blob: c2971c2e411aacb734b01dfbb641713a65a61fc6 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Refused to load http://localhost:8800/content-security-policy/support/fail.png?t=1 because it does not appear in the img-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Refused to load http://www2.localhost:8800/content-security-policy/support/fail.png?t=2 because it does not appear in the img-src directive of the Content Security Policy.
Blocked access to external URL http://www1.localhost:8800/common/
Blocked access to external URL http://www1.localhost:8800/common/
Harness Error (TIMEOUT), message = null
PASS Direct block, same-origin = full URL in report
TIMEOUT Direct block, cross-origin = full URL in report Test timed out
TIMEOUT Block after redirect, same-origin = original URL in report Test timed out
PASS Block after redirect, cross-origin = original URL in report
PASS Violation report status OK.