blob: cf5346b799ed05dda202e6aed7171cd4212901a0 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS HTTP cache reuses a response with a future Expires
PASS HTTP cache does not reuse a response with a past Expires
PASS HTTP cache does not reuse a response with a present Expires
PASS HTTP cache does not reuse a response with an invalid Expires
PASS HTTP cache reuses a response with positive Cache-Control: max-age
PASS HTTP cache does not reuse a response with Cache-Control: max-age=0
PASS HTTP cache reuses a response with positive Cache-Control: max-age and a past Expires
PASS HTTP cache reuses a response with positive Cache-Control: max-age and an invalid Expires
PASS HTTP cache does not reuse a response with Cache-Control: max-age=0 and a future Expires
PASS HTTP cache does not prefer Cache-Control: s-maxage over Cache-Control: max-age
PASS HTTP cache does not reuse a response when the Age header is greater than its freshness lifetime
PASS HTTP cache does not store a response with Cache-Control: no-store
PASS HTTP cache does not store a response with Cache-Control: no-store, even with max-age and Expires
PASS HTTP cache stores a response with Cache-Control: no-cache, but revalidates upon use
PASS HTTP cache stores a response with Cache-Control: no-cache, but revalidates upon use, even with max-age and Expires