blob: ec24c35ca1c5ea85948e543bb64a2275fba20e45 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Method OK is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Methods.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Method PUT is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Methods.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Request header field X-Test is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Request header field X-Test is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Method PUT is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Methods.
PASS CORS that succeeds with credentials: false; method: GET (allowed: get); header: X-Test,1 (allowed: x-test)
PASS CORS that succeeds with credentials: false; method: SUPER (allowed: *); header: X-Test,1 (allowed: x-test)
PASS CORS that succeeds with credentials: false; method: OK (allowed: *); header: X-Test,1 (allowed: *)
PASS CORS that fails with credentials: true; method: OK (allowed: *); header: X-Test,1 (allowed: *)
PASS CORS that fails with credentials: true; method: PUT (allowed: *); header: (allowed: )
PASS CORS that succeeds with credentials: true; method: PUT (allowed: PUT); header: (allowed: *)
PASS CORS that fails with credentials: true; method: GET (allowed: get); header: X-Test,1 (allowed: *)
PASS CORS that fails with credentials: true; method: GET (allowed: *); header: X-Test,1 (allowed: *)
PASS CORS that succeeds with credentials: true; method: * (allowed: *); header: *,1 (allowed: *)
PASS CORS that fails with credentials: true; method: PUT (allowed: put); header: (allowed: *)