', opacity: '1', easing: 'ease' },
{ left: '100px', opacity: '0', easing: 'ease' },
{ left: '150px', opacity: '1', easing: 'ease' },
description: 'same composite applied to all keyframes',
indexedKeyframes: {
left: ['0px', '100px'],
composite: 'add',
sequencedKeyframes: [
{ left: '0px', composite: 'add' },
{ left: '100px', composite: 'add' },
for (const {description, indexedKeyframes, sequencedKeyframes} of
gEquivalentSyntaxTests) {
test(() => {
assertEquivalentKeyframeSyntax(indexedKeyframes, sequencedKeyframes);
}, `Equivalent property-indexed and sequenced keyframes: ${description}`);
// Test handling of custom iterable objects.
function createIterable(iterations) {
return {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
let i = 0;
return {
next() {
return iterations[i++];
test(() => {
const effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, createIterable([
{ done: false, value: { left: '100px' } },
{ done: false, value: { left: '300px' } },
{ done: false, value: { left: '200px' } },
{ done: true },
assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), [
offset: null,
computedOffset: 0,
easing: 'linear',
left: '100px',
composite: 'auto',
offset: null,
computedOffset: 0.5,
easing: 'linear',
left: '300px',
composite: 'auto',
offset: null,
computedOffset: 1,
easing: 'linear',
left: '200px',
composite: 'auto',
}, 'Keyframes are read from a custom iterator');
test(() => {
const keyframes = createIterable([
{ done: false, value: { left: '100px' } },
{ done: false, value: { left: '300px' } },
{ done: false, value: { left: '200px' } },
{ done: true },
keyframes.easing = 'ease-in-out';
keyframes.offset = '0.1';
const effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, keyframes);
assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), [
offset: null,
computedOffset: 0,
easing: 'linear',
left: '100px',
composite: 'auto',
offset: null,
computedOffset: 0.5,
easing: 'linear',
left: '300px',
composite: 'auto',
offset: null,
computedOffset: 1,
easing: 'linear',
left: '200px',
composite: 'auto',
}, '\'easing\' and \'offset\' are ignored on iterable objects');
test(() => {
const effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, createIterable([
{ done: false, value: { left: '100px', top: '200px' } },
{ done: false, value: { left: '300px' } },
{ done: false, value: { left: '200px', top: '100px' } },
{ done: true },
assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), [
offset: null,
computedOffset: 0,
easing: 'linear',
left: '100px',
top: '200px',
composite: 'auto',
offset: null,
computedOffset: 0.5,
easing: 'linear',
left: '300px',
composite: 'auto',
offset: null,
computedOffset: 1,
easing: 'linear',
left: '200px',
top: '100px',
composite: 'auto',
}, 'Keyframes are read from a custom iterator with multiple properties'
+ ' specified');
test(() => {
const effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, createIterable([
{ done: false, value: { left: '100px' } },
{ done: false, value: { left: '250px', offset: 0.75 } },
{ done: false, value: { left: '200px' } },
{ done: true },
assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), [
offset: null,
computedOffset: 0,
easing: 'linear',
left: '100px',
composite: 'auto',
offset: 0.75,
computedOffset: 0.75,
easing: 'linear',
left: '250px',
composite: 'auto',
offset: null,
computedOffset: 1,
easing: 'linear',
left: '200px',
composite: 'auto',
}, 'Keyframes are read from a custom iterator with where an offset is'
+ ' specified');
test(() => {
const test_error = { name: 'test' };
const bad_keyframe = { get left() { throw test_error; } };
assert_throws(test_error, () => {
new KeyframeEffect(null, createIterable([
{ done: false, value: { left: '100px' } },
{ done: false, value: bad_keyframe },
{ done: false, value: { left: '200px' } },
{ done: true },
}, 'If a keyframe throws for an animatable property, that exception should be'
+ ' propagated');
test(() => {
assert_throws({ name: 'TypeError' }, () => {
new KeyframeEffect(null, createIterable([
{ done: false, value: { left: '100px' } },
{ done: false, value: 1234 },
{ done: false, value: { left: '200px' } },
{ done: true },
}, 'Reading from a custom iterator that returns a non-object keyframe'
+ ' should throw');
test(() => {
const effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, createIterable([
{ done: false, value: { left: '100px' } },
{ done: false }, // No value member; keyframe is undefined.
