blob: 96d0eae77c6354e08beb60ab62be18c110224064 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Cross-origin redirection to data:text/plain;base64,cmVzcG9uc2UncyBib2R5 denied by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: URL is either a non-HTTP URL or contains credentials.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Fetch API cannot load http://localhost:8800/fetch/api/resources/ due to access control checks.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Redirection to URL with a scheme that is not HTTP(S).
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Fetch API cannot load data:text/plain;base64,cmVzcG9uc2UncyBib2R5 due to access control checks.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Unsafe attempt to load URL data:text/plain;base64,cmVzcG9uc2UncyBib2R5 from origin http://localhost:8800. Domains, protocols and ports must match.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Cross-origin redirection to data:text/plain;base64,cmVzcG9uc2UncyBib2R5 denied by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: URL is either a non-HTTP URL or contains credentials.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Fetch API cannot load due to access control checks.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Redirection to URL with a scheme that is not HTTP(S).
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Fetch API cannot load data:text/plain;base64,cmVzcG9uc2UncyBib2R5 due to access control checks.
PASS Testing data URL loading after same-origin redirection (cors mode)
PASS Testing data URL loading after same-origin redirection (no-cors mode)
PASS Testing data URL loading after same-origin redirection (same-origin mode)
PASS Testing data URL loading after cross-origin redirection (cors mode)
PASS Testing data URL loading after cross-origin redirection (no-cors mode)