| <!doctype html> |
| <html> |
| <head> |
| <script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script> |
| <script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> |
| </head> |
| <body> |
| <script type="application/javascript"> |
| test(() => { |
| assert_true(!!window.internals); |
| const maplike = internals.createInternalsMapLike(); |
| assert_array_equals(maplike.inspectKeys(), ["init"], "init keys"); |
| assert_array_equals(maplike.inspectValues(), [0], "init values"); |
| assert_true(maplike.has("init")); |
| |
| maplike.set("testA", 1); |
| assert_array_equals(maplike.inspectKeys(), ["init", "testA"]); |
| assert_array_equals(maplike.inspectValues(), [0, 1]); |
| maplike.set("testA", 2); |
| assert_array_equals(maplike.inspectKeys(), ["init", "testA"]); |
| assert_array_equals(maplike.inspectValues(), [0, 2]); |
| maplike.set("testB", 3); |
| assert_array_equals(maplike.inspectKeys(), ["init", "testA", "testB"]); |
| assert_array_equals(maplike.inspectValues(), [0, 2, 3]); |
| |
| maplike.delete("init"); |
| assert_array_equals(maplike.inspectKeys(), ["testA", "testB"]); |
| assert_array_equals(maplike.inspectValues(), [2, 3]); |
| |
| assert_equals(maplike.size, 2, "size"); |
| |
| let entriesTest = ""; |
| for (let entry of maplike.entries()) { |
| entriesTest += entry; |
| entriesTest += ' '; |
| } |
| assert_equals(entriesTest, "testA,2 testB,3 ", "entries test"); |
| |
| let valuesTest = ""; |
| for (let entry of maplike.values()) { |
| valuesTest += entry; |
| } |
| assert_equals(valuesTest, "23", "values test"); |
| |
| let keysTest = ""; |
| for (let entry of maplike.keys()) { |
| keysTest += entry; |
| } |
| assert_equals(keysTest, "testAtestB", "keys test"); |
| |
| let forEachTest = ""; |
| maplike.forEach((value, key, object) => { |
| forEachTest += key; |
| forEachTest += ','; |
| forEachTest += value; |
| forEachTest += ' '; |
| assert_equals(object, maplike); |
| }); |
| assert_equals(forEachTest, "testA,2 testB,3 ", "forEach test"); |
| |
| maplike.clear(); |
| assert_array_equals(maplike.inspectKeys(), []); |
| assert_array_equals(maplike.inspectValues(), []); |
| }, "Basic add/remove/clear functionality"); |
| </script> |
| </body> |
| </html> |