{ done: false, value: { left: '200px' } },
{ done: true },
assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), [
{ left: '100px', offset: null, computedOffset: 0, easing: 'linear', composite: 'auto' },
{ offset: null, computedOffset: 0.5, easing: 'linear', composite: 'auto' },
{ left: '200px', offset: null, computedOffset: 1, easing: 'linear', composite: 'auto' },
}, 'An undefined keyframe returned from a custom iterator should be treated as a'
+ ' default keyframe');
test(() => {
const effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, createIterable([
{ done: false, value: { left: '100px' } },
{ done: false, value: null },
{ done: false, value: { left: '200px' } },
{ done: true },
assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), [
{ left: '100px', offset: null, computedOffset: 0, easing: 'linear', composite: 'auto' },
{ offset: null, computedOffset: 0.5, easing: 'linear', composite: 'auto' },
{ left: '200px', offset: null, computedOffset: 1, easing: 'linear', composite: 'auto' },
}, 'A null keyframe returned from a custom iterator should be treated as a'
+ ' default keyframe');
test(() => {
const effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, createIterable([
{ done: false, value: { left: ['100px', '200px'] } },
{ done: true },
assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), [
{ offset: null, computedOffset: 1, easing: 'linear', composite: 'auto' }
}, 'A list of values returned from a custom iterator should be ignored');
test(() => {
const test_error = { name: 'test' };
const keyframe_obj = {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return { next() { throw test_error; } };
assert_throws(test_error, () => {
new KeyframeEffect(null, keyframe_obj);
}, 'If a custom iterator throws from next(), the exception should be rethrown');
// Test handling of invalid Symbol.iterator
test(() => {
const test_error = { name: 'test' };
const keyframe_obj = {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
throw test_error;
assert_throws(test_error, () => {
new KeyframeEffect(null, keyframe_obj);
}, 'Accessing a Symbol.iterator property that throws should rethrow');
test(() => {
const keyframe_obj = {
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return 42; // Not an object.
assert_throws({ name: 'TypeError' }, () => {
new KeyframeEffect(null, keyframe_obj);
}, 'A non-object returned from the Symbol.iterator property should cause a'
+ ' TypeError to be thrown');
test(() => {
const keyframe = {};
Object.defineProperty(keyframe, 'width', { value: '200px' });
Object.defineProperty(keyframe, 'height', {
value: '100px',
enumerable: true,
assert_equals(keyframe.width, '200px', 'width of keyframe is readable');
assert_equals(keyframe.height, '100px', 'height of keyframe is readable');
const effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, [keyframe, { height: '200px' }]);
assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), [
offset: null,
computedOffset: 0,
easing: 'linear',
height: '100px',
composite: 'auto',
offset: null,
computedOffset: 1,
easing: 'linear',
height: '200px',
composite: 'auto',
}, 'Only enumerable properties on keyframes are read');
test(() => {
const KeyframeParent = function() { this.width = '100px'; };
KeyframeParent.prototype = { height: '100px' };
const Keyframe = function() { = '100px'; };
Keyframe.prototype = Object.create(KeyframeParent.prototype);
Object.defineProperty(Keyframe.prototype, 'left', {
value: '100px',
enumerable: true,
const keyframe = new Keyframe();
const effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, [keyframe, { top: '200px' }]);
assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), [
offset: null,
computedOffset: 0,
easing: 'linear',
top: '100px',
composite: 'auto',
offset: null,
computedOffset: 1,
easing: 'linear',
top: '200px',
composite: 'auto',
}, 'Only properties defined directly on keyframes are read');
test(() => {
const keyframes = {};
Object.defineProperty(keyframes, 'width', ['100px', '200px']);
Object.defineProperty(keyframes, 'height', {
value: ['100px', '200px'],
enumerable: true,
const effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, keyframes);
assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), [
offset: null,
computedOffset: 0,
easing: 'linear',
height: '100px',
composite: 'auto',
offset: null,
computedOffset: 1,
easing: 'linear',
height: '200px',
composite: 'auto',
}, 'Only enumerable properties on property-indexed keyframes are read');
test(() => {
const KeyframesParent = function() { this.width = '100px'; };
KeyframesParent.prototype = { height: '100px' };
const Keyframes = function() { = ['100px', '200px']; };
Keyframes.prototype = Object.create(KeyframesParent.prototype);
Object.defineProperty(Keyframes.prototype, 'left', {
value: ['100px', '200px'],
enumerable: true,
const keyframes = new Keyframes();
const effect = new KeyframeEffect(null, keyframes);
assert_frame_lists_equal(effect.getKeyframes(), [
offset: null,
computedOffset: 0,
easing: 'linear',
top: '100px',
composite: 'auto',
offset: null,
computedOffset: 1,
easing: 'linear',
top: '200px',
composite: 'auto',
}, 'Only properties defined directly on property-indexed keyframes are read');
test(() => {
const expectedOrder = ['composite', 'easing', 'offset', 'left', 'marginLeft'];
const actualOrder = [];
const kf1 = {};
for (const {prop, value} of [{ prop: 'marginLeft', value: '10px' },
{ prop: 'left', value: '20px' },
{ prop: 'offset', value: '0' },
{ prop: 'easing', value: 'linear' },
{ prop: 'composite', value: 'replace' }]) {
Object.defineProperty(kf1, prop, {
enumerable: true,
get: () => { actualOrder.push(prop); return value; }
const kf2 = { marginLeft: '10px', left: '20px', offset: 1 };
new KeyframeEffect(target, [kf1, kf2]);
assert_array_equals(actualOrder, expectedOrder, 'property access order');
}, 'Properties are read in ascending order by Unicode codepoint');